And what about the question?

I have X11-server installed from MacPorts. An Aqua App is installed in 
/Applications/MacPorts/ When I want to launch it, nothing since my 
update to Mojave :-(

The only way I found is to execute the binary directly from a Terminal like 
        $ /Applications/MacPorts/ &
It’s not really fun.

Is anyone have a solution?

> Le 13 déc. 2018 à 02:36, Ryan Schmidt <> a écrit :
> On Dec 12, 2018, at 03:02, Tabitha McNerney wrote:
>> I just installed XQuartz 2.7.11 today on a fresh Mac running Mojave 10.14.2. 
>> I installed XQuartz from the XQuartz.pkg found in the disk image (dmg) file 
>> on the XQuartz support site:
>> I didn't have any problems installing and then later running XQuartz. 
>> However, on Mojave, there was an interesting alert panel which appeared 
>> during the pkg installation process which I have not seen on previous 
>> versions of macOS when installing XQuartz, which alert panel with two 
>> buttons, one which stated "Don't Allow" and the other stated "OK", and text 
>> which stated the following:
>> "" wants access to control "System". Allowing 
>> control will provide access to documents and data in "System", 
>> and to perform actions within that app.
>> I didn't know what to do so I waited. There must have been a timeout because 
>> the panel disappeared on its own without me making a selection. The package 
>> installer process then finished on its own and stated XQuartz had been 
>> installed successfully. I was then able to run XQuartz without any issues. 
>> Interestingly, when I now run System Preferences and select Security & 
>> Privacy -> Privacy -> Automation there is an entry for "" and 
>> underneath a check box next to "System". The check box is 
>> unchecked. I gather this all has something to do with changes to Mojave's 
>> security and privacy settings. Has anyone else seen this with or without 
>> XQuartz involved? If so, any ideas of what this means?
> The XQuartz.pkg installer's postinstall script uses System Events to display 
> a dialog:
>    /usr/bin/osascript <<EOF
>        tell application "System Events"
>            activate
>            display dialog "You will need to log out and log back in to make 
> XQuartz your default X11 server." buttons {"OK"}
>        end tell
> If you don't allow the installer to control System Events, then it cannot 
> display that dialog for you.
> I guess previous versions of macOS didn't restrict scripting access in this 
> way and just always allowed it. Probably a good thing for security that the 
> OS now warns you about this, but the installer was built 2 years ago, so the 
> developer couldn't have anticipated that macOS would be changed in this way.
> This has nothing to do with MacPorts. You could report the issue to the 
> developer of XQuartz:

Pierre Malard

   «Mittler zwischen hirn und händen muss das hirz sein !»
   «La médiation entre le cerveau et les mains doit être le cœur !»
                                                 Fritz Lang - "Métropolis" - 
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