Re: Sd and Mac

2010-10-25 Thread Scott Granados
Depends on the version of the OS you're running. I did some googling and that was one of the things suggested to check. We had a similar problem with one of the macs at work so that's what worked for us. Admittedly though it was an older Macbook Pro. On Oct 25, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi Ray, Where did you get growl? I recently discovered that the version that adium offers to install is outdated. The newest version from fixes several annoyances for me. This might help you. Justin On Oct 25, 2010, at 8:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: Well, growl don't work for me. Ev

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I got it from googling "growl". I think drop box installed it without my knowing it; but, I ran the uninstaller and got rid of it because of the issues I mentioned before. Suppose I wanted to reinstall Growl, though, What do I open after mounting and opening the disk image? Also, do I leave a

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Oh, the version I had was the latest version, which, I think, was 2.1 or something. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!! Skype Name: barefootedray On Oct 25, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Justin Ekis wrote: > Hi Ray, > > Where did you get growl? I re

getting preferences menus to open after finding them with mouse

2010-10-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
subject line almost says it all. I can find the special preference menus of both Drop Box and the Type writer keyboard, but, can't open them. Any suggestions? Tried using the return key, VO+space, just space and mouse clicking. No luck. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now A V

Re: the gns bluetooth gps receiver for apple products

2010-10-25 Thread Scott Granados
I remember Mike May discussing that on the list and don't remember many of the technical details. I believe some how the light was modulated to contain location data and they had a special receiver that could decode the pulses. I use the talking signs system while traveling to and from w

Re: way ot: chinese braille

2010-10-25 Thread Scott Granados
> You know, it's messages like yours that really make me realize how lucky I / > we are in the West but the US especially. (at least that's the region I'm > experienced with personally) I can't imagine going to work every day in a > career that was forced on you if you had the right to have on

RE: 64 bit or 32 bit Mac bootstrapped with W7

2010-10-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yeah, if your hardware is 64bit capable, then you can easily run a 32 bit system as well. The laptop I'm using to type this, is running win 7 64bit, but came out with vista 32bit on it. My mac book pro has a vm of windows 7 64 bit and that's working in fusion 3.1. My choice to run 64 bit

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Eric Oyen
jenny, ok, thats an interesting set of posts in there. I never had this problem either with the firewall on or off. I simply transferred my old Skype info from an older 10.6.8 machine and then installed it under 10.6.4 and then installed the application. Skype started up and worked fine. the onl

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Eric Oyen
you have to enable some of the other events in the configuration panel. you have to add a growl notification to message (initial contact) otherwise it will not speak the event. once that is done and enabled, each chat will be spoken. -Eric On Oct 25, 2010, at 8:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Wel

Re: My first mac. Questions.

2010-10-25 Thread Eric Oyen
2 things, you need to set default display to speech. then in the application configuration list, choose Skype, enter it in the notifications pulldown, choose message (initial contact), mouse (or the VO equivalent) the + on the bottom of that screen, and choose growl notification. this will add a

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