OK,thanks. Didn't want to have to increase verbosity just to get this
info, and I have only needed it once, but it's a good piece of info to
have in one's back pocket for when one needs it in the future.
On 6/10/2018 12:30 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
In high verbosity I found both curren
In high verbosity I found both current count and total count were spoken in
column view, when navigating with just the arrow keys.
In list view, vo-R twice or vo-shift-T should provide location information.
both the vo-r and vo-shift-T commands alternate between two bits of
Sorry, I must have been unclear. You are correct in that interacting is needed
for determining the row number. The Status bar is only available at the bottom
of the window itself, not within scroll areas or tables. So, VO was announcing
correctly, but you need to back out of any scroll a
VO R worked only after interacting with a row in the table. Command
Slash didn't do anything except say Show or Hide Status Bar. I had to
interact with a row in the table, got a tree view, went to the bottom of
the list, pressed VO R and got that row number. Kind of a twisted
method, but I got
You need to stop interacting with the table and the scroll area to find the
Status bar. Once you've got out to that layer, I'd press VO-FN-right to get to
the end of the window. If the status bar isn't there, press VO-slash and it
should appear. Your way works just fine though and may ac
I interacted with the list view table, and VO+R worked. Toggling the
status bar with Command+/ didn't do anything. What I had to do to find
out how many rows were in the table was to go to the bottom of the tree
view after interacting with the table, then use VO+R to tell me the
number of the
If you have the folder in List view, then press VO-r and the current row will
be announced. It won't say 5 out of 10, but will say row 5. You can also know
how many items are in the folder by accessing the Status bar, which if enabled
is at the bottom of the window. In High Sierra, you n
That's a bit ambiguous, I know. What I want to know is how to have
VoiceOver speak the number of the focused object in the currently opened
folder--e.g., one of twenty, thirty-seven of five hundre fifty-two, etc.
Of course, I know about the "Get info" dialog, but that only gives a
summary of th