Justa question in the lists does VO VO say 1 of seven etc if there are
seven items and if so can this be changed?
- Original Message -
From: "william lomas"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: A solution for stopping voiceover from saying empty
Cool, glad to hear thatyou got your Mac. I'm assuming it has Snow
Leopard installled on it. If so,you can hit control-option-h, and go
down to the getting started guide, hit return on it, and you'll be
taken to a nice HTML version of that. . It's worth looking at for
you, since you'r
Nice, all the new blind mac owners. I recently spoke with another
dutch blind mac owner, who is not on any list but also uses voicover
at work. I am glad I am not the only blind dutch person that uses the
mac after all and its nice that the general blind mac community seems
to be increasin
Hi Barry,
Got it, and it's set. Thanks. My wireless network is recognized and I've
been on the Net. It rocks! Pages are loading very quickly thus far. After
work, I'll set up mail.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Hi Mike,
I got the impression from Apple that if it was pre-installed, I would not
receive a DVD. I'll call them and see if I can get a DVD for the reason you
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mik
Hi Christina,
I suppose that if someone was watching your activity, VoiceOver would
"Data detectives present" instead, or what? Smiles. You are correct
about the VO-shift-M shortcut; focus Voiceover on the item and press
the shortcut, and you will get all the possible commands list
Hey thanks for that. Good to know. One question, has anyone been
successful in partitioning a hard disc with the disc utility and Voice
Over? I can't seem to get too far with partitioning a disc. I am
having a hard time selecting a partition in order to name it and set a
size etc... If anyone
Hmm, imho it makes no sense, but perhaps there's something that I,
you, and every other list veteran I can think of has overlooked lol.
Seeing as you've got the convo rolling with them this time, perhaps
it's worth an email back asking them how you're supposed to
efficiently cycle through applica
Less, you should have received two DVDs with your system and one is a
SL restoration disc and the other should contain the optional install
software such as iLife.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 4:51 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I got the impression from Apple that if it was pre-installed, I
That is correct, if you want to change this behavior, go to system
preferences, keyboard, and check the box that says use f1, f2, etc. as
function keys or something to that affect. additionally, you can
easily determine if you are running SL by pressing vo-m and choose
"About this Mac" and
Has anoyone tried this?
On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:00 AM, william lomas wrote:
> hi use your iphone and ipod touch as your trackpad for
> your mac
> Edovia today is proud to announce TouchPad 1.0, its 7th app for iPhone
> and iPod touch. TouchPad is a remote trackpad and keyb
Following on the training elders at the VA: I couldn't agree more. I
have seen far too many smart people walk away from computing because
JAWS and/or Window-Eyes require far too much memorization. Having
lots of very specific commands is great for the advanced user but
having the ability
Will vm ware's fusion work with snow leopard?
There were some on a forum claiming it might not.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar
Thanks for writing back.
I wasn't certain if there was something I had to do directly to make
JamochaMUD usable by screen readers and the like, but a little poking
around shows that there is indeed a Java Accessible programming
This implies to me that if I implement the accessible fea
hi i've started using garage band and can only record me playing
guitar, can anyone tell me how to get the drums to work.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this
Yes it does or at least the little I've done so far which isn't much
appears to work just fine.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 7:20 AM, dannyboy wrote:
> Will vm ware's fusion work with snow leopard?
> There were some on a forum claiming it might not.
> >
Yes, it is indeed true that NVDA is the only Windows based screen
access utility that has no Off Screen Model (OSM) in any traditional
sense of the word. On GNU/Linux, orca functions without an OSM but
mouse cursor (review cursor) mode using a simulated OSM acts kind of
strange somet
Quite the contrary, the existence of a scripting language takes away
the excuse from mainstream developers as they can now manipulate their
program via scripts and cannot tell the Access Board that they cannot
do Section 508 compliance. At FS, we forced a number of big players
to either w
I did try several, but they stunk. That was almost a year ago though,
so there might be something better now... hopefully.
erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194
Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
On 8-Sep-09, at 7:59 PM, anouk radix wrote:
The way to break away from MSAA is far simpler than one would think.
A developer can switch to iAccessible2 (an API made by IBM for
Windows) which is a superset of MSAA so they can migrate without
throwing away usable code.
On Sep 8, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I'm not a prog
The plug in is designed to take the text from an OpenOffice document
and convert it to DAISY for existing recording the tool is a windows
one called Obi.
