Re: Running open source 'unix' services via MacPorts on macOS is no longer feasible for me

2022-11-29 Thread Steven Smith
FWIW, I’ve had the opposite experience: migration away from macOS Server has provided a path to configure these service to be a lot more performant and reliable than the older and stagnant macOS Server versions.And the reality that most/all of the mobile devices that use these services are iOS-base

Re: Questions on postfix

2023-12-30 Thread Steven Smith
There’s a mail-server port that configures MacPorts postfix/dovecot/rspamd/… and other tools to create a working mail server largely based on the old MacOS mail server, complete with a functional PKI and fast solr-based mail searches. Even APNS push notifications still work to Mail an

Re: How to wean myself away from Python 3.9? and then Python3.10?

2023-12-31 Thread Steven Smith
I do something like this: export OLDV=39 NEWV=310 sudo -E port -pNc install "python${NEWV}" $(port installed "py${OLDV}-*" | sed -E -e "s/[[:space:]]+py${OLDV}/py${NEWV}/" | cut -d " " -f1 | tr '\n' ' ') sudo port uninstall "py${OLDV}-*" > On Dec 31, 2023, at 04:47, Kenneth Wolcott wrote: > > 

Re: How do I reliably expose MacPorts dovecot to the LAN on macOS Sonoma?

2024-01-25 Thread Steven Smith
Sounds like a DHCP issue on your router that was cleared up after a reboot. I’d recommend trying togging the network interface off/on the next time that happens, or rebooting the router. > On Jan 24, 2024, at 12:19 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote: > > I can after some more testing confirm: > > - Aft

Re: Mail server install questions

2019-09-07 Thread Steven Smith
> So, I’m back to my (slow) migration of an existing macOS High Sierra + > Apple-’supported’ mail server to one based on macOS Mojave + > + macports. is running. DNS is running. Users are in > OpenDirectory. Their backup home directories (synced with clients) are

Re: Mail server install questions

2019-09-07 Thread Steven Smith
Also, there’s a port submission of Apple’s Calendar and Contacts Server at This uses mail-server for iMIP along with other MacPorts ports and also works great. Please chime in there with any feedback on the submission or Portfile design.

Re: Mail server install questions

2019-09-07 Thread Steven Smith
> The list that mail-server wants to install (given that I’ve already installed > postfix, dovecot, and some more because I tried to workaround it) is very > long. > > And it seems to consists of a lot of stuff that is not needed at all for a > mail server. It raises all these questions I don’

Re: Mail server install questions

2019-09-08 Thread Steven Smith
>> Also, I would like to influence the host, domain, and old for the >> auto-configuration. Is there a way to do that? I would like to run the >> mail-server configuration stage again with the correct names > > Answering myself: in set 'Computer Name’ to th eFQDN (just as > Host Nam

Re: Mail server install questions

2019-09-08 Thread Steven Smith
> I was wondering, btw, how the situation was regarding push notifications to > iOS devices. I’m motivated to address that every time I have to wait two seconds for my email cache to refresh… I’ll get to that after I clear off some other items on the plate. > I wish you had not put DNS in the

Re: Mail server install questions

2019-09-08 Thread Steven Smith
> Both dns-server and logrotate are not proper parts of a mail-server, they are > potential runtime dependencies. Whoops that’s right. I can include these as a variant. In the meantime just load each service individually. Please let me know if there are other requested mods or issues.

Re: rspamd binaries fail with illegal instruction 4:

2019-09-09 Thread Steven Smith
> I installed rspamd on macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6, it build and > installed oh, but when starting rspamd it fails with illegal instruction 4:, > the same for rspamadm command. Anyone hs this successful running? I have rspamd running flawlessly on 10.14. I suggest dumping a core and post

Re: rspamd binaries fail with illegal instruction 4:

2019-09-09 Thread Steven Smith
> AVX was just a guess. Based in the above it could be sse 4.2 that is the > issue. The machine that is failing lacks this (which actually makes that cpu > pretty old I would guess) A core dump is the most efficient diagnostic. It’s fast and easy. The modern macOS instructions are here: https:

Re: latex is driving me batty -- ! Package fontspec Error: The font "DejaVu Sans" cannot be found.

2019-09-13 Thread Steven Smith
This issue is supposed to be fixed in these lines: But obviously ther

Re: rspamd binaries fail with illegal instruction 4:

2019-09-13 Thread Steven Smith
b`rspamd_config_read + > 1262 > frame #5: 0x00010d479de8 rspamd`load_rspamd_config + 107 > frame #6: 0x00010d479499 rspamd`main + 1373 > frame #7: 0x7fff55d0f015 libdyld.dylib`start + 1 > (lldb) > > It created two core dumps every minute until I unloaded rspam

Re: latex is driving me batty -- ! Package fontspec Error: The font "DejaVu Sans" cannot be found.

