Yeah. You can fully format your drive with your Leopard disc. You have
to do the following:
1: Insert the disc and hold down the c key to boot up from the disc.
2: When the disc stops spinning, start Voiceover
3: Select your language
4: Go to the menu bar, choose Utility and choose Disc Uti
Yes that will do the trick.
On Aug 9, 2009, at 12:13 AM, Joe Quinn wrote:
> is the apple hardware test option, gotten to by holding down the d
> key when
> booting up with the installation DVD, accessible with voiceover?
> sorry to be asking all the questions, but...
> >
Thanks Anne
Much appreciated.
I turned vo off and had a friend do what I needed.
That's what I get for having a 59 character key for my wireless network.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf O
you can specify a single playlist to be synced with your iphone/ipod.
You choose the "phone" and navigate to the music tab then select sync
then choose the selected playlists button then you can select any
number of playlists to be synced to your ipod.
Alternatively if you really want to m
Hi good knowledgable people out in Mac land.
I'm trying to set up a blog on my domain and i'm thinking about using
widgets on it. My question to you is how do you activate wordpress
widgets using Safari? The instructions say to drag/drop widgets onto
the side bar of the theme in Wordpress to
I am trying out Audio Hijack Pro. I tried recording something off the
Internet. I chose itunes because I have itunes set to play Internet
content, I chose Hijack, I pressed Record and played what I wanted to
record, and I chose Pause Recording from the controls menu. Now what
do I do
I have a Mac mini, and I would like to record a demonstration of the
iPod Shuffle now that the tap stick is available. I have a USB
microphone. Is there any way I can connect the Shuffle to my computer
and record both it and my voice through the microphone?
Hi, I have posted about this on the other list, but does anyone use the iphone
as a bookreading device to read text or html books? If so, ho well does it work
to read continuously, and do you often find yourself losing your place? Has
anyone used the bookmarklet that allows you to execute the fi
Hi Anna,
If you have the checkbox in Record enabled, AHP is recording, to stop
recording, disable the checkbox for Record. When you enable the Record
checkbox, HiJacking will automatically be enabled, so you do not need
to press them both to start recording. You can also set AHP up to
I've been having the same issue, hope someone can answer it. some of
the widgets are really good. and before some kind of update on
wordpress's part, this feature was pretty accessible.
On Aug 9, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi good knowledgable people out in Mac land.
> I'm
uncheck the record button and high jack buttons in the tool bar.
On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying out Audio Hijack Pro. I tried recording something off the
> Internet. I chose itunes because I have itunes set to play Internet
> content, I chose Hijack
Hi all,
OK, so I managed to see the Iphone a bit more today.
A friend of mine helped me to start VoiceOver and then he pressed ok to confirm
the gesture change.
Later on the screen was black from what he told me but I suppose it's the
setting that will turn off the screen if VOiceOver is turned
Can you set Xjournal or something to upload to your own domain? I
never thought about posting a blog on my own domain, and I'm really
not sure why. I use LiveJournal, now:
if anyone cares. Maybe it'd get people coming to my domain,
Hi Anna,
You could get the free LineIn application from:
This allows you to plug your iPod into the line-in connector on your
Mac with a mini-to-mini plug connector and press a Pass Thru button in
the app to direct the output of the iPod to your Mac's speake
I'm guessing there would be some kind of tool to do this or some code.
you may wanna search live journal to investigate more.
On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:50 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:
> Can you set Xjournal or something to upload to your own domain? I
> never thought about posting a blog on my own dom
Hi again folks,
I encounter something that I think, personally, is kind of bizzarre.
I installed a virtual Windows XP Professional machine last night, and
it worked rather well. I installed my JAWS license as soon as
everything was ready to go. Afterwards, I decided to try to find a
balance wher
Jaws probably thinks that a different memory allocation means a
different machine, virtual or not; I wonder if you could change the
simulated processor speed or chipset emulation and get a similar
response from Jaws.
Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
MSN: burnin
Hi Kane,
I believe that whenever you change the amount of RAM you alocate, the
JAWS licensing software thinks you're using a different computer and
so wants you to activate JAWS again.
You received this message because you ar
I have my regular account with my i s p, and a g mail account with
This works well with mail.
On Aug 7, 2009, at 8:35 PM, JEFFREY SHOCKLEY wrote:
> Hi al,
> Gotta a quick question.
> How well does Mail handle multiple accounts and, how easy is it to
> manage them?
> Thanks in advance
I have learned how to download podcasts with v o shift m.
But is there a way to tell itunes to download every episode of a
On Aug 8, 2009, at 9:39 AM, Jesper Holten wrote:
> Hi there.
> Thanks alot, it works fine now.
> Best regards, Jesper.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jo
Hi. That is correct. Just like if you would have changed ram modules in a
physical computer, Jaws would need to get the authorization done again.
Likewise, when you do it virtually in fusion.
- Original Message -
From: "Woody Anna Dresner"
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 6
Hi Daniel,
Focus on the podcast's name and press VO-Shift-M. If there are podcast
episodes available that you haven't downloaded, the last item in the
context menu is Download Podcast Episode. If you choose that, all
undownloaded podcasts are downloaded.
