Thanks for this. I've been meaning to do something like this for a
while but I hadn't got round to googling it. Would you happen to know
if I would be able to share a hole drive with write access fora given
user as apposed to sharing every folder indervidually? I'm used to
disabling simple file sharing on my pc's and then having access to the
default admin shares which include every drive. On that note, do you
know if I am able to append $'s to the share names so that they are
hidden like I do in windows?
Once again, thanks.

On 10/08/2009, Jonathan C. Cohn <> wrote:
>   setting Dear Friends,
> These instructions are just the overview.  I assume the reader is
> familiar with configuring  system preferences.
> 1. Go to sharing system preference pane.
> 2. Select file sharing in the "Services" table.
> 3. Click the options button (if problems make sure the system
> preferences are unlocked)
> 4. Click the SMB check box to enable windows style file sharing.
> 5. There is a table of user names below this check box. You must click
> each check box for a user that is allowed to use SMB this will then
> ask for that users password.
> 6. Click the OK button to return to the main sharing panel.
> 7. There are two untitled tables in the sharing pane. The first one is
> a list of directories that can be mounted. (Sharepoints) The second
> table lists users and their permissions for the selected sharepoint.
> Below these boxes are 4 buttons which are incorrectly ladled.
> The "Add Users" button is actually "Add Sharepoint", the "Add
> Sharepoint" is actually "add user" and the same can be said for the
> remove buttons. What is also interesting and I have not investigated
> is that it appears that entries in your address book can be added as
> file sharing users.
> Hope all of this helps and does not confuse.
> Jon
> On Aug 9, 2009, at 8:25 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi Jon,
>> Where do you turn on SMB file sharing? All the other computers on my
>> network are PCs. I didn't see an option for that in System
>> Preferences/
>> Sharing. Also, is  turning on file sharing all I have to do to get the
>> PUblic folder shared?
>> Thanks,
>> Anna
>> >
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

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