2019-09-13 Thread Steven Smith
Here’s the ports I have on a working system that provide the DejaVu fonts: > locate DejaVuSansMono.ttf | egrep -e '^/opt/local' | xargs port provides | > sed -E -e 's/^[^:]+:[[:space:]]//' | uniq > py37-matplotlib > dejavu-fonts > texlive-fonts-extra The port texlive-fonts-extra should install t

Re: latex is driving me batty -- ! Package fontspec Error: The font "DejaVu Sans" cannot be found.

2019-09-13 Thread Steven Smith
This should just work building ghc from source. Did it? Does it install the pdf GHC User Guide? This is an outstanding ticket issue, so we’d like to wrap this up with a fix. It’s not clear to me if the ghc build wasn’t working your you (bad), or a one-time LaTeX compilation wasn’t working (muc

Re: Using outside values in a Portfile tcl

2019-09-20 Thread Steven Smith
> obviously, my system isn’t called host.domain.tld or the relayhost > mymailrelay.tld. Please refer to `port notes mail-server`: “Users must reconfigure this installation for their own system, network, and security model specifics by editing all necessary files and checking file permissions.”

Re: Using outside values in a Portfile tcl

2019-09-21 Thread Steven Smith
> > other strings such as ‘macportshost’ instead of ‘host’ would make it a lot > > easier to find where they have been used so you know what to change It’s already trivially easy to find, and only appears in four configuration files anyway. As you can see in the Portfile, these variables are jus

Re: Starting clamav-server, no socket for clamd?

2019-10-09 Thread Steven Smith
It should just start and create a Unix socket in the location specified in clamd.conf. When I have to debug launch items like this, I look at the .wrapper script (/opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.clamd/clams.wrapper—this is from memory but should be close), then run the Start() functio

Re: Starting clamav-server, no socket for clamd?

2019-10-09 Thread Steven Smith
enabled. > HTML support enabled. > XMLDOCS support enabled. > HWP3 support enabled. > Self checking every 600 seconds. > Listening daemon: PID: 41126 > MaxQueue set to: 100 > Set stacksize to 1048576 > fds_poll_recv: timeout after 600 seconds > > My guess is this: clamd d

Re: Migrating from macOS High SIerra Server dovecot to macOS Mojave macports dovecot

2019-12-22 Thread Steven Smith
I suggest posting a question to the upstream dovecot mailing list too: I personally haven’t used doveadm for this task. Also, you’ll want to upgrade your MacPorts dovecot to the latest version. That version has a vulnerability with a reasonably serious CVE

Re: Postfix version question

2020-01-02 Thread Steven Smith
Ports should represent the latest supported release, not experimental releases. Especially ports like postfix and dovecot that expose services to the internet and are known attack vectors. I’d recommend to work upstream to get the experimental code vetted and integrated in an official release.

Re: Git question

2020-01-09 Thread Steven Smith
Me too. We’re discussing MacPorts-relevant git commands in . Easiest, most destructive to local: # save all local files changed outside the git repo git fetch --all git reset --hard upstream/master # restore all local files > On Jan 9, 20

Re: Git question

2020-01-10 Thread Steven Smith
d eventually you'll learn the > commands that will fix everything. > On Jan 10, 2020, at 2:57 AM, Michael wrote: > > > On 2020-01-09, at 2:33 PM, Steven Smith <>> wrote: > >> Me too. We’re discussing MacPorts-relevant git c

Re: Solution (almost certainly): postfix fails to launch at boot

2020-01-11 Thread Steven Smith
Thank you very much for troubleshooting this issue. First, as Gerben points out, macOS‘s postfix launch daemon is in /System/Library, so you’d have to disable SIP to unload it, which at best is a major PITA, and realistically a non-option. Second, I see these two possible fixes: • Include a l

Re: Solution (almost certainly): postfix fails to launch at boot

2020-01-14 Thread Steven Smith
rity Protection is engaged > On Jan 13, 2020, at 14:23, Ryan Schmidt wrote: > >  > >> On Jan 11, 2020, at 12:32, Steven Smith wrote: >> >> First, as Gerben points out, macOS‘s postfix launch daemon is in >> /System/Library, so you’d have to disable SI

Re: Git question

2020-01-14 Thread Steven Smith
> "reset" is not a git command I ever run in the normal course of my > contributions to MacPorts Practically, the most efficient way to fix conflicts or really any git local error is to save work outside git, do a `git reset --hard upstream/master`, and copy the work back. This is also true fo

Re: Dovecot port changes

2020-02-22 Thread Steven Smith
Just do: port uninstall dovecot2 dovecot2-sieve port clean --all dovecot2 dovecot2-sieve port install dovecot +solr +… port install dovecot-sieve A strong downvote to anything named “dovecot3” when and if version 3 ever appears. At that time dovecot version 2 will be obsolete, which is how we go

Re: MacPorts updates (mail-server install) apparently messing with installed configuration dates

2020-03-24 Thread Steven Smith
I see the same thing. The Berkeley database .db binary files are derived from the non-.db text files, so the .db files should be younger, not older. There must be some postmap or newaliases command to regenerate everything, but that won’t get at the underlying issue of why these files are being

