Here's the answer to your question about 3d audio.
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Yeah it's called
Try this.
Format drive letter /u/fs:fat
Or, go to control panel, admin tools, coputer management, disk manager, then
find the external drive and right click on it to do a format then set the
format as fat / fat 32 when you get to that option.
-Original Messa
Keith asked for Mac OS X format though, which I'm guessing means HFS,
which as far as I know can't do. Fat32 would probably be
the best bet though if you need both OS's to be able to have
read/write access from any mac.
On 7/31/09, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Yeah it's called
The most "accurate" spatial audio information uses a technique called
Head Relative Transform Functions (HRTF) which simulates relatively
precise tonal qualities of sounds that one perceives from a specific
Some of the research into what became these functions had humans
Would it be useful if I started a I
think we have a few people interested and private communication will
cause some ideas to slip through , leaving some of the gang with a
different set of notions than others which can cause real confusion as
I had to run Disk Warrior once on my childrens's e-mac computer. The
disk had enough errors that it took 3-4 days to recover data. There
were 100's of files (mostly system files) that it could not recover,
but I was able to reteive most of their documents. I then did a full
format and re
Apple's audio APIs do support HRTF on OSX:
but apparently HRTF has not made it to the iPhone:
Would be nice if these guys ported the Mac fmod sound sy
I'm not sure that an orientation application would need HrtF as
buildings and such are big enough to not require pinpoint accuracy.
Also, typical mobile computing ear buds are probably not accurate
enough (unless you go for something like those from Shure at about
$250) to deliver th
Hi all!
OK, so today it was time for me to see and try the new iPhone.
I don't usually like these bigger stores due to their often lack of service I
have experienced so I usually prefer some smaller stores where I have some
Anyway, I went to the big shopping center here. When I visited
That unfortunatly seems to be the standard response when people want to
really try out a piece of equipment.
Sorry you had such trouble!
*** MQ ***
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Hi all.
Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille forever? I don't like
that I have to switch it off all times I start vo. I don't understand
u s contracted braille very good.
All the best.
> CB
> >
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I get an "internal server error," with that site.
Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
My home page:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
further tables have to be created.
In the braille settings you can uncheck the box that says use
contracted braile
On 31 Jul 2009, at 16:41, Tony Bernedal wrote:
> Hi all.
> Does anyone here know if there is a swedish braille table available
> somewhere? And can I disable contracted braille
The FMODEx Sound System has already been ported to the iPhone. Check
the site: I haven't looked at the port myself as I don't
have an iPhone. I've latent interests in coding and the iPhone app
store looks like a real easy way to make a little money from even a
slightly innovative
Why would you want to disable VO?
Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
My home page:
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Hello Tony,
Unfortunately, there is a bug in Leopard that prevents uncontracted
Braille remaining set. I have configured a Router Key on my PAC Mate
20 to turn contracted Braille off.
As for Swedish Braille tables, we haven't done them yet, but if you
would care to send us the code, we'll
Hi Anne.
The only table I have by hand right now is the one thats in jaws for
windows. Can you use that one or do you need something else.
All the best Tony
2009/7/31, Anne Robertson :
> Hello Tony,
> Unfortunately, there is a bug in Leopard that prevents uncontracted
> Braille remaining set.
Which site?
On Jul 31, 2009, at 11:48 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:
> I get an "internal server error," with that site.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >
Hello Tony,
We can get started with the table from JAWS for Windows, but we like
to have the official Braille code complete with symbols such as can be
found in training manuals.
You received this message because you are s
The site is
If I was programming an interactive game it would probably speak for
itself. I'd want to create my own gestures, and from what I understand
VO uses it's own special gestures. On the Mac VO uses special keys,
leaving the rest of the keyboard undisturbed and willing
Hi Anne.
I can se what I can get together when I'm back from holliday. We have
some documentation at work. We have made swedish braille tables for
Baum and there products so I guess I can find something.
All the best
2009/7/31, Anne Robertson :
> Hello Tony,
> We can get started with the
Jon that may be true, but a few things to keep in mind. First it may
not even be an Apple drive, it could be your external drive or even a
Time Capsule drive. Additionally the utility can keep a file system
in good order, so it does more than just recover the data and
truthfully I try t
Hi Christian,
I'm so sorry! this happened to me the first couple of times I tried
to see an Iphone, too. I remember how disappointed I was. I hope you
get to see one soon.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Christian wrote:
> Hi all!
> OK, so today it was time for me to see and
My apologies for the cross posting and somewhat off topic nature
of the post. However, I think this article really speaks volumes as
to why Apple and Microsoft are going in opposite directions. The
perspective of Ballmer has been MS's biggest problem for years now,
and this speech t
Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me why any some one posts an article to
the list you always have to go the ws and dig it out of all the clutter. Why
couldn't folks just copy the article to the clipboard and paste it into the
message so that we don't have to spend time trying to find it?
To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - all the
macs I have were either
There is most certainly a UNIX like driver for the touch screen
operations. If you really feel like getting silicon under your
fingernails, you can probably hack that part of the system to do what
you want. This action, however, is way outside of Apple coding
guidelines and may even
Hi Donna and all,
Yes, it's very frustrating especially when one of the stores told me that they
will have a demo unit available a few days ago.
But anyway, i at least heared the swedish voice and it sounded good. for about
five seconds.
Best regards,
On 2009-07-30 at 14:20 Donna Goo
the maps application that is on the phone, is that accessible with VoiceOver?
I suppose it is.
many thanks,
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yes Christian, it is. :)
On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Christian wrote:
> Hi,
> the maps application that is on the phone, is that accessible with
> VoiceOver?
> I suppose it is.
> many thanks,
> Christian
> >
You received this mess
OK, that's great. How much information can you get from it?