On 04/09/2009, at 5:03 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Thanks Greg,
> Can any text or audio bok i.e. mp3 be made into a DAISY book with thi
Hi all has anyone else noted under snowleopard one can't arrow
through their songs as they are playing in iTunes with left arrow and
right arrow?
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hi i left quicknav on lol that's why can't arrow through itunes
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Thanks for this awesome tip.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:
On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:37 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> Hi all,a friend of mine who's not on this list, was playing with
> verbosity settings, and we found that if yo
I just put up a new blog post about the iPhone, AT&T, coolness and
weirdness. It's at: http://www.blindconfidential.blogspot.com.
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"MacVisionaries" g
How would we know if JFW was reading in the Desktop user area and what is
it? Also, where would JFW write the file?
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Hofstader"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:07 PM
Subject: OSM Screen Reading was: Re: Voice Over with Apple Scripts, must get
I've never used the following site before, but they promise to have
live blogging and links to video streams of today's Apple event if
there are any.
You received this message b
Hi all,
I was wondering why when i switch applications from preview and back
the page i was reading starts from the beginning. Instead of hotspots,
is there a way to leave the mouse cursor on the ast word which was
read in preview and then when back to reading, get the mouse cursor to
Oh thank you very much. That's definitely something I will need.
May, it's time for school and goalball
blog: www.true-friends2009.com
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Eickmeier"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: My MacBook Has Arrived
> Cool, glad to he
I'll betcha that this -- and many other iTunes problems -- will be
fixed later today with the release of iTunes 9. Here's hoping ...
On Sep 9, 9:53 am, william lomas wrote:
> Hi all has anyone else noted under snowleopard one can't
> arrow
> through their songs as they are pla
Hi there, I would be very glad to help in any way I can. I can of
course run windows virtually via vmware but I would rather do stuff
natively on the mac. I did hear from some people that you have to
label the buttons if this is at all possible in java. I did get
initial text, the buttons
Hello all,
Currently I'm still under windows vista.
I am working with virtual box the only accessible and affordable
(because free) virtualization software I know on this platform. I soon
plan to create a windows xp virtual machine.
As I also plan during the coming months to switch under
Good morning. How do I get my Mac to find wireless connections? I would like
to use the help that's in HTML but I won't be home during the day so need the
wireless, thanks.
May, I finally have my MacBook, yay!!
blog: www.true-friends2009.com
hmm, this doesn't seem to work in snow leopard. I've just been trying
to read the email address and remember what it is, but there has to be
an easier way in sl!
On 2009-09-09, at 2:22 AM, Christina wrote:
> Hi,
> I miss the menu button. However, if you select the text with the
> name/
I've been trying unsuccessfully to get the Macs in my department to
authenticate versus our ldap database. It works with ldap but not ldaps. I
upgraded one machine to snowleopard hoping it would work better. But now I
can't get into the ldap configuration at all.
On google I've seen messages t
Do I need to be on the internet for this command to work? I've tried it
from the finder window and it just tells me this item has no help tag.
If so, how to I get on the net and how do I find out if I have sl, thanks.
May, I finally have my MacBook, yay!!
blog: www.true-friends2009.com
- O
Hi Jessi,
If you focus on the header, interact with it and focus on the from
address, and press VO-shift-space, you will hear "menu" and can arrow
down to copy the address etc. etc. Just remember to route the mouse to
your VO cursor with VO-command-F5 before you click, since I suppose
Hi May,
Go to the status menu with Control-F8. One of the options is Airport.
Press Down Arrow to go into that menu. One of the options should be
Turn Airport On. Press Return. At that point, the Mac will search for
networks and let you try to connect with what it finds.
Smile, thank you very much.
May, I finally have my MacBook, yay!!
blog: www.true-friends2009.com
- Original Message -
From: "Woody Anna Dresner"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: wireless connections
> Hi May,
> Go to the status menu with Control-F8. On
You might use a program like IP Scanner,
I'm not sure if this will work; it will only work if the FSID is being
broadcast by the network. Course, if you're mostly looking for free
WIFI, it might just do the trick.
Mark BurningHawk Ba
Thanks :)
On Sep 9, 2009, at 1:56 AM, John André Netland wrote:
> Hi Christina,
> I suppose that if someone was watching your activity, VoiceOver would
> announce
> "Data detectives present" instead, or what? Smiles. You are correct
> about the VO-shift-M shortcut; focus Voiceover on the item
I didn't notice any replies to your email so I'll take a crack at it.
