gt; there exist any issues relevant to this with MacPorts?
> Thanks
Pierre Malard
«[...]développer la science ? Noble ambition ; mais qu'est-ce que
la science ? Une puissance et une joie ; et, si elle ne s'anime pas
de l'esprit de justice, [...] de la vie des
g access in this
> way and just always allowed it. Probably a good thing for security that the
> OS now warns you about this, but the installer was built 2 years ago, so the
> developer couldn't have anticipated that macOS would be changed in this way.
or advice, and it usually works itself out, whatever it
> is I do to mess it up. (That's not great advice, I know...)
> Ken
> On 2019-01-18, at 8:32 AM, Pierre Malard wrote:
>> I have X11-server installed from MacPorts. An Aqua App is i
see. No launch at all, under any circumstances.
> To get anywhere with that, we would need to see the whole crash report to
> find out what happened.
> Best,
> Ken
> On 2019-01-18, at 2:49 PM, Pierre Malard wrote:
>> Each time I try to open
> sure all the plist entries under Library are removed.
> cheers Chris
>> On 19 Jan 2019, at 10:58 am, Pierre Malard wrote:
>> Thanks again,
>> There is no crash but here are the only logs I found. I don’t understand why
>> it doesn’t work
tings to use that
> as your shell, only for what's run under Terminal (won't affect xterm, ssh,
> etc).
> Those are the only sorts of ways I can see around whatever problem that line
> is causing you, while still running the shell of your choice.
>> On
ln -s "${File}.traditional" "${File}"
# Creation of the alternative
[ -f "${File}" ] && /bin/rm "${File}"
ln -s "${OptFile}" "${File}"
As is, if an OS upgrade arrive, if this one change something about /bin/ba
t; I’ve heard wine emulator based programs will cease working.
> Has anyone heard there will be an escape for this situation?
> Best regards,
> Christoph Kukulies
Pierre Malard
« La liberté de la presse ne s'use que lorsqu'on ne s'en sert pas ! »
t; round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 32.265/36.540/38.689/3.023 ms
> Xcode Version 11.2.1 (11B500) and command line tools are installed. Port
> version is 2.6.2. Any suggestion is welcome!
> Thanks,
> Tarik
Pierre Malard
« Les utopies ne sont souvent que des
; Thanks,
> Tarik
>> On 26 Nov 2019, at 11:29, Pierre Malard > <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Did you try the rsync command « by hand » on a terminal session?
>> An other way: is it a proxy between
eBSD system already to no avail. What’s going on?
> Will reboot my Mac and next thing I’ll do is revert to zsh to see whether it
> has got to do with that.
> —
> Christoph
Pierre Malard
« Je n'ai jamais séparé la Républiqu
> —
> Christoph
>> Am 08.05.2020 um 17:41 schrieb Pierre Malard :
>> Hi,
>> Some possibilities:
>> 1) Try your « ssh -Y » in verbose mode like « ssh -v -Y » or
>> « ssh -vv -Y » for more verbose and take a look at the displayed
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