Re: how use bash 5.0 port

2020-08-31 Thread Steven Smith
To continue using bash on 10.15 and ignore the zsh deprecation: chsh -s /opt/local/bin/bash And, if using /bin/bash rather than MacPorts bash, stick this in your ~/.profile (or ~/.bash_profile): # don't use zsh default on macOS export BASH_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNING=1 Note: These Catalina+ st

Re: clamav-server notes question

2020-12-14 Thread Steven Smith
The binary daemondo is part of MacPorts: $ which daemondo /opt/local/bin/daemondo To allow this process full disk access hit ‘+’ under System Preferences> Security & Privacy> Privacy> Full Disk Access, Then in the Finder window hit Command-Shift-. to show the hidden directories, then navigate

Re: How can I make unbound's accepting of incoming network connections in application firewall in Catalina 'stick'?

2021-03-14 Thread Steven Smith
Just turn off your firewall! 😝 Seriously, the macOS firewall is an Application firewall. If that suits your risk profile, you can control it through the command line: /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw -h Port- and packet-based filtering is handled by pfctl, and that’s a lot more

Re: Using RAM instead of disk for build servers (was: Re: Build servers offline due to failed SSD)

2021-03-15 Thread Steven Smith
SSD RAID offers speed and fault tolerance. Simple options that are tolerant to a single disk failure are: Free/one extra SSD: Use macOS Disk Utility to RAID 1 together two smaller, inexpensive SSD drives for 100% redundancy. OWC ThunderBay 4 Mini, $279: Use macOS Disk Utility to RAID 1 together

Re: provide latest OS root certificates via port?

2021-10-29 Thread Steven Smith
> ANY "modern", "secure" OS is an inherent time-death, for no good reason. Yes they are, but for good reasons. People discover vulnerabilities and patch them. Unpatched systems are vulnerable. This happens for all sorts of technical issues, especially PKI. For example, Analysis of SSL Certifi

Re: Use of java (specifically on older macOS)

2021-12-12 Thread Steven Smith
Java figures out which version to use from JAVA_HOME or /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines. Are you sure that’s not a MacPorts version? My native macOS java binary runs the last LTS jdk from MacPorts: > sudo -u solr /usr/bin/java -version > openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 > OpenJDK Runtime E

Re: Use of java (specifically on older macOS)

2021-12-14 Thread Steven Smith
Please see , which sets SOLR_JAVA_HOME to accomplish this. > On Dec 12, 2021, at 6:18 PM, Gerben Wierda via macports-users > wrote: > > Which means that MacPorts solr8 runs using macOS

Re: Running a mail server via MacPorts on macOS Monterey

2022-03-07 Thread Steven Smith
As a counterpoint, macOS is configurable with all the BSD flags you need to configure a performant server. Just add these options to /etc/sysctl.conf, which although does not exist in macOS 12, can easily be edited and works across reboots. I just did this myself for a native VPN server using n

Re: Python

2022-03-19 Thread Steven Smith
Looks like you get to play “World of install_name_tool” before playing World of Tanks. Figure out where the binaries are. Read `man otool` and `man install_name_tool` Look at `otool -L ` Back up your app before messing around with its binaries Use install_name_tool to replace the dynamic links to

Re: macOS 12.3 and /usr/bin/python. Status?

2022-04-23 Thread Steven Smith
I’m on 12.3.1 with all those ports and there’s no issue. I’ve contributed directly to several of these and have always made sure that everything uses the MacPorts Python dependencies, both in depends_build and depends_lib/run. Additionally, to the best of my knowledge, there’s nothing in the mac

Replacement Options for Discontinued macOS Server

2022-04-23 Thread Steven Smith
Apple finally killed macOS Server. I’d appreciate opinions about options for replacement functionality: I use Profile Manager for basic MDM of the pile of household devices: managed network accounts, cert installation, policy constraints. Is there a comparably lightweight MDM anyone could recom

Re: clamav-server configuration

2022-09-10 Thread Steven Smith
Thanks I’m the author. It appears that this is unrelated to the port and that there’s some issue with your home directory or account setup. In Unix, the path ‘~’ is a synonym refers to your home directory, typically ‘/Users/MyUserName’, and you definitely should be able to copy stuff there. If

How to Reinstall postgresql96 for Data Migration; Was: Time to delete old PostgreSQL from MacPorts?

2024-11-23 Thread Steven Smith
I just discovered that I’ve been impacted by this recent update to the port postgresql96—my fault entirely as there’s been plenty of warning on MacPorts threads. I have PG96 data files, but see that I’ve auto-uninstalled PG96, and also PG96 no longer builds. I’d like to migrate to the latest P

Re: How to Reinstall postgresql96 for Data Migration; Was: Time to delete old PostgreSQL from MacPorts?

2024-11-23 Thread Steven Smith
required to migrate data to more recent PostgreSQL versions. Steve > On Nov 23, 2024, at 2:32 PM, Steven Smith wrote: > > I just discovered that I’ve been impacted by this recent update to the port > postgresql96—my fault entirely as there’s been plenty of warning on MacPorts >