mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread May McDonald
I know this has been gone over before and I had the email but it seems to have disappeared somewhere in space. For now which client works with the Mac? I know there's one that sort of works with voiceover. Wanted to give it another try to see if maybe something out there works now. Getting real

Re: mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread Oriol Gómez
I use mushclient on windows, but I havent found anything for the mac. I nkow there's tintin++ which is supposed to work with voice over but i have no idea. Someone please shed light on things. On 4/23/11, May McDonald wrote: > I know this has been gone over before and I had the email but it seems

Re: mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread Chris Snyder
There's an Ios mud client that works really well with VoiceOver called, TMC Game Client. Of course, there are no sfx for it, but it's really easy to read the output and keep up. I heard something like Atlantis or something like that was the name of the Mac one. It does kinda work from my vague m

Open attachements in rtfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi All, does anyone know how to open attachements in rtfd files on a Mac in Snow Leopard? I tried to press VO + spacebar but it didn't work. Then I tried to open it from the context menue and eventually I tried to route the cursor to it and clicked it by pressing VO + Shift + Spacebar. Unfort

Re: A Few Questions About My New iPAD2.

2011-04-23 Thread Chinyoka on Macbook
Hi Georges, You have to delete the device backup of the device that's not working. Well, every time you connect a device, iTunes tries to make a backup before any syncing, so go to your iTunes Preferences. Navigate to the Devices page and the first field you tab to should be "Backup". If you're

Re: Open attachements in rtfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Chinyoka on Macbook
RTFD files are just rich text format with graphics, so unless any other appp was set to open it, it should open using TextEdit by default. Just press Command+O and TextEdit should load the document. Other alternatives could be just opening the context menu and navigate to "Open With" submenu

Re: A growl tip

2011-04-23 Thread Colin M
Hi Kevin! Ok in the place for events that you can select what event does what thing! On mine where it says speak text, it has in all events like [ online] it has "@" before the came online! So if in yours there is no "@" try adding it! Or it might be you have not set them up in notifications in Sk

Re: A Few Questions About My New iPAD2.

2011-04-23 Thread Scott Howell
WIth regard to the Weather app, the iPad does not have this app, CLock app, or Calculator app. On Apr 23, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Chinyoka on Macbook wrote: > Hi Georges, > > You have to delete the device backup of the device that's not working. Well, > every time you connect a device, iTunes tries

Re: Open attachements in rtfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Ishe, what I actually want to do is opening the attached file. The rtfd file itselve has been opened by Textedit of course. But I can't figure out a way to open the attachment with VoiceOver. Greets Jürgen Am 23.04.2011 um 11:57 schrieb Chinyoka on Macbook: > RTFD files are just rich text

No Braille drivers for the latest IOS

2011-04-23 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi. Don't know if anyone can help. I had to reformat my phone due to Mobile Me not being able to work on my Iphone 4. This was a fresh install after a year of not doing a fresh install. When it came to pair my Essys Braille Display (it's a 40) display, I got a message to say that there were

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
Lol, Yes, I think you might be. :). I think one issue is knowing and consenting to being tracked. And its not so much apple you should worry about but, people inside and outside of apple that could get hold of such information. Even the government under some security act or another could fo

Re: apple tracking yyou?

2011-04-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
I couldn't disagree more with the end of your message. So what if they've done a lot for accessibility? What does that have to do with collecting private information on people? lol. Just because you do a good thing, doesn't mean your faults should be overlooked. Ricardo Walker rwalker...@gm

Apple TV and streaming movies

2011-04-23 Thread Jenny Wood
Good day all! Okay, so my husband and I just purchased a new Apple TV, and so far, we love it! Streaming Netflix is absolutely awesome, and I love having so many choices of streaming internet radio stations to listen to. My question though, is concerning movies. Can one stream movies using a

Re: mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread Jane
Where do you get this client? Jane On Apr 23, 2011, at 4:54 AM, Chris Snyder wrote: > There's an Ios mud client that works really well with VoiceOver called, TMC > Game Client. Of course, there are no sfx for it, but it's really easy to read > the output and keep up. I heard something like At

Re: mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread Jane
Found it. Link for the US store is: Jane On Apr 23, 2011, at 4:54 AM, Chris Snyder wrote: > There's an Ios mud client that works really well with VoiceOver called, TMC > Game Client. Of course, there are no sfx for it, but it's

opening a pdf in page or edit text won't work.

