I had the same happen - had to ask sighted assistance as you can't get to the
controls with VO keys or trackpad.
Best wishes
On 22 Aug 2011, at 22:37, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> Figured I would install Flash as my first application, going to need it
> eventually. Got the link to
When i tried Openoffice i found a couple of show stoppers:
the paragraphs or even new lines were presented as separate edit boxes making
it impossible to read using the "say all" command vo+a. I couldn't select long
blocks of text to delete, move or otherwise manipulate, thereby making this
The DVD, which you download from the AppStore, is 3.82GB, it is also by
chance, if you have it as a USB key, i meen, do you get the entire OS X
drive where you can also say custumise during installation?
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo"
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:06
I had disabled it before giving back the mac with cmd f5 and did not to my
knowledg change startup option.
I suppose she has restarted it.
(Sent from my phone)
Please check out my new CD at www.ioanagandrabur.com or on itunes.
On Aug 22, 2011, at 11:15 PM, james Walton wrote:
Would this affect the mac even when vo is off?
(Sent from my phone)
Please check out my new CD at www.ioanagandrabur.com or on itunes.
On Aug 22, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I'd guess maybe you turned on quick nav by mistake. Press left and right
> arrow at the same time to togg
Can someone suggest a nice sound system that would take advantage of the
mini's optical out connector?
BTW: I have been running my new model Mac Mini for several days without a
connected monitor and everything works fine.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro
Hi Linda,
If you have 2 mailboxes and you want to easily switch between them, here's how
to do it. If you need more help, let me know.
First, you will want to have both mailboxes in your favorites bar. You can do
this using the new drag and drop procedure in voice over. First, look where the
I git that too. and then it only reads the 12 hour time even though my macbook
is set for 24 hour.
On Aug 22, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Candie Stiles wrote:
> Yes I've experienced the very same thing. Some times I need to press the key
> combination twice before getting a response.
> On Aug 22, 2011, a
Hi Falcon, Chad, Christopher and others,
The problem is indeed, that I would like to bump the trackpad out of existence.
I did find that if you have an external mouse, you can disable the internal
trackpad, but that is not what I'm hoping to find. Just like on a windows
laptop, I want to turn it
Just finished downloading Libre Office and it still has the table
problem. I insert a new 2 by 2 table and as I navigate the cells they
are all announced as "Edit Text" so there is no way to know which row of
column I'm in. Well, there is the trick I posted about a while back of
setting a live
I have a very old Denon with optical inputs. I plugged the MacMini into
the same connector as my DVD player used to be and it just worked.
Playing a DVD does the full 5.1 surround sound from the mini's optical
audio out. Only hard part was coming up with the little TOSLink to
regular square opt
Hi Mac People,
I recently heard system has new window. This happened soon after I turned on my
MBP. I am now unable to view this window so that I may read what it has to say.
Is there a key combination that I can go to that window and read it's contents?
Any and all suggestions would be great
10.4.1 works fine here with no problems at all. I can now go through the list
of music without having to interact first. I am using sl.
On Aug 22, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Have you tried it under SL to see if the problem with locking up has been
> fixed fo
iTunes 10.4.1 is Released with VoiceOver Fixes
Apple has released an update to iTunes, it's flagship media management and
storefront software. The release notes list VoiceOver fixes among the changes in
version 10.4.1, which should please users who have struggled with version 10.4
in recent weeks.
I am new to this list and new to the mac mini. I recieve my e-mail and it is
always from newest to oldest. Could someone tell me how to read it from oldest
to newest please.
I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.
Oh could you tell me if my signature is going thr
This is discussed in more detail in an earlier thread, but basically
it's like this. The Kindle and Kobo Mac apps are not accessible. The
only passable way to read e-books is with Adobe Digital Editions. You
can buy Adobe incripted ePubs or pdfs from e-book shops like Kobo
and then read the
Hi Jennifer!
To sort your messages!
Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to oldest
That command will sort other Columbus for other use's like making your music
artist list A to Z if they are not sorted that way!
And no your signature is not there!
PS. t
Hi all,
I am wondering what people use for media playback. On Windows,
there is a great program called Mapler that can play most any
audio file type and provides keyboard shortcuts to control pitch,
speed, frequency, and more. What I like is that I can change the
key if I need to practice pl
VLC is great. It will do most of what you are looking for, especially
play most media files and increase playback speed.
On 8/23/11, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am wondering what people use for media playback. On Windows,
> there is a gre
What about during spell check. How do you add a word to the dictionary, and
how do you ignore words?
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
(Marriage group) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/committed-married-christians
-Original Message
Try holding down the VO keys and press F2 twice. This should allow you to arrow
through the active windows. Press enter on the one you wish to interact with.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher wrote:
> Hi Mac People,
> I recently heard system has new window. This happene
Hi Kliphton!
