slightly OT for macports but definitly onT. :)
My wife’s machine is Catelina (and Ends at Big Sur). It has, and I/She uses
lots of ports and IIRC we have used Qt before, but when I try to build
something I get the XCode license dialog. No worries, accept. "Something is
wrong see the log”
Pardon being OT to a bunch of clever people who may be able to help …
Googling yields little more than a bunch of cretins proclaiming the apple gods
have spoken saying DO NOT GO THERE
(Darling not even even Hitler can be dregs and scum at the same time, so the
irony is not lost on me)
I want Son
My reply wanders OT but may be of interest to the OP. Certainly would have been
useful to me 2 weeks ago
> On Nov 15, 2023, at 11:04, Alexander Newman via macports-users
> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I hope that this is the right place to ask a few questions about Apple
> Silicon Hardware an
> On 23 Sep 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> So - Mike is a software engineer and has a lifetime in the software industry
> it appears, and yet how to get from point A to B was not obvious to him. It
> should be.
> I think this points out a common prob
After lots of hunting I re-installed high sierra from scratch.
Public key DID work.
I slowly restored from a time machine backup until it stopped working.
The culprit was .ssh directory.
I put the working .ssh dir back and copied my id’s and config to the working
.ssh dir. Public key still worked
> On 13 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> On Nov 11, 2018, at 14:36, Dave Horsfall wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 Nov 2018, Bill Cole wrote:
OK, I've been talked out of trying Mojave on this thing (it's unlikely to
>>> Indeed. https://
> On 15 Nov 2018, at 2:29 pm, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Nov 15, 2018, at 00:11, j...@tigger.ws wrote:
>> Is the wiki wrong?
>> This does not look correct:
>> [twill] /Users/jam [24]% tail -n 2 /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf
>> # rsync://rsync.macports.org/macports/release
> On 16 Nov 2018, at 11:14 am, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2018, at 00:51, j...@tigger.ws wrote:
>> The new bit is a Telstra NBN modem (for Aus’s new high speed broadband.) If
>> any Aus user has tamed the Telstra NBN modem please tell me what and how.
> Have you tried usin
> On 16 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>> I can’t believe that I am the only Aussie macports user plagued by the
>> problem.
> Apparently...
>> I went to Access Control->firewall and turned it OFF during the
>> selfupdate. I was not able to make
> On 17 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>> The problem is definately the modem. I turned OFF the firewall (actually
>> I need to think thru, why would the modem have a firewall at all, unless
>> bad guys can login to the modem …) and rsync ran perfectl
> On 18 Nov 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
The new bit is a Telstra NBN modem (for Aus’s new high speed broadband.)
If any Aus user has tamed the Telstra NBN modem please tell me what and
>>> Have you tried using a closer mirror instea
can anybody show me mt errant ways
I installed gdb
codesigned as per
I get
[Haycorn] /Users/jam/nodups [510]% ggdb nodups.app/Contents/MacOS/nodups
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0.1
Copyright (C) 2017 Free So
> On 6 Jan 2019, at 1:00 am, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> Dear James,
> I don't quite understand what your question/problem is. Can you please
> be more explicit (ideally on the mailing list).
> Mojca
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2019 at 15:11, James Linder wrote
> On 9 Jan 2019, at 12:48 am, Ken Cunningham
> wrote:
> fyi
> I updated gdb last night, to the current version.
> so it might be worth trying again
> gdb and lldb are both good debuggers, but they are different, and it takes a
> while to get facile with either.
> K
> On 2
I’ve been using firefox for a while. but increasingly it is getting draconian.
From firefox’s forums:
Ah, I see Mozilla is adopting the Microsoft Windows 10 attitude:
“We know what’s best for you. Turn off updates completely? What folly! We
reserve the right to nag you incessantly until you
Your inbox has 14500 mail.
mail->backup size exceeded (after 20%)
So I was trying to save all your mail using thunderbird
The flash in the corner was “m...@tigger.ws: junk mail” not as in mail ‘from
still trying to backup
> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> OK
> Your inbox has 14500 mail.
> mail->backup size exceeded (after 20%)
> So I was trying to save all your mail using thunderbird
> The flash in the corner was “m...@tigger.ws: junk mail” not as in mail
> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> First let me say I have used MacPorts since 10.6.8.
> Recently, given the overall Apple direction for MacOS I stopped and asked
> myself “Why am I doing this?”.
> I started using Mint Linux on VirtualBox and
> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>>> So my philosophical question is “Why MacPorts these days?”.
>> Same reason as always: to help you install software on your Mac. If
>> you prefer installing software in a VM running a different OS, by
> On 20 Feb 2019, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>> So my philosophical question is “Why MacPorts these days?”
> Because running the tools it provides in a VM is a grotesque waste of
> RAM and disk space and puts a wall up between tools I want to use
> occas
some folk here choose to not upgrade their macos.
How do you folk get rid of Apples uphrade nag?
> On 1 Mar 2019, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>>> is llvm39 still the one to be used?
>> I still use +llvm39
>> $ port -v installed | grep ld64
>> ld64 @3_1+universal-ld64_127-ld64_236-ld64_97 (active) platform='darwin 10'
>> archs='i386 x86_64' date=
I have a mid 2011 iMac. I setup a SSD on usb3 over thunderbolt.
All good EXCEPT that it wont boot. Will boot on the usb2 ports but they are
slower than usb3.