2011-04-23 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi all. I'm trying to open a pdf about Objective-C in pages, but it refuses to let me open it. The open button is dimmed in the open with dialog if I choose pages as the application to open the pdf with. I can open it in Edit Text, but all I get is garbage characters. This is the Objective-C b

Re: A Few Questions About My New iPAD2.

2011-04-23 Thread Georges Zaynoun
Ok I deleted that, now if I have an ios device that was authorized with a computer to a friend and it certainly is named after his computer, how can I associate it with my pc to carry my name instead? Thanks. Original message: Hi Georges, You have to delete the device backup of the device tha

Re: A Few Questions About My New iPAD2.

2011-04-23 Thread Georges Zaynoun
Ok, I want these missing apps on my ipad, can I get an accessible ipad version of them from the app store? Suggestions please, thanks. Original message: With regard to the Weather app, the iPad does not have this app, Clock app, or Calculator app. On Apr 23, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Chinyoka on Macb

Re: opening a pdf in page or edit text won't work.

2011-04-23 Thread Chinyoka on Macbook
Hi, You can only export to PDF when using Pages, otherwise Pages won't open PDF files. Why not try Skim? It would remember your last spot in a document such that you will simply start where you left off. As for Previiew doing what it is doing, I think before reading any document, make sure you

Re: Open attachements in rtfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Chinyoka on Macbook
Hi Jürgen Okay, What I do is just scroll to the end of the message with the attachment. I just hit the RETURN key on the name of the attachment and it will open. Another way If I don't want to read the whole message is just press Command+Y to view the attachment in Quick Look, and to save the a

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Mike Arrigo
Also, what people don't realize is that all smart phones do this, not just apple. Android does, and most likely, blackberries do too. So, it's not just an Apple thing. On Apr 22, 2011, at 6:09 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > Oh, great! So, just don't go where you don't belong, and what's the big > s

Re: apple tracking yyou?

2011-04-23 Thread Aman Singer
Hello, Karen and James. The program you link to, Karen, is a viewer of the data collected by iOS 4.x. The source code for this program is available. The program I linked to, and which I suggested that people might wish to be weary of, is one to destroy the data as it is collected. Its sourc

Re: Open attachements in rtfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Ishe, that works in Mail but not in Textedit. I've never seen a possibility to save an attachement in Textedit and CMD + Y doesn't work too. But thanks for your efforts. Jürgen Am 23.04.2011 um 16:48 schrieb Chinyoka on Macbook: > Hi Jürgen > > Okay, What I do is just scroll to the end of

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Kevin Mattingly
This is really a husband tracking device. I know my wife will want one to keep an eye on where my cane and I are at any given time. Kev On Apr 23, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > Also, what people don't realize is that all smart phones do this, not just > apple. Android does, and most

Re: Activating a bookmark in safari

2011-04-23 Thread Kimberly thurman
Well, you learn something new everyday. Thanks Ray! :) On Apr 23, 2011, at 1:35 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Nothing to fix. to activate the book mark you select, just use command+down > arrow. > > YOu guys are making much too much work for yourselves. > > > Sincerely, > The Constantly Barefoo

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Pete Nalda
Yes, any platform can do this, and carrier, and app maker when you use that app. Even Wifi Hotspots report which devices connect to their hotspots. And thus anyone with the access to that information can see where you are. It's just something we'll all have to deal with in the current times.

