Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread Ian Robinson
Hi All, I too use the Copy Last Phrase command and find it extremely useful. However, I usually Press VO v to display the Verbosity Dialogue and set Verbosity to Low first. Then the copy doesn't include "heading level 3", "link", etc. Regards. Ian On 23 Mar 2011, at 06:33, Simon Cavendish w

Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Guys, I was looking at my podcasts in iTunes on the Mac and I noticed that I couldn't operate the expand disclosure triangle except by accident. I have no idea how I did it. I have enough vision to do it with my trackpad and my fingers. But I was, I thought, in the LCD section of the iTunes w

Re: Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
Did you try VO-backslash (above the enter key on many keyboards)? Teresa On Mar 23, 2011, at 12:27 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Guys, > I was looking at my podcasts in iTunes on the Mac and I noticed that I > couldn't operate the expand disclosure triangle except by accident. I have > no idea how

Re: acapella voices

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Guys, I've been thinking of buying some new voice is just so I can get a break from Alex from time to time. Where can I get some? Cost? Thanks, Kevin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisio

Question about trackpad

2011-03-23 Thread Kimberly
Hi guys, I've been wanting to experiment with using trackpad gestures to perform some vo functions like interact with element as I seem to have trouble pressing control, option and shift simultaneously. The problem is I can't get my trackpad to speak when I touch it. I know the trackpad is respond

Re: Question about trackpad

2011-03-23 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Kimber, You can start by turning on the trackpad commander. You can do this either in Voiceover utility or by putting two fingers down on the pad and rotating them clockwise while holding down control and option. I personally use this latter method with my right thumb and index finger. It m

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread Colin M
Hi there! :] I like that copy to clipboard enough to make a keyboard commander shortcut! I've set right option+c to do that command! Colin Qapla! Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak On 23 Mar 2011, at 07:15, Ian Robinson wrote: > Hi All, > > I too use the Copy Last Phrase command and find it extremely u

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Simon: I've heard about this but never got it to work for me. I'm thinking now from what you've said it's probably a timing thing on my part. Thanks for that little detail. Enjoy your day. Ca On Mar 23, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote: > I have learnt to use yet another techniqu

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Carolyn, If you have VoiceOver set to announce when a modifier key is pressed, the VO command to copy last spoken phrase to the clipboard doesn't work. Cheers, Anne On 23 Mar 2011, at 14:11, carolyn Haas wrote: > Hello Simon: > I've heard about this but never got it to work for me. I'

Web site problems

2011-03-23 Thread marcelo
Macvisionaries Dear Friends! I'm helping users use Voiceover friends in Spain and I have a difficult problem. If the user wants to access the content of the blog of a writer well known: http://antoniomuñ Safari browser, Voiceover behaves inappropriately, it s

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread William Windels
Hello all, I haven't used the command vo+shift+c to do this task. What I do, and it works in most of the cases: I switch from dom-mode (used by default) to group-mode when I want to select text on a webpage. To do this switch quickly, I have assigned a keystroke in the keyboard-commander. When I

Re: Web site problems

2011-03-23 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Marcelo, I've had a look at the site and it really is awful! The only way I could get VO to read any real content was by using the Item Chooser and just letting VO read in that. Selecting an item from the Item Chooser didn't let me read. I only succeeded in finding text on a page by read

Cloud app

2011-03-23 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all, I just downloaded Cloud App and I'm having trouble uploading files without using the web interface. I'm looking in to this as an alternatives to Dropbox. Has anyone used this app? Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. Have a great day. Musically, Allison My birds a

Re: ipad users

2011-03-23 Thread Jane
I use the Audible app on my iPad all the time. Jane On Mar 22, 2011, at 8:27 PM, Denise Avant wrote: > hi all, > i'm wondering if the audible app will work on the ipad as well as the iphone. > i transferred some apps to my ipad, and of the 40 i have, it only transferred > 8 as i have list ip

Re: Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
I'm not sure what you mean. Drop down options? Do you mean the opening of a context menu? Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296 On Mar 23, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Guys, > I was looking at my podcasts in iTunes on the Mac

Two ways to deal with the problem web site [was Re: Web site problems]

2011-03-23 Thread Esther
Hello Anne and Marcelo, I can get that page to read with VoiceOver using Safari Reader. Try pressing Command-Shift-R. The text for the article will come up separately and be read by VoiceOver. However, this will only work to display the main blog article -- it won't show up the comments. Th

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Mike, I believe a more objective user might put it differently. The sentence I have in mind is that the JFW virtual viewer handles this infinitely better than VO/Safari. I fear that the all too ubiquitous Pollyannaish attitude often seen on this list that voiceOver can do no wrong will re

Re: Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
As it happens, I jus found the VO backslash this morning and it works exactly as you said it would. Thanks to everybody who answers all my questions. On Mar 23, 2:42 am, Teresa Cochran wrote: > Did you try VO-backslash (above the enter key on many keyboards)? > > Teresa > On Mar 23, 2011, at 12:

Re: Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Ricardo, What I was referring to is the disclosure triangle that allows you to expand a podcast heading to show you the specific podcasts under the main title. The VO Backslash hides and shows the items under the main heading. HTH Kevin On Mar 23, 11:11 am, Ricardo Walker wrote: > I'm not sure w

Re: Two ways to deal with the problem web site [was Re: Web site problems]