Is it possible to tell where you are?
On 2009-07-31 at 22:36 Marie Howarth wrote:
>yes Christian, it is. :)
>On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Christian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the maps application that is on the phone, is that accessi
That is, of course, a matter of personal opinion. You get what
you pay for, as my dad often says. Buy junk, get junk. And, of
course, pricy as it might be, it does not change the fact that people
are buying it at a rate that should actually alarm Microsoft share
holders. Numbers s
Hi there,
Sound very fussy people and not that up on disabilities especially
those with a visual impairment.
I hope it wasn't all O2 stores!!
Best wishes,
Vicki.On 31 Jul 2009, at 15:40, Christian wrote:
> Hi all!
> OK, so today it was time for me to see and try the new iPhone.
> I don't usua
> Hi Ben,
You wrote:
> To be honest, I agree with some of the points in this artical, Apples
> hardware is rediculessly pricey. The only time that I have supported
> apple in a hardware fassion is buying an ipod but I can't say that I
> ever intend to purchase one of there computers from them - al
Just a super quickie correction here; in that one can actually have
wifi on while the IPhone is in Airplane mode.
In settings wifi is located right after airplane mode, so it's easy
to turn one off while enabling the other…
HTH and have a terrific day / weekend!…
CQ :)
I need to find out how to copy just one thing from an email. I have
and email with a phone number in it that I would like to copy. How do
you select and copy from an email?
You received this message because you are
Place your cursor before what you wish to copy. Press VO Enter to
turn on highlighting. Move your cursor to the end where you want to
stop copying, then press VO Enter again to turn off selecting. Press
command C, and you're good to go.
Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1
I'll tell you why, it is not really appropriate to quote an entire
article in such a fashion in some cases you may be violating the terms
and conditions of the hosting site. Just click on the URL if your
that interested and read the article. WHile your at it, look at the
terms and conditi
you need to use vo--enter to use select mode. find the information you
need to copy and then hit vo--enter and move the vo curser with vo--
right/left arrow until you've selected the information you need and
then hit vo--enter again which will take you from select mode and hit
command--c to
Hi Chris and all;
the API used on both the Mac and IPhone is OpenAL, which is (as you
may know) an open-source cross-platform 3D audio API.
It's actually only one of the ApIs built in to Leopard by default.
The IPHone however, relies on OpenAL exclusively for it's 3D audio.
HTH and
And of course your entitled to your opinion, but there are a few
points you aren't considering. TO purchase a machine of the same
quality will cost you considerably more than you may have considered.
Apple does not cut corners on their hardware, they choose components,
which will deliver
Oh and one other point I can't possibly let slide by. You mention the
cost of a Mac Pro,. Do you realize that most consumers can't purchase
that much horsepower in a PC and not to mention from a local store
such as an APple store? I honestly can't think of any Quad-core PCs
on the market
In addition to this, I believe that I also read somewhere that if
you actually compared Apple and PC higher end systems, such as Dells,
the Mac Pro is actually more affordable. If I can dredge up the
article, I'll post the link, but the author did this with three
different Dell and Ma
lol, true
my mbp 2.5 core 2 with 4 gb of ram.
dell wants $2100 for the same specs in a xpsm1330
then a screen reader on top of that would be another 8 to 1000, around
3 grand.
1399 for a mbp, its got me everytime
On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:05 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>In addition to this, I
Thank you. That was what I needed.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 3:47 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:
> Place your cursor before what you wish to copy. Press VO Enter to
> turn on highlighting. Move your cursor to the end where you want to
> stop copying, then press VO Enter again to turn off selecting.
Oh, yes, another myth. The laptop hunters ads are so full of mule
muffins. Compare hardware and software, again. Yeah, you can buy a
$500 Windows laptop, but you can buy a pair of clippers instead of a
weed whacker too.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for t
I defy anyone to purchase a comparable computer *WITH* screen-reader,
to this MacBook Pro15 with 4G of RAM and a 2.4G processor. This thing
is faster than *ANY* MS_based laptop I've ever seen for half again the
price, and that's *WITHOUT* the screen-reader, which costs another
I don't usually reply just to say that I agree. In this case, however,
I think what was stated in this message is absolutely true.
Robert Carter
On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:
> I defy anyone to purchase a comparable computer *WITH* screen-reader,
> to this MacBook Pro1
Hi all,
I am currently using Windows Mobile with MSP and was just wondering how you
Windows Mobile users find the iphone with VoiceOver?
Have you allmost replaced your old Windows mobile phone with this one?
>From what I have read I think I would have done it myself, but since I have
>not been a
Hi Christian,
I used MSP for two years before getting my Iphone. Since getting my IPhone, I
haven't looked back. What I have said to people on the MSP list is think about
what you want in a phone. If you want to work with Excel spreadsheets, and
edit Word docs, the MSP phone is the better
Hello Christian and all:
I am sitting next to a symbian 60 phone which functions plenty enough
like a windows mobile phone. On the other side of me is an iphone. I
only use the sym 60 phone when it rings ... LOL. Other than that the
iphone pretty much has replaced it.
On Jul 31, 2009, at 9:2
I'm slower with my IPhone than with my synbian s60 device N82).
But I'm getting quicker the more I do with it.
The best thing I find with the I phone is email from work, it's a lot more
readable than from the s60 / mail for exchange
hi does anyone know what the model and make are, of the
that ship ith the nano are? the 4g nano i mean? i ant replacements
like the ones that came with the nano itself when I bought it last year.
Regards WIll
If your headphones are less then one year old, take them to an Apple
store and they should replace them.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 31, 2009, at 7:58 PM, william lomas
>hi does anyone know what the model and make are, of the
> headphones
> that ship ith the nano are? the
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