If software update does the update it should apply to all accounts. If
the account has insufficient privileges to complete the update it should
either fail and tell you or ask for the admin account to authenticate.
While you
you have leopard on it
On Sep 9, 2009, at 11:52 AM, May and Wynter wrote:
> Do I need to be on the internet for this command to work? I've
> tried it
> from the finder window and it just tells me this item has no help tag.
> If so, how to I get on the net and how do I find out if I have s
If JAWS or any other Windows screen reader is speaking at the login
screen it has effectively been given privileges to run anywhere in a
Windows XP, Vista or 7 system. Rumor says that MS has stopped this
possibility in Windows 7 but I've only gossip to cite as a source and
probably won't
You have one processor chip with two processor cores inside. I think
it's pretty much the functional equivalent of having two distinct
processors but it shares packaging and maybe some circuitry. For all
intents and purposes you have two processors. While not everything takes
advantage of havi
Right. Not that Youtube is all that accessible either. Or is it? I never
really tried since I assumed the flash player would make it inaccessible
to voiceover.
James & Nash wrote:
> If you do this though does it mean that Youtube is no longer
> accessible? I like ot listen to songs on there
Thank you for the clarification Chris
Take care
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Hofstader"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: OSM Screen Reading was: Re: Voice Over with Apple Scripts, must
get this off my chest
> If JAWS or any other Windows scr
Thanks Chris
Take care
- Original Message -
From: Chris Blouch
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Working with more than one acount
I didn't notice any replies to your email so I'll take a crack at it.
yes! all sorted. well it took a while but the penny finally dropped.
thanks for all who assisted
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Hi all,
I'm attempting to follow Simon's instructions for creating ringtones. But I
am unable to copy anything out of my itunes songs table, not the new file
I've created and not any other files either. This seems to be new behavior
with Snow Leopard? At least, it never happened to me before.
Right, but the last I heard eBay said they either needed to come to an
agreement with the patent holders or shut it down. This just shifts the
problem to a new group of folks.
Doug Lee wrote:
> I sincerely doubt Skype ends or even changes that dramatically as a
> result of all this legal stu
Hi Donna,
Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm attempting to follow Simon's instructions for creating
> ringtones. But I
> am unable to copy anything out of my itunes songs table, not the new
> file
> I've created and not any other files either. This seems to be new
> behavior
> with
From the reporting of Mac World.
11:01 PT - JS: Adding voiceover to the nano, adding Genius Mixes. FM
Radio tuner built in as well. And built-in voice recorder app using
the built-in microphone, and a built-in pedometer. You can even sync
your steps to Nike plus for long-term goals.
Apple Media Event 9/9/09
Today, Apple announced details of iPhone OS 3.1, iTunes 9, and new models in
their iPod lineups.
The iPhone OS 3.1 details are scarce as yet, but the update includes pre-cut
ring tones from the major record labels.
iTunes 9, the latest version of Apple's popular media man
hi I followed macworld on twitter.
1. The nano has been updated with video camera, microphone, and voice
2. so has the touch but no mention of voiceover?
3. itunes nine out
4. no beatles back catalog
You r
I dunno why everyone is talking about voiceover on the nano as if it's
a new thing lol. I wonder what upgrades are made to voiceover on the
On 2009-09-09, at 2:13 PM, Maccessibility wrote:
> Apple Media Event 9/9/09
> Today, Apple announced details of iPhone OS 3.1, iTunes 9, and ne
because voiceover was never on the nano. it was sound files asociated
with actions that were created by your pc or mac
On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:17 AM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> I dunno why everyone is talking about voiceover on the nano as if it's
> a new thing lol. I wonder what upgrades are m
on the previous nano the computer generated the menus and speech
whereas now the product has tts to do that job
On 9 Sep 2009, at 16:17, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> I dunno why everyone is talking about voiceover on the nano as if it's
> a new thing lol. I wonder what upgrades are made to voi
I imagine since they said it would be like on the Shuffle, there will
be international voices included. Also, although the Mac-cessibility
News didn't mention it, along with the video recording camera and
voice recording with built in mic, the new nano is supposed to have FM
Hi Esther,
I finally copied the file, by just opening up Macintosh HD and finding the
folder and manually copying it. So, now it's on my desktop. But, When I do
Command-O in Itunes, it won't let me go to my desktop to select a file. I
can go to Contacts, users, my account folder, and documents
It is accessible but won't work on any system running later that OS
As I have heard from HumanWare, there were not enough sales of the
initial Mac version to warrant making a new version compatible with
On Sep 8, 2009, at 7:37 PM, michael A. Babcock wrote:
> hi chris
Hi Donna,
Have you already renamed the file to the .m4r extension? If so, you
should be able to just double click on the file with VO-Shift-Space
(hold down Control, Option, and Shift keys and tap the space bar
twice) to add the file to iTunes. It should show up in the Ringtones
damn it
On Sep 9, 2009, at 10:26 AM, Melinda Pethel wrote:
> It is accessible but won't work on any system running later that OS
> 10.4.