2011-03-23 Thread Simon Cavendish
Dear Esther, I have no idea what I do wrong but the New TextEdit Window Containing Selection does not appear in the services menu. I've followed the instructions contained in your e-mail to the letter but to no avail. The maddening thing is that I had once succeeded to activate this service and

Re: Read system time with VO

2011-03-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I also just wanted to add that I created a new addition to my keyboard commander collection. this one opens iTunes with right option I. I guess the next thing I'd like to add would be a shortcut for Pages using right option P. the only problem is that, when i open Pages from the doc, I end up in

Re: Two ways to deal with the problem web site [was Re: Web site problems]

2011-03-23 Thread Esther
Dear Simon, I wrote up the instructions under OS 10.6.4 before Christmas. (At the time, my own computer had a bad disk sector, so I was using my PowerBook G4 from 2005!) I did set this up on my current computer under 10.6.5, but since I was doing this for myself, I didn't try to exactly docume

Re: Read system time with VO

2011-03-23 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Kevin, Look into the Pages preferences with cmd-comma. That will let you decide whether to open the template chooser or not, among other things. Hope this helps, Zack. On Mar 23, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > I also just wanted to add that I created a new addition to my keyboard >

Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello everyone, Here's how to select part of a web page and copy it into a text document. • Find the start point for your selection and set a hotspot (VO-Shift-number), it must not be a link; • Find the end point for your selection and set a second hotspot, once again, not a link; • Turn cursor

Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread Rose Morales
Or you can go to a block of text, hit vo-shift-c, open up a document, and hit command-v. You can do this for any subsequent blocks as well. THis will obviously not be a method that is preferred by everyone, but it sure is easy. Hth, Rose On Mar 23, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hell

Re: Read system time with VO

2011-03-23 Thread Colin M
Hi Kevin! I also had a commander key set for Itunes but from time to time it brought up that choose Itunes library as if you had launched Itunes holding the option key down! So I've moved Itunes in the doc next to finder and open it from there using enter! And removed the commander stroke! Coli

Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread Jane
How can I simulate a mouse? We nly have two of them, and my daughter and husband use them; hate to borrow just to do some copying of stuff. Jane On Mar 23, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello everyone, > > Here's how to select part of a web page and copy it into a text document. >

Acapela voices

2011-03-23 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Kevin and all, I wanted to chime in on the Acaepla voices thread. Kevin, you can get acapela voices from Origin Instruments. I think the link is: I think the company I purchased them from was Origin Instruments. I have the British ENglish and U.S. voices

Re: Two ways to deal with the problem web site [was Re: Web site problems]

2011-03-23 Thread Simon Cavendish
Dear Esther, You are right, and you are mostly right on most occasions. That was the missing factor. Having read your response, I selected your message in Mail and then checked in the services menu and indeed it did appear. I thought the item in question would always be there - never imagined i

Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
Wow! That is way, way, too much work to select content from a web page. I think this is something Apple should really look into simplifying, and making reliable. Its a pretty big short coming for voiceover. Ricardo Walker Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296 www.mobileacce

Re: Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
Oh, why not just change that playlist to list view with command option 3. This way you can just press the right and left arrows to expand and collapse the podcast headings. Actually, I prefer all my playlists to be shown in list view. I believe its plays the nicest with voiceover. hth. hth

Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ricardo: I couldn't agree with you more. It's nice to know one can take about 20 steps to do something that should take 2 or 3. ! I'm planning to take this up with my Vo trainer. She's usually pretty good about writing to accessibility about things she encounters in our sessions. The ne

acapella voices

2011-03-23 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi. I've used the Acapela voices on here, like them a lot. I do have a few negatives though. The first is that in between periods, the voices pause longer than the standard Mac voices do. I don't know if this is how Acapela made them or if it's because of Voice Over, but it gets annoying after a

Re: Acapela voices

2011-03-23 Thread Denise Avant
hi, are the voices suppose to appear in the voiceover utility once installed? On Mar 23, 2011, at 4:03 PM, Allison Manzino wrote: > Hi Kevin and all, > > I wanted to chime in on the Acaepla voices thread. Kevin, you can get acapela > voices from Origin Instruments. I think the link is: > > h

ICal question

2011-03-23 Thread Jes Smith
Hi all, Something really strange is happening with ICal. Whenever I create an event and then scroll to the particular date on which that event falls, I can't get the events corresponding to that day. For example, if I have an event at 3 pm on April 15th, I go to April 15, but don't see the even

Re: ICal question

2011-03-23 Thread Scott Howell
Try command-1 for day view and perhaps this will help or command-2 for week view. hth Scott On Mar 23, 2011, at 7:06 PM, Jes Smith wrote: > Hi all, > > Something really strange is happening with ICal. Whenever I create an event > and then scroll to the particular date on which that event falls

Re: Expand and collapse arrows in iTunes podcast area

2011-03-23 Thread Mike Arrigo
Try pressing control option backslash, that usually does the trick. On Mar 23, 2011, at 2:27 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Guys, > I was looking at my podcasts in iTunes on the Mac and I noticed that I > couldn't operate the expand disclosure triangle except by accident. I have > no idea how I did i

I broke click to flash!

2011-03-23 Thread John D. Lipsey
Hi guys! I was having issues with click to flash today. Ever since I got home, I would click on flash videos, then interact with the thing adn click play on click to flash, and there was no audio. I checked for an update, sure enough there was one. The update, however, broke click to flash.