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why would you make that leap? until yesterday, people didn't know android phones did it as well. I don't think one can say with certainty, just because Android and Apple collects this data that windows phone 7, Symbian, RIM, and web OS does the same. Ricardo Walker Twitt

Re: Apple TV and streaming movies

2011-04-23 Thread Mike Huckabay
Hi Jenny One thing you could do to be able to stream tv and movies from your iTunes on your mac to your apple tv is enabling home sharing that way you could stream movies and tv across your network to your apple tv. If I can help further send a privet message to I h

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, Mike. You write > Also, what people don't realize is that all smart phones do this, not just > apple. Android does, and most likely, blackberries do too. So, it's not just > an Apple thing. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "this", but you seem to be saying that Android and iOS are doing the

Re: Apple TV and streaming movies

2011-04-23 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi there. Thank you so very much for the response! Actually, we had already enabled homesharing and were able to see our music, but for some reason the movies were not available. Strangely enough though, after my husband converted another movie to the appropriate format and added it to our li

Safari Reader Question

2011-04-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
All: I just figured out how to use Safari reader, command shift r. My issue is it doesn't work every time. Why won't it work on all articles? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@

Re: I've made peace with iTunes (mostly)

2011-04-23 Thread Esther
Hi Deborah and Others, The ilounge site is, indeed, the best source of general tutorials on iTunes, and I've previously posted some links to their tutorials. The web site is much easier to navigate with the mobile version of the site, because there are many graphics and ads. Here is the lin

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, John Gruber has a great collection of pointers on this subject: Two of the most interesting:

Re: Safari Reader Question

2011-04-23 Thread Chris Moore
My guess is that Safari looks for a print.css version of the web page as that would provide a printer friendly version of the page with no usual page furniture. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is CSS related. On 23 Apr 2011, at 21:28, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > All: > I just figured o

Re: Safari Reader Question

2011-04-23 Thread E.J. Zufelt
Interesting guess My guess is that it either looks for html5 semantic elements indicating main article content, or that it uses a heuristic to determine which portion of the page represents the article. Everett Zufelt Follow me on Twitter View my L

Re: iOS 4.3.2: New Software Keyboard Rotor Option

2011-04-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello all, Just one quick note: this new rotor option was added in IOS 4.3.0. This was also when the 4 finger flick up or down to go to the top or bottom of the screen was replaced with the 4 finger tap at the top half or bottom half of the screen, eliminating all 4 finger swipe gestures. Che

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread Scott Howell
Ricardo, If you stop and think about it the reality is you are being tracked in some fashion. COnsider when you use a debit/credit card, GPS device, electronic pass for rail or bus systems (that use such), and what about electronic toll devices and the like. The greater concern is how the data

Re: Safari Reader Question

2011-04-23 Thread Esther
Hi Sarai, On Apr 23, 2011, at 10:28, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > All: > I just figured out how to use Safari reader, command shift r. My issue is it > doesn't work every time. Why won't it work on all articles? > Safari Reader actually borrowed an algorithm from the folks who ran the Arc90 lab

Re: A Few Questions About My New iPAD2.

2011-04-23 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Georges, There are no iPad versions of theWeather, Clock and Calculator apps that come pre-installed in iPhones and (I guess) iPods. For an alarm clock, try Alarmed. For weather, I've heard good things of Pocket Weather and Weather Bug, but you can also just use: http://braille.wundergro

quick way to turn off vo on apple tv?