> As I have heard from HumanWare, there were not enough sales of the
> initial Mac version to warrant making a new version compatible with
> Leopard.
oh, okay. I gotcha. the nano has a built in TTS engine. what voice is
it? I suspect it's the same one as on the iPhone? and then the
international ones are probably the same as the shuffle? that's really
cool!! I'd really like to see one of these! i'm curious how the video
camera fits in c
voiceover is on the new ipod touch!
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Hi Esther,
Well, double-clicking on the file didn't do anything. So I tried pressing
Command-O with the file on my desktop selected--and yes, renamed with the
M4R extension. That did cause it to be imported into itunes, at least I can
see it in the ringtones playlist. But, when I try to play i
Hi Donna,
Once you rename the extension, try moving the file from your desktop
to your iTunes folder. Then open it in itunes by pressing Control-O.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Esther,
> I finally copied the file, by just opening up Macintosh HD and
Hi Anna,
Do you know what the time limit for ringtones is? I've heard both 30 and 40
seconds. My file is 37 secs, so want to make sure it isn't too long.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of W
Cut, copy, and paste comes to iPod touch. To bring up cut, copy, and
paste options, use the rotor and choose Edit. Flick up or down to
choose between the Select and Select All functions, then double tap.
If you choose Select, the word closest to the insertion point is
selected when
Hi Donna,
How odd that double-clicking didn't open the file by default into
iTunes. And your track should play when you select it and press
Return. OK, a few thoughts:
1. If you select the track in the ringtones playlist, can you check
that the time is under 40 seconds? Look in the songs
I'm sorry my instructions were not clear. I believe there are a few
ways you can accomplish this task. Before the upgrade it was much
easier to just focus on the message headers, interact with it then
move to the senders address and press vo + spacebar because the
sender's name/e-ma
Hi Esther,
Thanks for the Command-R shortcut! That's *very cool!
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 2:06 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subjec
Hi Anna,
Good thought about moving this to the iTunes Music folder before
adding it. I forgot that Donna may have her preferences set so that
"Copy files to iTunes Music Folder when adding to Library" is
unchecked on the Advanced pane of the iTunes preferences menu. Of
course, iTunes wi
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Hi all,
These iPod releases come at an interesting time for me, as my field
recorder has popped it's cloggs and I'm due a new toy. So far I'm not
having much luck turning up specifics of the new recording
functionality, but I'm wondering whether this new line of iPods might
be a quick and dirty
Hi Esther,
The bit rate is the same as your sample, 256 KBPS, and the length of the
ringtone is 32 seconds. I tried to copy all the info, but didn't have
options to select and copy in the info table.
When I press space, it says it's playing, but there's no sound. Also, I can
play the file with
thanks!! :) I'm so glad I know how to do this again!! yay!!!
On 2009-09-09, at 11:55 AM, John André Netland wrote:
> Hi Jessi,
> If you focus on the header, interact with it and focus on the from
> address, and press VO-shift-space, you will hear "menu" and can arrow
> down to copy the addres
Good thought, but no, that option is checked.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 3:18 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: copyin
You guys won't believe this!
When I came back to write my last message, I closed out itunes. I just went
back over to the mac and reopened it to double-check that the copy to Itunes
library option had remained checked. When I reopened Itunes, it told me
that the volume was turned all the way do
Just downloading it now, after an update of the quicktime player.
Can't wait to see if the app order application is accessible :)
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"MacVisionaries" group.