Well in the spellcheck window after the table of suggestions there is a learn
and ignore buttons and a define one as well!
hth Colin
On 23 Aug 2011, at 18:51, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
> What about during spell check. How do you add a word to the dictionary, and
> how do you ignore word
Hi Hai!
Sometimes I get a message about something and when I try to go to it, it says
that it has no windows and there is no sign of it in the window chooser but the
item is still there!
Something about system something or other!
Any ideas?
On 23 Aug 2011, at 18:51, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:
Oh, I knew that, thought there was a key combo I could use.
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com
(Marriage group) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/committed-married-christians
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.co
Hi Craig and Others,
The AppleScript for saying time does not pay attention to the "Use a 24-hour
clock" check box on the Clock tab of the "Date & Time" menu under System
Preferences. That check box only affects the way time is displayed on the
status bar menu. Furthermore, the format of the
I'm getting ready to do a presentation and have put it together in
Keynote. Besides text I have some images which I want to add text
descriptions for. Anyone know how to do this? When I output the
presentation as PDF the images have no text so VO just skips right over
them. Other presentation s
I'd just like to ask why (if it's still that way now-a-day) people
have to contact a group admin to subscribe to MacVisionaries and the
iPhone-list? IMO it would be better if people can subscribe, and
admins just accept them. What's your thoughts?
Kind regards David
You received this messa
I agree 110 percent! I got a Mac Tuesday night and could not ask
anything until mid Thursday because of that delay. I am not sure what
the reasoning behind the setup is, but it seems like a hinderance and
a turn-off for potential users, plus an unnecessary delay for those
who need to get help doing
Could be just a way to moderate and regulate admissions. Or else to build a
profile of users?
Someone might have been kicked off for some misdemeanour and this exercise may
be a way to flush them out. You don't want troublesome people kicking in and
out from time to time..
However, I agree t
Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed this
feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere
that with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which
I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't
figure out how to do it. I checked the context m
Oh gall, shipping says the Mac will arrive tomorrow!
Any last minute tips for when I open and start it up?
If I remember correctly our wireless network is hidden, will this be
challenging for the Mac, or should I say for the Mac user? Lol!
Also, I have found plenty of podcasts on using VO, b
Hi all,
I set vo to play a tone when a progress indicator changes. I
thought this would give me rising tones, much like the NVDA
screen reader has. Instead, I seem to only get a click every
second, and only when the vo cursor is on an indicator. This
means I have no way to know how far alon
Hi Missy!
Well I do not know if this will do a whole doc!
But vo+shift+Z Will copy last phrase to desktop as audio file!
hth Colin
On 23 Aug 2011, at 22:51, Missy Hoppe wrote:
> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed this
> feature existed, but I thought I read so
Hi all,
Sorry for the flood of emails.
When editing, such as in an email or edit field on a webpage, how
does one move around? I know that quick nav must be off, that
left and right arrows move by character, and that up and down
move by line, but that is it. I expected home/end to move to the
Hmm. I'm not sure that will do what I'm wanting either, but at least it's a
place to start. I can play around with it and see
what happens. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf
Dear Group,
After speaking to a couple representatives for a couple applications I'm
interested in buying but wanting to make sure they'll be accessible with VO, I
decided to download the demo versions of these applications. The first
application I tried has now appeared in my downloads. I pr
Move left one character: left arrow,
move right one character: right arrow,
Move left one word: option left arrow,
Move right one word: option right arrow,
Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
Move to the previous paragraph option
I know a couple of these commands. You can use command-left and
command-right-arrows to go to the start and end of the line; option left- and
right-arrows to navigate by word. I am not sure if there's a way to move by
paragraph. I would think these commands work best in an editable document with
On Sno Leopard I listened to CNN's audio stream using Flip for Mac. Now with
Lion I can no longer listen. I've checked for updates for Flip for Mac in
system prefs, but it says it's up to date. Can anyone help me figure out how to
listen to CNN on my Mac?
Brett C.
You received this messag
with Safari in lion how do I set it so when i lunch it it go toe the home page
instead of the last page visited?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsubsc
Thank you very much.
Have a great day.
Jenny and Brooks my Goofy Guide
On Aug 23, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Jennifer!
> To sort your messages!
> Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to oldest
> first!
> That command will sort other Columbus for oth
hi all,
i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i still cannot
arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to list view. i am running
snow leopard.
i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.
