There is also an app called Accordio. It's a piano style accordion, but it
isn't VO accessible. If you triple click, it will work nicely though. I have
it, and I play the little accordion on my iPod Touch all the time. I'm also
totally blind, and it doesn't present too much of a problem. If you
Ok I want to try and schedule an outgoing message in ical and the 2 mb scripts
in mail fail constantly. Is there something i can do on my own for this?
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Hoping someone can help hear.
I'm not shore what's happening, so I'll try to explain as best I can.
I turned my Mac on this morning to find that voiceover won't read
by letter's when I use the left and right arrow keys, it will only
read by words.
Also using tables seamsbe acting strangely
How can we actualy that it is actualy off, my sight aint what it used to be and
I don't have a light probe, not that it matters but I don't want anyone looking
over my sholder in the classroom or something.
On Jul 29, 2010, at 11:29 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> if you hit f1 or function f1 you c
I don't have a solution but I have a few guesses.
1. hit left and right arrow and see if quick nav is on. if it is on you will
hear quick nav off when you press the keystroke.
2. Try hitting vo semicolon. That locks the vo keys for most functions. You
will hear control option loch on or off dep
Hello all,
In anticipation of the arrival of my magic track pad some time next week, I
had a look at the article on the Apple website that gives a list of voice over
gestures in snow leopard. I didn't exactly understand what one of them does, or
at least, when you'd use it. It is the one to for
You can assign and make up if you will, jestures through the track pad
comander. I've never ever done that so can't help with that.
Take care.
On Jul 30, 2010, at 6:58 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hello all,
> In anticipation of the arrival of my magic track pad some time next week, I
> had a look
I can answer one of these, yes you can add more functionality, you use the
existing gestures but with a modifier key pressed (such as control, or whatever
you wish) and then you assign an action to a gesture. This is all done within
the Voice Over utility under commanders, trackpad. No scripti
Somehow I messed up voiceover. when I'm in mail and press arrow keys to edit my
message up and down arrow move me by character and left and right move me up
and down lines. Also in the status menu control f8 menus I cannot hit left
arrow over to clock. it just beeps at me. I wonder what I did
Most, infact all of these instrument apps require vo to be off, unless
you tripple tap to emulate a normal single tap.
I'm a fan of morphwiz atm, plus the dev is in the process of making it
fully accessible.
On 30/07/2010, Chris Snyder wrote:
> There is also an app called Accordio. It's a piano s
also in text edit I interact with the edit area type some text and left and
right arrow are no longer moving me by character. also the control f8 status
menu if I hit control f8 then left arrow it should go to the clock, but instead
it just beeps and I have to right arrow a bunch of times to
Josh, it sounds like to me you have quick nav activated (easy mistake, done it
loads of times). Press the left and right arrow keys together once to turn it
On 30 Jul 2010, at 15:51, Josh Kennedy wrote:
> Hi
> also in text edit I interact with the edit area type some text and left and
I've been aware of this several versions back. I don't know when it started.
I let Apple accessibility know about this several months ago.
On Jul 30, 2010, at 1:44 AM, Shen wrote:
> It's quite interesting. I just updated to the latest iTunes, presumably
> version 9.2.1. Now, the "About iTunes"
One question that did not get answered was "how do I see what contacts
are online?". My macintosh is not available for me to verify, but
there should be a menu that lets you select predefined groups of
contacts and one of these is Online contacts.
If you have not found this by Monday, you can wri
There are three major modes for the arrow keys.
1. VO lock.
2. Standard arrows
3. QuickNav.
I am assuming you have quickNav on? If this is the case try typing
the left arrow and the up arrow at the same time until VoiceOver says
Navigation. See if that solves your problem.
Also, I have on occa
The function you were talking about is for navigating tables. If you
wantto scan through the Subject of your e-mail's and not accidently
start reading the sender, then you could hold down this key and the
VoiceOver cursor will remain in the column you currently are in. (much
like using the down ar
Press command shift o and it will toggle between showing online contacts only
and all contacts
"Light has no value without darkness"
Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
You received this message because you are subsc
Do you et any error messages? Are you trying to do this with
AppleScript, or with the notifications section of iCal?
Best regards,
On 30/07/2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok I want to try and schedule an outgoing message in ical and the 2 mb
> scripts in mail fail constantly. Is there somet
hey guys
well it worked. all is back to normal. I turned quick nav off and its working
fine again thanks for your help.
Josh Kennedy
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to ma
Gmail and IMAP are a strange combination when working together.
GMAILusually has the philosophy of keeping every message in a
everything message. There is a document on the Google web site that
says something to the extent...
Do not check the box to move deleted messages to the trash as this
On 30/07/2010, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> Gmail and IMAP are a strange combination when working together.
> GMAILusually has the philosophy of keeping every message in a
> everything message. There is a document on the Google web site that
> says something to the extent...
> Do not check the box to
Dimmedunknow is all I hear.
Also it lost everything I had before, not sure where too find all the
stuff I had before but it's not there It's gotta be in the computer
somwhere, but not showing there now including what podcasts I had
been subscribed too. Not sure if I care for this version
Simon, it is usable, but you may not actually want to use it. I had an iPad,
and I tried this stuff, but I didn't do it a lot, and I haven't tried it in a
while, so I'll probably make some mistakes in my description. There will
undoubtedly be some iPad people that tell me that I overlooked some
How accessible is this currently and how soon does he plan on making it fully
accessible? I'm really curious about this and I just might drop the $10. I'm a
bassist and probably more a hack then a real musician, :), but this sounds like
something I could use for entertainment and actually
Even though you have that solution, however, you still don't see the specific
status. You could use Clisk for this, though, but you have to access that
through Terminal.
Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: ni
I use Window-Eyes under Fusion all the time and have had absolutely no
problems. A couple of keys are reversed, but it's not really a problem.
Mike Aureco (spelling) did a fantastic job covering this topic on a Blind Cool
Tech podcast.
Best regards,
On 19,Jul,2010, at 10:40 PM, Garr
well i had my girlfriend verify visually that with the brightness turned all
the way down you can barely read the screen and only in bright light, and with
the streen curtain turned on after you turn the brightness down to zero the
back light is off and no one can n read it
On Jul 30, 2010, at
Hi list.
I recently installed VMWare fusion on my MacBook so I can run Windows XP if I
ever need to. Installing VMWare was easy enough. I then located an XP install
CD in my basement. I'm not sure how long we've had it kicking around here, but
from all I could tell the disk was in working orde
Hmm interesting. I wodner if the iphone's screen curtains work the same?
On Jul 30, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> well i had my girlfriend verify visually that with the brightness turned all
> the way down you can barely read the screen and only in bright light, and
> with the s
some of the buttons are labeled in my case. but the 3 images are statuses for
contacts. Sadly we cannot see them. but try clisk at an
click on the clisk link. It is a command line interface for skype that will let
you do everything you can do from the skype interface and a
I'm trying to do this with the notifications sectionof ical but my main goal is
to schedual let's say a happy burthday message to a contact, or a twitter
message, or an email reminder to someone's cell phone. I used the script
solution at version tracker but it fails every single time unless you
Hi all,
Sorry for this, but I know some of you here are using Windows 7. If you could
email me off-list, I could really use some help with configuring Outlook 2010.
You can email me privately at
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl
It depends on your gmail settings. If you have archiving turned off
on the given gmail acount you should be able to go to acounts in
preferences select the given acount in the table if you have more
than one acount, then I believe click the Advanced tab and there is a
remove from server fu
Dunno. My backups are going to an internal hard drive I added to my old
G4 mac so I don't think I'd be moving that around too much :) That said,
I don't think Time Machine was set up to backup multiple machines to a
drive being moved around. A big part of its benefit is doing hourly
If you want just the Sad Song Long tv commercial you can find it here:
Kimberly thurman wrote:
Dr. Carter, thanks for the trip down memory lane. The Apple 2 was the first
computer I ever had my hands on back in the mid 80's. I used one of the ol
Hi Simon,
I'm not sure why the BlueAnt V1 isn't picked up by the iPad; the
BlueAnt Q1 can pair to the iPad and also relay VoiceOver (with the
Firmware upgrade support of A2DP). A Jawbone Icon without the
Firmware upgrade to support A2DP wasn't seen by the iPad, so maybe the
iPad requires
Hi Esther,
Yeah it's weird
I've just run the ipad updates and will try again but can't figure it. The
iphone works fine with the blueant v1 and that's ios 4.01. so will have to
do some more trying.
Thanks for the thoughts I might have to look at the q1 as an alternate.
Thank you for this info. I do have one more question. Will the information you
provided work if I have my account sent as a pop account? Thanks
On Jul 30, 2010, at 11:16 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> Gmail and IMAP are a strange combination when working together.
> GMAILusually has the philosophy of
Hello there,
Way back in the day, I used to use a productivity package called ClarisWorks. I
have a few hundred files still left in that format and am wondering if there is
some type of extension or application that will allow me to convert or read
these files.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hello everyone,
Me and a friend decided to have a gamer chat over the phone via a conference
system. Topics can be anything related to gaming for the blind as well as
general games you've played. You can talk about console games you've played or
have played in the passed, audio games, arcade ga
Esther, is the q1, also a single ear head phone, or is it both ears?
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Saturday, 31 July 2010 9:31 a.m.
Subject: Re: blue tooth on
So using one of these magic track pads, will allow you to use an IMac in the
same way as the vo interface on the iPhone?
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Daniel Rowe
Sent: Friday, 30 July 2010 7:40 a.m.
To: macvi
In case you didn't see Chris' response to Josh on the same issue, you
probably have Quick Nav turned on. To turn it off, press the left and
right arrows at the same time.
I am uncertain if this will also solve your problem with Tables. If
not,, you can re-post.
Hi Simon,
Yes, you can use it in a very similar way to VO on the iPhone. I received my
magic trackpad yesterday and it works brilliantly from what I can tell so
far. It's extremely responsive and there's plenty of room to carry out the
gestures. Plus, with the option to add customised gestures by
Here is a setting that will let you check the time and date with a
simple 2 key command instead of using the Status Menu.
I got this from a posting from Ricardo Walker. It works great.
Open up Voiceover utility with VO F8.
Interact, arrow down to commanders, then stop interacting.
VO r
Hi All;
I wanted to post about a very cool and accessible app called Meet Me. With it
you can enter two locations and find places to meet in between.
The app is 0.99 USD and I'll describe it in a bit more detail after the linkie!
To begi
Hi All,
I have a MacBook Pro and a couple of Pcs one running Windows 7 and the other
system running Vista.
How well does the software that comes with time capsule work with Voiceover
for the mac and Pcs with Jaws? Could I backup my Pcs to the system?
You received this message becaus
Does anyone know if the blueant devices can be firmware updated
And also, has anyone used a blueant device to make a skype call on an iPad
or iphone?
Also, can anyone tell me if there is an apple site that will recommend
Bluetooth devices for the pad or phones?
I've looked on the apple w
I have the blueant q1, and the blueant Bluetooth headset firmware is
updatable via the blueant updater. I see no reason why the blueant headsets
would not work with apple devices, but I do not have any apple devices.
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