indeed, I'm sitting here quote in hand for new Mac Book Pro, very closely
monitoring the add to basket button...
just need to justify the getting rid of my current PC laptop...
anyone know anyone living in the UK who'd want a top spec windows PC...
payment plan considered etc...
write me
Neil, why don't you wait a couple of weeks and try the Macbook pro before
selling your laptop? You've intested lots of time setting it up... Give the
Macbook pro a week or two first before selling your topnotch notebook...
just a suggestion.
- Original Message -
From: "Neil Ba
don't worry, I'll be doing that, but I'd like to have a buyer lined up, as
otherwise the PC laptop will lie gathering dust.
so it's a belt and braces move on my behalf.
Twitter @neilbarnfather
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer,
I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical
document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know
what they need to know.
the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to
if they instead have a
Neil, that is exactly what I was thinking. This document needs to be something
folks can pull down and put into braille or just read locally.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> Carolyn,
> I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical
Heather, you might consider taking a set of headphones, so you can at least
have VOiceOver babbling in one ear while the store employee babbles in the
On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:37 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
> I like my training however, our store is so loud that I cant here the
> voiceover or
Don't know if APple would do that, but if you put that out on YouTube, it sure
would grab some attention. :)
On Oct 11, 2010, at 9:44 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
> I live in Austin Texas. We have an Apple corporate office here. The
> university uses macs and some of the school districts too. I
I wish that the state of arizona would get that message. about all they like to
do out here is throw an old, very outdated, machine with jaws on it at us.
hell, the technology I have here at home is far more advanced than the state
gives their recipients (I saved, scrimped, and begged for the mo
nice vocal on that one. I wish I could have seen the video. check my youtube
On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Actually I made a youtube vid about it. go to I
> demo several things int eh space
Hi everybody!
So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to iTunes
as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites your system
speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter above the block of
text highlighted.
The issue appears when you w
There obviously is no way to do this automatically, so drop a note to Apple and
perhaps this is something they will consider for a future release. This is
actually a good idea and would probably not be difficult to implement.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello to all. I no
I can "see" the commercial tha apple would do with their apple vs. pc.
"hello there, I'm an apple and I'm accessible" (queue the sound of voiceover
reading a text document)
"hello. I'm a pc. now how's you do that talking thing? I don't have that
application installed. oh, here it is and
Hi Mike,
There is someone on this list who did a podcast on a program called prism,
and that was the one for me. Prism is actually a video file converter,
letting you have, say, a mov, and convert it into a, say, an avi. I am using
its windows version, and with that I got a number of shortcuts
what can I say, great minds think a like...
what is needed here is a document, say 5 pages long or so, something that is
a quick start guide, read me and know 95% of what you need to know about
using a Mac.
what it should do is focus on the OSx key strokes wherever possible, and
Tell ya what, after the first week of November, I will be in a position to work
on such a project.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> Scott,
> what can I say, great minds think a like...
> what is needed here is a document, say 5 pages long or so, something t
hi list
i turned quicknav off by mistake. i pressed left and down arrow to
turn it back on but it didn't work. how to turn it back on please?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisi
Hi guys,
I'm trying to convert some ogg files to MP3 with switch file converter, and it
won't add the files.
I open switch, try to add files with command O or the add files in the
menus, it says, add files, and then nothing happens.
I've also found that after I've tried this, the only way I
It's left and right arrow simultaneously. Left and right when Quick Nav is on
will stop interacting.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:27 PM, joseph wrote:
> hi list
> i turned quicknav off by mistake. i pressed left and down arrow to
> turn it back on but it didn't work. how to tur
Hi Nic,
Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you add
txt as a spoken track?
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to
> iTunes as a track. Th
If people can put it together, I'm sure bCAB will host it, and if it ends up
somewhere else, link to it anyway.
I agree it needs to be a navigable, readable document.
On 12 Oct 2010, at 11:00, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
what can I say, great minds think a like...
Hello Donna!
Simply highlight any text you want within a document, or an e-mail...or even a
webpage. THen you can go to the "Services" submenu and find "Add to iTunes as a
spoken track". Of course, you will need to enable this within System
Preferences>Keyboard>Keyboard SHortcuts tab, then chec
First of all. converting 1 compressed file format to another is not really the
best of ideas. The quallity is greatly reduced by doing this. Second of all, I
don't know why I said first of all, when I really didn't have anything else to
say. Are there any other plugins you need to install, or sh
Oh, that's cool! thanks.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hello Donna!
> Simply highlight any text you want within a document, or an e-mail...or even
> a webpage. THen you can go to the "Services" submenu and find "Add to iTunes
> as a spoken track". Of course, yo
Thanks Saai,
Since you reviewed how to do this in a cast, would you be so kind as to provide
a link to it.
