Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
You could also consider Nisus Writer Pro as a word processor, and iPal OCR from Humanware is coming to the Mac in September to work in conjunction with their iPal document camera. On 22 Jul 2010, at 04:06, Allison Manzino wrote: > Hi Greg, > > I'm Allison and I'd like to welcome you to the Mac

Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
On the chat side, you can download Adium which will let you connect to MSN, Yahoo, Google, Facebook etc or if you only need GoogleTalk then use the built in iChat program. If you still get stuck with anything you can always install Fusion or use boot camp to run Windows on your Mac. On 22 Jul 2

Ipod touch: announcing capital letters

2010-07-22 Thread Daniel K. Gartmann
Hi, I want to hear when I cursor over a capital letter on my IPod Touch. Is it really true that you can't make VoiceOver indicate when a letter is capitalized? Thanks and best regards -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To po

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread erik burggraaf
HI Mary, Have you tried doing your stuff in text edit and then translating and embossing with louis? That should work, even if it is a little cumbersome. It's tough to defend index. They are not exactly on the cutting edge of software development on any platform. But I suspect that it's stag

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Erik, Got an address(es) to which we may direct such missive? I am a new Apple user and I've yet to learn all the pros and cons. Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" To: Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:00 AM Subject: Re: IBraille HI Mary, Have you tried doing

Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-22 Thread joseph
hi is abium accessible with voice over? best Chris Moore wrote: > On the chat side, you can download Adium which will let you connect to MSN, > Yahoo, Google, Facebook etc or if you only need GoogleTalk then use the built > in iChat program. If you still get stuck with anything you can always

Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
Yes Adium is accessible and so is Ichat and AOL Instant Messenger, can't speak for other clients On 22 Jul 2010, at 12:34, joseph wrote: > hi > > is abium accessible with voice over? > > best > > Chris Moore wrote: >> On the chat side, you can download Adium which will let you connect to MSN,

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread erik burggraaf
I used to have one, but I can't find it now. You can try the support form on the website, but there's a catchca on it so good luck. Unless some one beats me to it, I'll call index tomorrow, pull the access technology trainer card, bitch about the catchca in as friendly a manner as possible, an

command g is not working in vm fusion

2010-07-22 Thread joseph
hi listers, i installed windows7 virtual machine with vm fusion but command g does not take me to windows, any solution please? thank you in advance best -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to m

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Erik, the time differential is six hours. It's eight here so that would be two their time now. they're not closed yet. by noontime they will be though! so go ahead and do whatever you're planning to do. My machine isn't working well at all on websites and I am not sure why. Isaac - Original

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread erik burggraaf
Hum, I think they are 8 hours ahead of eastern. I just called an got no answer so My guess is the office is closed. I usually call them at 6 in the morning when I first get up, even before coffee. Best, Erik Burggraaf User support consultant, Website: Toll-free:

YouTube to MP3

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
On another thread I know some of you were exploring accessible ways to rip audio from YouTube content. Have you tried: Chris -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send ema

storage areas

2010-07-22 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi guys, When in textedit, how do I find the storage areas? There's a command that takes you to a list where you need to arrow up and down to locate the different areas like document, hard drive, external storage etc etc. What is that command please? Thanks. Isaac -- You received this message

Re: introduction and questions about switching to mac

2010-07-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Greg, Adium spelled with a D as in David is accessible with VoiceOver. I think Marrie or Mike Arrigo did a podcast on that. If you would like, I can do a minicast for you taking through some of the Mac's built-in programs. Allison My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar! On Jul 2

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Mary, Wow I'm familiar with Wyn Braille. Wow that sounds like a cool concept, but it's a shame they haven't updated the product in a wile. I hope that you can get Index to update their software. I wonder if there is a translation program for the Mac that works with the Juliet. Hmm, I will ha

Re: command g is not working in vm fusion

2010-07-22 Thread Buddy Brannan
Yeah, shut off Voiceover, then press it. Failing that, just press yur mouse button once. -- Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY On Jul 22, 2010, at 7:47 AM, joseph wrote: > hi listers, > > i installed windows7 virtual machine with vm fusion but command g doe

Re: storage areas

2010-07-22 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Isaac: If VO said "sidebar table," you need to interact with it (VO shift down arrow) and choose the place you want, then stop interacting with the table. If it said "pop-up button," or "menu," you need to VO space-bar "click," on that and choose the item you want with the arrows, then c

Re: command g is not working in vm fusion

2010-07-22 Thread Robert Munro
The prompt in my version of Fusion has a capital G in it. That appears to mean that the command is command+shift+g. If that doesn't work, you can hit command+control+return to go to full screen mode. You will be typing in windows at that point. Onward! Rob Munro On Jul 22, 2010, at 7:47 AM,