You received this message because you are subs
This might be a sill question but, do you have quick nav on?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 23, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hi all,
> i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i still
> cannot a
before quitting safari with command Q, press command option W to close all
windows. This way, only your designated homepage will open the next time you
launch Safari.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:50 PM, craig J
I would recommend using command left and right arrow to move to the beginning
or end of a line. It works more consistently in my opinion.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Move left one
Hi there dus anny one know of a good utility for the mac to play, manage
subscriptions and more that is accessible for the mac?
Just wondering what other's are using to watch you toob videos.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
Thanks everyone. So it is all about the arrow keys, and which
modifiers are used. That makes more sense than the window model,
actually. Now all I have to do is remember all of those modifiers...
On 8/23/11, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I would recommend using command left and right arrow to m
I created that dvd using the installesd.dmg and with all certainty I
can confirm it is not the complete os, as I used it on 3 machines, on a
macbook early 2009 it wanted to sign into the app store to download
components, same dvd on a macmini standard configuration and an imac
from last year it
Here's what you do. BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard. Go to system
prefs and select keyboard. Now select the keyboard shortcuts tab. In the
first table you encounter, choose services. Now in the second table interact,
then arrow down to "add to iTunes as a spoken track" Make
no there isn't. but, if you navigate to the progress indicater, pressing VO A
will read the progress.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I set vo to play a tone when a progress
Hi all,
as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
to have?
i've req
Office for Mac is not accessible with VoiceOver.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
> Hi all,
> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
> provide them with a list of programs that i w
Hi Joanne!
ms office is not useable on the Mac unless you set up windows as another part
of your Mac!
Look at posts about bootcamp or fusion!
hth Colin
On 24 Aug 2011, at 01:47, Joanne Chua wrote:
> Hi all,
> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processor mac book pro from my
> university, and i'm
hi all!
thanks alot for the news. i appreciate it alot :)
after read about the emails here, i just made a quick call to my
disability team on campus and just in time for them to change it
before they perchase Office for Mac.
for sure, i'll have plenty of question and problems ahead of me as i'm
Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in Snow
Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing
around in lion for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get anywhere.
I think I was messing up regarding that third
column, so I'll have to try to look at that again w
No problem,
BTW, I should have mentioned this before. When you do the text to audio
conversion, it makes an AAC file by default. You can always create an mp3
version afterwards of course.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 23, 201
hi i'm having trouble making a mp3 i defined a keyboard shortcut its not working
i checked the menu bar but no luck
i opened a rtf file and selected all the text then looked for the command in
the menu bar no luck and tried my shortcut no luck there
any suggestions
On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:05
Thanks! That's good to know. Any idea approximately how long the process takes?
It's supposedly working on it now, but I'm
afraid to touch anything until I know the process is complete. Your
instructions worked perfectly under Snow Leopard by the
way; maybe I will attempt it with Lion again some
hi i can't add anything as a spoken track in iTunes
i followed ricardo's instructions add to iTunes as a spoken track isn't showing
up in the menu bar
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvis
Hello again. Sorry to bother you, but how do I convert the file that imports
into Itunes into an mp3, or even an .ogg. I
copied the file, which was insanely huge by the way, onto a flash drive so that
I could convert it in gold wave, but it's an
m4A or something like that, and goldwave can't open
Go with iwork, microsoft office on the mac is not accessible, you could also
try open office, which is free. Iwork is able to open and save Microsoft Office
files, but if you need to use office natively, consider installing windows on
your mac.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 7:47 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
1. In Safari Prefs in the General pane, set New Windows to open with Homepage.
2. In System prefs in the General pane, uncheck the checkbox related to
"Restore Windows when Quitting and Reopening Apps".
In most cases that will do it. Some people have had to also set the Remember
Recent A
Hi Denise,
Arrow navigation does now work properly in Lion and the navigation through the
Music Library has also reverted to regular "no hesitation" as in previous
versions of iTunes.. In the Software Update notes pertaining to iTunes, it
mentions that it is now fully compatible to Lion which
hi everyone,
has anyone ever figured how to configure out how to set up the mail me
notification for growl
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There's a couple ways you can do it. You can convert with iTunes. Open up
iTunes and then open up iTunes prefs with command comma. Then find the import
settings button (which is found under the general tab) and select the file type
you want iTunes to use for conversion. Once you've sele
I tried OO a couple of years back when I was having trouble working on
a common document with a sighted friend who was using Word on a fairly
old Windows OS and wasn't all that tech minded. It worked well for
that purpose, although I preferred Text Edit as a much simpler way of
going about
I have also noticed a lag in Lion as well. When I was using Snow Leopard,
VoiceOver responds instantly when I press the keyboard commander for the time
script. Now in Lion, I've experienced at least a 1.5 second lag.
And yes, I have checked allow VoiceOver to be controlled by Apple Script.
On A
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