hello what is the vi mac audio page to get garage band files to work with 10.6
and the related guides?
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Or if it will even install. But I'm wondrig if vo will work with it.
-Original Message-
From: anouk radix [mailto:anou...@home.nl]
Sent: Monday, 30 November 2009 11:03 p.m.
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: rdc
HEllo, The microsoft rdc client is listed on the accessibility w
and we are supposed to have less access to a computer than the sighted because
it would be something in the platform just for us? That makes no sense. If I
ever need another Windows computer I hope that this group will buy me the
software needed as I can't afford it. What are they thinking?
Hi Lynn,
Well-said. There are many blind individuals who wish to keep the status quo,
and anybody who suggests otherwise is often criticized. I've been on enough
lists to see that happen. It's a pleasure being on this list, as the intent of
the list has really been maintained, to help each o
I would also be very interested in checking out those labels for
Garage Band. .
On Nov 4, 1:13 pm, "Ginny Owens" wrote:
> I have almost all my buttons labeled in Logic 9 if anyone wants them. I
> just have to figure out how to export them. I have many of the buttons in
Hello, yes I have installed it here allright. My friend just has to get the rdc
server on his windows machine setup and maybe setup a windoweyes demo becaus eI
have no idea at all how rdc works. I just know that he and I could use my
computer simultanuously when I installed teamviewer on my mac
Hi Hank,
hank smith wrote:
> hello what is the vi mac audio page to get garage band files to work
> with 10.6 and the related guides?
> -
Are you talking about the page with the guides for working with Audio
files and recording? That's at:
Hello Justin,
This isn't Ginny, but she posted to the vimac-audio list that she
uploaded her VO buttons labeled in GB5 and Logic Pro to the vimac-
audio page files. Go to page for uploaded vimac-audio files:
Use item chooser menu to l
Buttons for Logic Pro? What version?
PS. Who is Ginny? May I have her address so I can ask more questions about
her level of access with Logic Pro?
-Original Message-
From: Esther [mailto:mori...@mac.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 1:04 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.co
So he can connect to your mac when you have rdc installed on it, but your
friend is connecting from a pc?
Cool. I was thinking more from the other way round. As in mac connecttig to
pc using rdc / rdp.
-Original Message-
From: anouk radix [mailto:anou...@home.nl]
Sent: Tuesday, 1 Dece
there is also a separate vi mac audio website
where the files fore garage band have been posted to make it vo friendly with
snow leopard eg the buttons are labeled
no one will give me the website to get the files I am feeling a bit left out
kind of upset about it as well
web sites and co
this is what I was looking fore
why the heck would no one give me this on the vi mac audio list?
I requested this info god only knows how many times
anyways thanks fore the link
am saving this one
web sites and contact info:
- Original Message -
From: "Esther"
Sent: Tuesda
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