2011-04-23 Thread Mary Otten
Sorry for the cross post, but I wasn't really sure which list to post to, since it relates to an apple tv, not a Mac or an Iphone. anyway, I'm looking for a way to easily turn off VO, as with tripple click home on the IPod et al. I don't think there is such a way, but I want to make sure before

extremely frustrated re: reading pfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi all. I've ben trying all day to get various programs to work well reading PDFs on the Mac and have gotten no where fast. The programs I've tried are Adobe reader 10, Stanza, Skim, Preview, Safari, and Text Edit. These each have bugs that either make the document unreadable or difficult to

using iPod controls on iPhone without unlocking the phone

2011-04-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all, >From everything that I have read, tapping the home key twice while the phone >is locked is supposed to give you access to iPod controls without having to >unlock the screen. But this has never worked on my iPhone. I've checked iPod >settings, but don't find anything that would contro

Re: using iPod controls on iPhone without unlocking the phone

2011-04-23 Thread ShamelessFanGirl
You have to hit the sleep button first. Hth Twitter: @IndigoCellist Skype: shameless_FanGirl Sent from my iPhone On Apr 23, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > Hi all, > > From everything that I have read, tapping the home key twice while the phone > is locked is supposed to give you

Re: Safari Reader Question

2011-04-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi: Thank you. What is the Mac Access list? On Apr 23, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi Sarai, > > On Apr 23, 2011, at 10:28, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > >> All: >> I just figured out how to use Safari reader, command shift r. My issue is it >> doesn't work every time. Why won't it work on a

Re: using iPod controls on iPhone without unlocking the phone

2011-04-23 Thread Esther
Hi Donna, As noted by Shameless, your iPhone screen has to be locked in order for you to access the iPod controls without unlocking the device. So either your screen is already locked, or you've pressed the sleep/wake button to lock it. Now, when you click once on the Home button you'll hear

Re: using iPod controls on iPhone without unlocking the phone

2011-04-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Did that. Thanks though, Donna On Apr 23, 2011, at 7:36 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote: > You have to hit the sleep button first. > > Hth > > > Twitter: @IndigoCellist > > Skype: shameless_FanGirl > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Apr 23, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > >> Hi all, >>

Re: using iPod controls on iPhone without unlocking the phone

2011-04-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hello Esther, Once again you're brilliant!:) I was missing the first single click. I've always wondered why this seemed to work for everyone but me. Thank you, this will be very handy. Best, Donna On Apr 23, 2011, at 9:01 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi Donna, > > As noted by Shameless, your iP

Re: extremely frustrated re: reading pfd files

2011-04-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Tony: People have done well with getting preview to do this. I haven't ever done well with pdf documents. However, the Pages program will also work with pdf. And you can buy just that app from the mac store, which you'll find in your Apple menu, (vo-shift-M and vo-arrow down to mac store.

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Mike: I did in fact read somewhere, (and of course I don't remember the source), that all new cellphones are built with the tracking chip in them, and have been for a couple of years. I believe the initial idea was to help with tracing calls and/or catching criminal/terrorists. But, again,

Re: mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Chris: Please excuse my ignorance. But, what are muds, and what is a mud client. Thanks in advance. On Apr 23, 2011, at 2:54 AM, Chris Snyder wrote: > There's an Ios mud client that works really well with VoiceOver called, TMC > Game Client. Of course, there are no sfx for it, but it's really

Re: apple tracking yyou?

2011-04-23 Thread Chris Snyder
Um, socialists in DC, try corporatists. See, despite what some media figures tell us, the fusion of the corporation with the state is actually defined as fascism. Sorry, but it does matter to get the definitions right. Now, in order to get this back on topic, I'm sure that now they've been caught

Re: apple tracking yyou?

2011-04-23 Thread Chris Snyder
Um, socialists in DC, try corporatists. See, despite what some media figures tell us, the fusion of the corporation with the state is actually defined as fascism. Sorry, but it does matter to get the definitions right. So those who would see our government in the states meld with big business an

Re: extremely frustrated re: reading pfd files

2011-04-23 Thread Esther
Hi Tony, I'm sorry to hear you're having a difficult time reading the Objective C book on your Mac. I went back to look at the Objective C book in PDF format that you referenced, and this is readable in Preview provided that you remember to interact with the material. I can get this to work

Re: A growl tip

2011-04-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
How do i set them up in Notifications in Skype? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@goo