Hi Donna,
Glad this worked, I was just about to tell you to check the volume
slider setting in iTunes. This happened once to me. There's a
separate volume control for iTunes, and if you VO-Right arrow past the
LCD section you'll get the buttons for "Mute", "Slider", and "Full
it still says the old eye eye eye eye eye eye eye tunes stores thing lol
but good how they do the menu now for your account etc
On 9 Sep 2009, at 20:51, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
> Just downloading it now, after an update of the quicktime player.
> Can't wait to see if the app order applica
Uh, for now I'd like to keep it simple, smile. Just until I get use to Mac.
Playing on the web I haven't gotten to yet.
May, I finally have my MacBook, yay!!
blog: www.true-friends2009.com
- Original Message -
From: "Mark BurningHawk Baxter"
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:
Well, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who's experienced such
weirdness. :) I'm just curious though, do you happen to know why the volume
being muted would impact playing the version that had been imported, but not
the version on my desktop that hadn't?
Take care,
> -Origina
M twice, then VO right arrow until you hear the airport menu; Down
arrow at that point to hear a list of all the wireless networks your
Mac sees; there's a "join other networks," option if you know the FSID
of the network you want and it's not being broadcast. That's
simpler. :)
Hi everybody.
With the release of Ipod touch, I now have to face the issue of converting
my itunes library to something that is handled nicely on the Ipod. My itunes
Library files are uncompressed Aiff files, and I will have to convert that
into e.g. Aac compressed audio that plays on the ipod
I'd also like to recommend filezilla which is free. It might be
familiar to some formal windows users on this list but it's accessible
with vo also.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:32 AM, anouk radix wrote:
> Thanks Erik I had already dowloaded unison not knowing it was by
> panic. When i just
Hi everyone,
I can't find the book i purchasedfrom itunes in the sources table. And
there is no checkbox in the prefs. Even on the new itunes i can't find
I really like the new menu on the itunes store though :)
Oh, before i digressed: does anyone know where i can find book files?
Doesn't comand Y not work? Does here in tigerland.Would be faster at
least to get the address in book. Of course if you want to hear the
actual address, back to interaction again *lol.*
On Sep 9, 2009, at 11:35 AM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> thanks!! :) I'm so glad I know how to do this a
OK, I looked at this a bit. The way to start an application is to use
tell for it...
So the below worked for me.
tell application "VoiceOver Utility"
end tell
On Sep 8, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> After reading quite a few things and testi
Hi Donna,
I'll post a longer answer about copying for Ringtones later, but as a
quick answer to your question, the difference in your being able to
play the Desktop version vs. the version in iTunes may be that in
iTunes the setting of you volume slider was checked. If it was
something w
Chris, sorry I must have missed the initial message on this thread,
but you are correct.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> I didn't notice any replies to your email so I'll take a crack at it.
> If software update does the update it should apply to all accounts.
> If the acc
Ah, that makes sense. I didn't realize that ITunes is basically an
interface with Quicktime.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:17 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> I'll post a longer answer about copying for Ringtones later, but as a
> quick answer to your question, the difference in your bein
Hi all,
I've been trying to register for the free trial to mobile me, and went
to fill in my billing info, but when i press on the unlabelled button,
i keep getting back to the same page. I've noticed thatthere is no
radio button or anything to say that i agree to terms of service,
If they'd make their server available on the Mac, I'd be very happy. Anyone
know of a good FTP server with a comparable feature set of FileZilla Server?
I'd prefer it to be free, but if it's cheap that's fine too.
> Subject: Re: ftpclients on the mac?
> From: blindgu...@gmai
Hi John,
I thought voiceover utility couldn't be openend directly from the tell
command as it wasn't in the suites in the library...lol
Well, that does clear it up, got much more to read :)
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Does anyone know what this is?
Haven't got a clue.
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Hi folks,
I have a slight problem. I can connect to my wireless network on my Windows
machine and my MacBook can locate other networks but it cannot locate or
connect to my own wireless network. It does connect when via the Ethernet
cable connecting directly to my Router/moden. Can anyone plea
Excellent; I'll let you know when I've worked on the accessibility
issues in JamochaMUD. According to the documentation I've found Java
has a lot of built-in accessibility features so it may be relatively
trivial to get things set-up (everything from tool-tips and keyboard
navigation to binding l
1. can your mac see the network but not connect?
2. Is your wireless router configured by you or another party.
3. Which MacOS are you running?
On Sep 9, 2009, at 6:24 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have a slight problem. I can connect to my wireless network on my
> Windows
> mach
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