On Oct 11, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set up a
> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go
Oh yes,
how do you create a shortcut? Is this covered in your cast, Sarai?
On Oct 11, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set up a
> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a podcast.
> 2.
Hi list,
Another question comparing
Outlook express with mail.
How can I select a recipient's e-mail address from an open message for sending
a message without reply. What I want to accomplish is to strip out the e-mail
address to paste into the to field of a new message.
This comes useful wh
So you were able to navigate by flicking left and right but wasn't able to
double tap to select items?
On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:45 PM, carlene knight wrote:
> Double tapping does nothing so I can't do much. I do all kinds of things
> with the IPhone. I got so frustrated that I gave my Magic
Just came across this message a bit late and it is a real pity the new Apple
TV isn't accessible with Voice Over (yet). I say yet, because you folks
think it may come at a later time? Officially from Apple that is.
Fingers crossed then!
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: mac
Anybody know how an Apple TV can be controlled with a Mac?
Hopefully the Airplay app will be accessible soon after it's release. There
are already announcements from big companies like Marantz that certain
receivers, network players etc will be compatible with Airplay in november.
You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want to
do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for the
Good luck.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Nic,
> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wond
Hello. try hitting cmd plus m and escape when you hit your other keystroke to
add a file or a folder. it won't arrow or nothing before you do this. You I
believe have to do this every time you change directories.
Good luck.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:28 AM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:
> First of al
Hi Sarah
Could you retry that again, please? Because that's not working for me at all.
No changes except in rate.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want to
> do it in. I change my default voice
Thanks, Sarah.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want to
> do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for the
> voice.
> Good luck.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodi
Really? I got it work a few months ago. Unless there was an update that recked
it I dunno. I'm headin g out the door at the moment or soon and need to finish
getting ready to go but of no one else has tried by the time I get back we'll
try it out and post the results.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:57 AM
Hi Sarah!
THanks, I'd appreciate it. It's when making the track itself, not just using
the Speech option that it doesn't work. The Speech item itself works fine, just
not when converting it from text.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Really? I got it work a few
Hi Antonio!
I think you have 2 options!
1, when in the message go down line by line until you get to the link, if it is
on its own then use the command vo+shift+m and you'll have different options to
do with the link, one of which is copy scroll down to it and press vo+space
bar, then you can pa
Hi Antonio!
Me again [ unless you read this message first :] ]
I gave you 2 options in the other message but there is a third!
Open the web rota with vo+u and if it's on links you'll be there and if it's on
headers just scroll right and then you'll be on links!
So on links just hit the down arrow
Hi George, Esther,
Thanks both for the replies. Good tip re Travis' experiences Esther,
will check that list out.
George, very many thanks for filing the improvement request on iTerm2.
It's great to see such a responsive project!
On 10/11/10, George wrote:
> I'm the lead devel
Hello everyone,
I really love the mail app. on the Mac. When I went in this morning I
cannot seem to access my sub folders in my Gmail account. I can only see the
inbox, drafts, sent, and trash. Can anyone tell me what may have happened. I
usually have my all mail, spam, and around 6
try going to your Gmail mailbox, and expanding it. I believe the
VO-Command is control-opt-.
There are a couple other ways:
1. Left arrow when gmail is highlighted.
2. Interact with Gmail and then activate control-opt- the
colapassed toggle.
On 12/10/2010, Scott Ford wrote:
> Hello everyon
Hi list:
One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
especially on webpages. I interact with the text area in which I want
to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused. I assume I
can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
select one charact
Hi there!
You can also shift down arrow to go down quicker
On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:27, John Lipsey wrote:
> Hi list:
> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
> especially on webpages. I interact with the text area in which I want
> to actually select text, but then I'm
Hi there me again!
If the text in question is very long and you just want a fair bit of the top
you can also go down to the last bit of the text you want to highlight and then
shift up arrow to highlight all that text and if you want to highlight all the
text just use command+a
hth Colin
On 12 O
Hi group, can someone recommend me any application to uncompress rar
files on snow leopard?
I only found command line applications, but I want something more intuitive.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this gr
When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
1. Interact with the text.
2. Press VO-return.
3. Navigate to the end of the area you wish to select.
4. Press VO-return again to toggle off the selection.
5. Press cmd-c to Copy to the clipboard.
This is cumbe
Hi. try Stuffit expander or the unarchiver. Both free.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Claudio Haase
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:38 PM
Cc: macvoiceo...@fre
Hi Neil:
I agree. I just submitted that without really understanding what it entailed.
I'd still like to help put something like this together.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> Carolyn,
> I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a
Hi Tim!
Thank you I've been wondering how to do that marking beginning and end
I asked a while ago and got no feed back!