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
Try this site: Chris On 20 Jul 2010, at 15:29, Chris Blouch wrote: > Nice. That's much easier. > > CB > > annelie robledo wrote: >> >> Thanks this is a really cool trick. By the wash you can use an app called >> mpeg stream clip to extract audio. Will do flv to aac

Re: storage areas

2010-07-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually an easier way is to keep the discloser box checked then hit cmd shift h for home, cmd shift o for docs and cmd shift c for computer. then go to the files table and brows from there. I hate that sidebar! On Jul 22, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > Isaac: > > If VO sai

Re: ichat question

2010-07-22 Thread joseph
Hi Chris, I tried to do VO-shift-space once i found the envitation window but the mouse did not click, am i missing anything out there? best is Blbouch wrote: > I had to use Window Chooser (vo-f2 twice) and then pick the invitation > window. Then I had to do a mouse click (Vo-shift-space) to a

Wiretap Anywhere question

2010-07-22 Thread Orin
Hi al, Was just wondering, after typing in the name of a device, how does one set an audio source for it, line in, etc? all that seems to be in the main window is the device names, buttons to add and remove devices, and settings buttons next to the edit boxes which isn't a source selection. Th

Re: Wiretap Anywhere question

2010-07-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi, It seems like you have to tab when you get to the device you want to add sources to, apparently. Regards, Nic Mobile Me: GoogleTalk: Facebook Twitter Skype: Kvalme MSN Messenger: Yahoo! Messenger: cin368 AIM: cincinster On Jul 22,

advice wanted

2010-07-22 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Hi, I really kind of don't like the idea of doing this. But, can any of y'all recommend a good all in one printer which, of course, is Voice OVer compatible and not to expensive? I was thinking about the Lexmark X5650 but I read the reviews on amazon and it seems a lot of customers have issue

Re: advice wanted

2010-07-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
I use the cannon printer but I can't remember how to get the model! It is an all in one scanner and all you do is plug it in and go. no software needed. It was about 40 bucks. On Jul 22, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Hi, > > I really kind of don't like the idea of doing this. But,

Re: advice wanted

2010-07-22 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Is this one of those three in one or four in one jobs? I've already got a Cannon LiDe60 flat bed color scanner but it needed the extra driver and it doesn't work with Abby Fine Reader. That's why I had to get the VUScan. I don't like the idea of having to pay another $39.00 or so for it every

show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi guys,, How do I show hidden files in finder? Thanks, Erik Burggraaf User support consultant, Website: Toll-free: 888-255-5194 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Mary Otten
I was just on the Index website, and it looks like they are closed until some time in august; I forget the exact date; the 6th maybe? So calling or writing isn't going to yield much if their notice on the home page is to be believed. Mary Mary Otten -- You received this me

MacVisionaries disappearing Act

2010-07-22 Thread Eric Caron
Dear List, I'm feeling a little unwanted by Google Groups and MacVisionaries in particular. On occasion for no reason I can figure out I stop getting messages from MacVisionaries and then after some time, in this last case about a week, the messages start showing up again. The changes do not

Re: IBraille

2010-07-22 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Eric, I'm not familiar with Louis. I remember hearing something about it on one or another Mac-related list a while back; thought I heard it worked under Leopard or tiger or something, but I am probably confused. Hadn't thought of that. Most of the documents I need to emboss come from others,

Re: -- SPAM -- MacVisionaries disappearing Act

2010-07-22 Thread David McLean
If you have a spam filter check it. I had to do that myself because my ISP thinks everything from this list is spam. On Jul 22, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Eric Caron wrote: > Dear List, > > I'm feeling a little unwanted by Google Groups and MacVisionaries in > particular. On occasion for no reason I

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Are you talking about dot files like .hidden_filename? If so then there is no way short of some hackery to get them to show. You can turn on showing file name extensions. Why would you want them to show? You can, of course, access them through the terminal. CB erik burggraaf wrote: Hi guys,,

Louis Braille Translator

2010-07-22 Thread Ana G
The Louis braille translator for the Mac is at the URL on Fred's Head is incorrect. thanks to the person who brought this up. I haven't tried it yet. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To po

Re: ichat question

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Hmm. Just tried it again and it worked for me. I'm on Snow Leopard. Are you? CB joseph wrote: Hi Chris, I tried to do VO-shift-space once i found the envitation window but the mouse did not click, am i missing anything out there? best is Blbouch wrote: I had to use Window Chooser (vo-f2

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread louie
This is not a hack write. Only those who do not know how to program will make such a statement. tell application "Finder" activate try set showHidden to do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles" as string if showHidden is "OFF" then say "Showing dot files" do shell s