Hi Daniel,
Daniel Crone wrote:
> I have learned how to download podcasts with v o shift m.
> But is there a way to tell itunes to download every episode of a
> podcast?
To download every available podcast episode from a feed, simply use
the same VO-Shift-M (that's Control Option Shift M) sh
hi all it is ashame as ont eh amc, one can't put messages into
folders on the IPhone 3gS. Also if the messaging coul be threaded or
unthreaded as on nokias it would give those of us who are used to the
traditional message system used to it.
I don't believe that's quite correct. IF it would have the same effect
on a physical computer, that is. I put extra ram in an actual XP
machine I had a couple weeks ago, approximately 2GB and I didn't have
the same problem as I do with Fusion whatsoever. It just seemed to run
smoother, as it shoul
hi ,
i have to make them drag and drop by my husband. but when they are
placed i can open them and and work well . but i have hard time
workink in the html window. vo just sticks there and does not want to
go forward.
what am i doing wrong?
Il giorno 09/ago/09, alle ore 15:50, Mark Bax
I am using Adium with my Windows instant messenger account. People are
telling me that it takes a couple seconds after I quit typing for them
to see the message. I do not experience this lag with other messenger
clients running in windows. Does anybody else experience this lag with
I just set up file sharing and noticed that the buttons are mislabeled
if you attempt to customize what is shared and to whom.
If anybody has a need to know about this let me know and I can walk
you through the steps.
By default when you turn file sharing on it is only enabled for
Hi John,
Thanks so much. With your advice, I was able to make some recordings
this afternoon.
All the best,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, sen
Hi Kane,
I think you lucked out. I'm pretty sure I had to activate JAWS when I
put more rAM in a Windows computer a year or two ago.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" gr
I will try to explane this as best as I can. when you change the ram
setting it is like changing a piese of hardware so jaws thinks it has
changed. If you put it back it 512 then it assoomes that you are
using the older hardware. I will be more then happy to help you if
you need, but t
Hi Jon,
Where do you turn on SMB file sharing? All the other computers on my
network are PCs. I didn't see an option for that in System Preferences/
Sharing. Also, is turning on file sharing all I have to do to get the
PUblic folder shared?
Should I focus on one episode of a podcast, or on an unexpanded
podcast name?
I downloaded a podcast using v o shift m, but that did not download
all podcasts.
On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:45 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Focus on the podcast's name and press VO-Shift-M. If there a
Here is my sad report on the state of iPhone book reading applications
on the iPhone Touch. I downloaded the following ebook reading
R&N eReader
I am sorry to report that none of these applications are accessible
with voiceover on the iphone. With the exc
HI DAniel,
You need to be focused on the name of the podcast, not one of the
podcast episodes.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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HI Esther,
Thanks for these great suggestions. Am I right in thinking there's no
way to have input from the mike and line-in jack simultaneously?
All the best,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
setting Dear Friends,
These instructions are just the overview. I assume the reader is
familiar with configuring system preferences.
1. Go to sharing system preference pane.
2. Select file sharing in the "Services" table.
3. Click the options button (if problems make sure the system
Thanks for this. I've been meaning to do something like this for a
while but I hadn't got round to googling it. Would you happen to know
if I would be able to share a hole drive with write access fora given
user as apposed to sharing every folder indervidually? I'm used to
disabling simple file sh
I just took a look at amadeus Pro. It looks like it has a lot of great
options, but how do you move around in it? and know where you are I
couldn't find rewind or fast forward functions, which is how I mostly
navigated using GoldWave since it provided clear audio feedback.
Thanks a lot
Hi Jon,
Thanks so much. Your instructions worked like a charm.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.co
Hello Greg and all:
Thank you for your email.
Do you have any information about the iceberg reader? I observe that
many books in the itunes store seem to be using this. Any thoughts
would be appreciated.
I ask because some books though stated as being available in audio
form in the itunes
But simply burns does it just a bit better imho as it does with most
if not all of your burning tasks.
And it's free.
erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194
Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
On 8-Aug-09, at 11:17 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrot
whee can you get tis from?
On Aug 8, 2009, at 8:25 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> But simply burns does it just a bit better imho as it does with most
> if not all of your burning tasks.
> And it's free.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone:
is there such a editor that works like windows sound forge?
I am looking for a editing application like that as far as control
features and the way it works
there such a beast
On Aug 8, 2009, at 12:34 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> Andanother onefor recording and editing is Amadeus pro, and you
I am specifically looking for Mac software and VoiceOver localised to
Welsh. Does anyone know if Apple has produced a Welsh version of Mac
products and if VoiceOver can be purchased for Welsh? Conceivably, if
Apple is committed to having speech as integrated as possible, it
can't simply sto
Hi Rebecca,
This is a perfect question for the accessibility team at Apple, send
your inquiry to accessibil...@apple.com
Good luck from John André in NOrway
On 10. aug.. 2009, at 07.04, Rebecca wrote:
> Hello:
> I am specifically looking for Mac software and VoiceOver localised to
> Welsh
Dear Rebecca,
I, too, am a Welsh speaker, and I have already been e-mailing Apple
about the Welsh language. There are no languages nor localisation
available in the Welsh language and not likely to be. However, Welsh
keyboard layout is a part of the operating system as standard, and one
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