So cheers :]
On 12 Oct 2010, at 18:44, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
> 1. Inte
Hi Scott and Neil:
I'm happy to launch this when you can. Think I'll get the "missing manual",
and do some serious poking around to get a better handle on the OSX commands
that are relevant.
CarolynOn Oct 12, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Tell ya what, after the first week of Nove
Hi Neil:
Ok, so I'm pretty confused. You just sighted all the reasons why one can do so
much more with the PC and JAWS. And you made some good and valid points. Have
you fallen in love accidentally with Mac? Or are you just looking to bang your
head against the wall?:)
Maybe I'm missing som
Hi Neil:
Ok, so I'm pretty confused. You just sighted all the reasons why one can do so
much more with the PC and JAWS. And you made some good and valid points. Have
you fallen in love accidentally with Mac? Or are you just looking to bang your
head against the wall?:)
Maybe I'm missing some
Hi Antonio:
I'll try to explain what I do here, since I'm a long devoted Outlook express
user changing over.
I'll assume you have your mail open. Typically, I interact with messages. I
use vo arrow to go to the "from" heading. Open menu with vo-M and right arrow
to messages. Arrow down to
That book is broken at bookshare and no one has got back to me about fixing it!
Just thought you want to know. Heather
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
Also check that quick nav is not on.
On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> try going to your Gmail mailbox, and expanding it. I believe the
> VO-Command is control-opt-.
> There are a couple other ways:
> 1. Left arrow when gmail is highlighted.
> 2. Interact with Gmail and then acti
OO stuffit is free as well? I"ll hav eot give that a try. I guess it won't hurt
if I have more then 1 tool on the mac for doing something like this eh? and it
won't hurt voice over? Sorry for my stupid questions.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:46, "Cameron" wrote:
> Hi. try Stuffit expander or the un
hello all,
i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a
sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port (ssil) but
can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me where to find it?
also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the
SOmetimes that does not work. I tried to select text on the itune stor epag
eofr an app fromthe itune sapp itself and I could select it but I could not
copy or what not.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 9:38, Colin M wrote:
> Hi there me again!
> If the text in question is very long and you just want a fai
and whe selecting lyrics on a webpage what do I do then? I have a bit of
trouble with that.
Take care.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:44, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
> 1. Interact with the text.
> 2. Press VO-return.
For me sometimes the selection removes too much or moves past the selection
that I wanted.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 11:03, Colin M wrote:
> Hi Tim!
> Thank you I've been wondering how to do that marking beginning and end
> highlight!
> I asked a while ago and got no feed back!
> So cheers :]
> Coli
Hi there,
You should be able to go to preferences and look at the mail server setup.
>From with in mail hit vo m then under the mail tab which you reach with your
>right arrow select preferences. Under there look at the tool bar and select
>accounts. I believe that's the general direction. Ne
Hi. I use both with voiceover, and yes, stuffit expander is free as well as
the other title.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:34 PM
To: macvisionar
you can also try open office and see if that works out.
On Oct 10, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Sott I just can't agree with you about the level of productivity. Whenever
> someone says this, I find their scope is very narrow. If you were to base
> your productivity on one applicatio
I believe your speaking of gwenna
I remember her doing that podcast
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:56 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> There is someone on this list who did a podcast on a program called prism,
> and that was the one for me. Prism is actually a video file converter,
> letting yo
Hello all,
For me, this doesn't work for me also since version 10 of itunes.
The problem is known but not fixate yet by Apple :(
I have tried the guides on the internet to solve this but without success.
best regards,
Op 12-okt-2010, om 16:57 heeft Nicolai Svendsen het volgende geschreve
The method Colin describes below works well for me when I'm wanting to select
pure uninterrupted text. Remember, however, to not interact.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Colin M wrote:
> Hi there!
> You can also shift down arrow to go down quicker
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:27, John
To have your messages displayed by date, interact with the messages table.
Then right arrow over to the date column then press VO shift backslash. You
can have VO display from newest to oldest or oldest to newest by pressing VO
shift backslash again.
This also works in iTunes in th
Also, under the windows menu there is a item called connection wizard
or something close to that. If you select that, it will test all the
accounts you have set up, and tell you which ones are working. I
don't remember the detail listed there, but there might be a
disclosure triangle to provide m
Hey folks,
I was trying to find the information about how one can obtain the pdf2rtf
service. I search about on Google, but was not able to find a way to get this
service. So, could someone let me know the website that offered this? Seems it
was from a website that was promoting an editor of so
Hi scott, here is the link for the download page where you can find pdf2rtf.