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Blouch
Or go to terminal and paste defaults write AppleShowAllFiles ON but modifying finder preferences under the hood is still hackery, of the good kind :) That said, why would you want to see all the .hidden files in the finder? They are generally not user-centric stuff that you'd

Re: MacVisionaries disappearing Act

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
It happened to me too this week, I assumed the group was just quiet? On 22 Jul 2010, at 21:41, Eric Caron wrote: > Dear List, > > I'm feeling a little unwanted by Google Groups and MacVisionaries in > particular. On occasion for no reason I can figure out I stop getting > messages from MacVis

Re: MacVisionaries disappearing Act

2010-07-22 Thread Carolyn
Hi Eric, Not that we all need to belabor the list with responses. But we definitely want your participation. Unless there's some privvy info I don't know about, you've suffered from good old "computer error," or undetectable human error. So, chin up, you're still loved and wante:) Carolyn

Re: show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread Barry Hadder
Open terminal and type: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES To turn it off, just substitute "YES" with "NO". On Jul 22, 2010, at 3:13 PM, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi guys,, > > How do I show hidden files in finder? > > Thanks, > > Erik Burggraaf > User support consultant, >

ot: new apple security issues.

2010-07-22 Thread Karen Lewellen
given some of the issues folks are having with safari and some other third party programs, I am sharing the following two articles. It is not apple itself, but the extras, often constructed to work better with windows, that are causing allot of this. still the bit about safari bugs me. Kare h

Show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread David Hathaway (JBL ICT)
Hello everyone. > erik burggraaf asked: > How do I show hidden files in finder? You can use the following shell command to reveal all hidden files and directories: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES If you want to return to the standard Finder view (that is, with all normal

Show hidden files?

2010-07-22 Thread David Hathaway (JBL ICT)
Hello again everyone. I'm sorry, but I forgot to mention a couple of things in my last message. Some text editors will let you edit hidden files and the contents of hidden directories without having to resort to a shell command. One such is Smultron, which is a free text and source code editor. It

an archiver that will do 7z and other formats

2010-07-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. Is there such a beast? I'm looking for an archiver that will compress to 7zip and other formats besides zip. I love the archiving utility but I want something different. Thanks. S -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To p

Re: MacVisionaries disappearing Act

2010-07-22 Thread Eric Caron
Thank you Carolyn, Chris and others for the responses. Thanks to Chris I know I'm not alone and thanks to Carolyn my tender ego is healthy again. So far I only have two Google Groups ViPhone which always seems to work and MacVisionaries, which has come and gone about three times now. I'm loo

Re: an archiver that will do 7z and other formats

2010-07-22 Thread Portia
Hi, There is 7zip. Portia.- Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" To: "mac vissionaries vissionaries" Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:27 PM Subject: an archiver that will do 7z and other formats Hello. Is there such a beast? I'm looking for an archiver that will compress to 7z

Re: an archiver that will do 7z and other formats

2010-07-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
I use a mac. Is that even compatable? I'll google when I have th energy but for now I don't. lol! On Jul 22, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Portia wrote: > > Hi, > > There is 7zip. > > Portia.- Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" > To: "mac vissionaries vissionaries" > Sent: Thursday, July 2

Alert: Do not update to new version of Dragon Dictation app -- accessibility issues

2010-07-22 Thread Esther
Hi all, A new version of the Dragon Dictation app just showed up in the app store. Do not update to this version; nearly all the buttons are now announced as "Var mobile applicat". Further, although it is possible to still dictate text if you simply remember the location of the earlier

Re: Alert: Do not update to new version of Dragon Dictation app -- accessibility issues

2010-07-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Thanks for the alert. I'm asuming you already told the dev about this? Keep us posted on this please. thanks. S On Jul 22, 2010, at 8:50 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi all, > > A new version of the Dragon Dictation app just showed up in the app store. > Do not update to this version; nearly all the

Re: Alert: Do not update to new version of Dragon Dictation app -- accessibility issues

2010-07-22 Thread Mary Otten
Thank you, Esther. Yet another example of lack of commitment to accessibility. what on earth did they gain by changing buttons to the ever popular var mobile applicat? Mary Mary Otten -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVision

Re: an archiver that will do 7z and other formats

2010-07-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well I tried ez7z and it said to drop something here. and I forgot the website for 7z, which I thought was a windows only program. Help please? S On Jul 22, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Portia wrote: > > Hi, > > There is 7zip. > > Portia.- Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" > To: "mac vis

Re: [Elgato #PKD-269661]: VoiceOver

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Moore
All, Please see below a reply from the maker's of EyeTV. Regards Chris On 23 Jul 2010, at 00:50, Elgato Systems Technical Support wrote: > Chris, > > Thank you for contacting Elgato Systems. > > I'm happy to answer your question about VoiceOver and EyeTV. > > As of EyeTV 3.4.1, which just c