There are a lot of downloads on this page, but it's near the end of the list.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
Hey folks,
I was trying to
hi list
a friend is in need for the above, where can i find this ?
thank you in advance
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, sen
I thought it was just me - I was not able to access it. Does anyone
have a copy of the the missing... I am struggling with the change over
and could use something new! If so e mail me off list at
On 10/12/10, heather kd5cbl wrote:
> That book is broken at books
Stuffit Expander is the free one, it only allows expansion of files,
there is also stuffit, which costs money. There are some folks
around, who have a dislike for the stuffit suite. I don't recall the
argumetns at this point, but
So perhaps look at the tidbits or other technical discussions bef
You guys rock. I had to do both suggestions. Thank you.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Also check that quick nav is not on.
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> try going to your Gmail mailbox, and expanding it. I believe the
>> VO-Command is control-o
Thanks Justin, I will pass this along.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:57 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:
> Hi scott, here is the link for the download page where you can find pdf2rtf.
> There are a lot of downloads on this page, but it's near the end of the list.
Two points:
1. On the PC side wit JFW 9+, there was a jaws script to reply
directly to sender (perhaps alt+Y?
2. On the macintosh, if you interact with the headers, andthen when
Voice Over readds the person yyou want to reply to, perform a click
and a menu will appear. I think in Leopard and Tiger
That won't do OCR though will it?
Best regards,
On 12/10/2010, Scott Howell wrote:
> Thanks Justin, I will pass this along.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:57 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> Hi scott, here is the link for the download page where you can find
>> pdf2rtf. There are a lot of downloads
Hi Scott and list,
I just want to point out, you can press command comma in any application on the
mac to open preferences. Even the 3rd party apps. It's pretty handy to
remember. Another one of those things I like about the Mac.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Hi t
WOw, you're a hit with my department here. I just passed on that tidbit.:)
Great find!
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi Scott and list,
> I just want to point out, you can press command comma in any application on
> the mac to open preferences. Even the
There is a short tutorial, called the Quick Start Guideand there is a
Voiceover Getting Started Guide. You can get both through Safari by pressing
Control-option-H. The web address is
On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:32 PM, joseph wrote:
Hello, these are two different books so I wanted to make that clear. One,
apple accessibility fixed their Braille brf file so one can get off their
site and read it now. Bookshare has not e-mail some of us back about the
broken link for the
switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual.
Hello Heather,
If the .brf file is broken, then try the other one. I've forgotten the name.
Oh, the daisy! try the daisy file. that is in braille as well. It even gives
the print pages. Or is that the daisy with images? Try those files..
- Original Message -
From: "heather kd5cbl
Hello all. Please forgive me for being a bit off topic but i need a
little help from any blind musicians (specifically those that have
experience with stringed instruments.) I just wasn't sure where to go
for some help and i am hoping we have some string instrument players
I'm interested in
Hi. you should be fine. the callus will be on the tip of your finger, not
on the pad of it.
If you are right handed, then your fretting hand, where the calluses will
be, will be your left hand. If you are left handed, then your fretting hand
will be your right.
Hope that helps.
Hi. Use the left-right arrow keys together to toggle quick nav
On on or off.
Barry2010-10-12, at 7:27 AM, joseph wrote:
> hi list
> i turned quicknav off by mistake. i pressed left and down arrow to
> turn it back on but it didn't work. how to turn it back on please?
> best
> --
> Yo
Hi Julie:
If you're referring to the missing manual for the mac, it's available, or at
least it was available at the O'Reilly website. Forgive me, I don't know if
I've spelled right. If/when I find it, I'll send you the link.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 PM, 504 area wrote:
> I thought it
Thanks a million Cameron! Your help means lots to me. I have wanted to
play the violin for sometime but had this concern in mind. Thanks
again and have a great day!
Cameron wrote:
> Hi. you should be fine. the callus will be on the tip of your finger, not
> on the pad of it.
> If you are right
Heather: Thanks. I didn't know that. When I asked my Apple trainer about the
book, she said the same info is really in text format at the Apple website
under Mac101.
So, perhaps in the mean time we who are curious can start there.:)
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:59 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
You're very welcome!
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sonnia
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 9:38 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: Need Help: Blind Musicians
Thanks a million Cameron! Your help means lots
Here is the link for the book, Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual,
Snow Leopard Edition:
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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It's been a few weeks since release, but i had it in my yojimbo bookmarks and
wondered if anyone has had the chance to try
Thanks so much for this.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:14 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
> Here is the link for the book, Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow
> Leopard Edition:
> Heather
> --
> You received this message because you a
hi all
for those who use focus 40 blue with mac, i am wondering about the method of
activating the wizwzeels for display panning with voice over? I managed to use
these wizweels successfully with my Iphone. However, they don't seem to work
properly with my mac. your help is really appritiated.
There are some web-pages, like on the iTunes Store, that do not allow selecting
and copying. Think of it like a locked pdf or a web-page that doesn't allow
copying of graphics. No method will work in these cases, not even for sighted
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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