I'm looking for a pointer or advice on how to boot on diskA say the internal
disk, but run (root on) diskB
I can't find a thunderbol
> I have a mid 2011 iMac. I setup a SSD on usb3 over thunderbolt.
> All good EXCEPT that it wont boot. Will boot on the usb2 ports but they are
> slower than usb3.
> I'm looking for a pointer or advice on how to boot on diskA say the internal
> disk, but run (root on) diskB
> I can't fin
> On 16 Apr 2019, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> I switched from a Linux-PC to a MacOS Mojave laptop.
> So now I wish to switch from my old Linux Desktop to a brand-new full-screen
> desktop running on MacOSX/XQuartz.
> The reason is that I need a REAL uni
Craig pointed me at this https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/2214
an un-commited port.
I want to play with it. How do I checkout?
what does this mean …
[haycorn] /Users/jam/DEVEL [580]% sudo port install qt511-qtwebkit
---> Computing dependencies for qt511-qtwebkit
The following dependencies will be installed:
what does this mean …
> [haycorn] /Users/jam/DEVEL [580]% sudo port install qt511-qtwebkit
> ---> Computing dependencies for qt511-qtwebkit
> The following dependencies will be installed:
> qt511-qtdeclarative
> qt511-qtgraphicaleffects
> qt511-qtimageformats
> qt511-qtlocation
> qt511-qtmult
> On 15 May 2019, at 4:22 pm, Joshua Root wrote:
>> what does this mean …
>> [haycorn] /Users/jam/DEVEL [580]% sudo port install qt511-qtwebkit
>> ---> Computing dependencies for qt511-qtwebkit
>> ---> Installing qt511-qtxmlpatterns @5.11.3_0
>> Error: Failed to install qt511-qtxmlpa
Hi All
After 6 years my macbook battery is really past it’s use-by.
The keyboard has become a sea of won’t-push-this-week-and-hard-to-get-a-keypush
so I decided to get a new laptop, but of course it comes with catalena.
I’ve been using high sierra and all my ports are good. Is catalena now stable
g problems were solved in the meantime. You won't be able to
> build or run 32-bit software though.)
> Mojca
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 at 14:14, James Linder wrote:
>> Hi All
>> After 6 years my macbook battery is really past it’s use-by.
I had a hierarchy of MythA-C, MythD-F for my recordings
I changed the hierarchy to Myth-A, Myth-B etc
The first transcode I did failed
I tried another from another chanel. That too failed, but I see nothing wrong.
Anybody see my error
[sandypit] /store/jam [1003]% ffprobe /store/109
> On 6 Apr 2020, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> Initially I burned the 64bit Ubuntu 18 version, but it wouldn't boot on my
> 32bit EFI Mac.
> There was no 32bit version of Ubuntu 18.04.4 that I saw, so I booted the
> Ubuntu 16.x 32bit version without troub
> I just upgraded my MacBook to Catalina 10.15.7 from 10.14.6 and I installed
> the latest Xcode 12.1. I started Xcode and agreed for it to install required
> components. When I tried to run ?xcode-select ?install? it asked me to agree
> to the license for the command-line tools and tried to ins
Appologies for the stupid Subject.
I went away from a digest for mythtv (so you just reply to a thread) and the
rot siezed my brain
> On 8 Dec 2020, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> Does anybody have any configuration that would allow for running X11 in
> a window-as-display? That is, a single Mac window would display an X11
> session: window manager, multiple windows, etc.
> Ie: X11
Sorry about the subject line: macports is my only digest mail and I keep
forgetting :-(
I posted this to mythtv-users, but I wondered in anyone had any interest. The
obvious first step is wrapping John's work in a port.
John (Hoyt) did a stellar job getting the macos/ansible build proceess to work
and in no way is this critique any reflecti
I'm offended by having somebody tout their beliefs in a technical forum.
De Grass Tyson presents argument that it is genetic, and I will not
discriminate on genetics.
But touting a belief is not genetic, it is for a purpose, and I think it spoils
the forum. Please don't.
> On 7 Mar 2021, at 3:26 pm, Dave C via macports-users
> wrote:
> This applies to affordable SSDs. As you say, the ones that are on par (re.
> reliability) with HDDs are $pendy.
> It’s something to do with an SSD’s limited number of write cycles, if I
> remember...
> Dave
> - - -
> On 9 Mar 2021, at 5:53 am, Dave C via macports-users
> wrote:
> Old technology drives use magnetism to hold bits. This works for decades, or
> so I’ve read. Usually the motor or bearings die before the magnetic medium
> fails.
> Solid State Drives use memory chips to hold bits. These
Hi All
I did port list and nothing jumped out. I 'm looking for a mailer.
Suggestions anyone.
Apple mail is perfect *except* it's baysen filtering is rat-wossname. I
get pounded daily with 'Patriot Videos' and '2nd amendment' crap. I've
reset the filters, written my own rules, banged my head.
Hi All
From my ramblings over macports mailing list I thought that Hi Sierra
was supported.
I occupied a bored afternoon making an installable memstick and
installing without finding any gotchas, except that port does not work
(but the installed ports do).
If I am doing something wrong please
Hi all
I can find no reports relating, so I wonder if I’m doing something amis:
I have an app built with qt5 from macports.
I set a menu shortcut to Return
If I build it in sierra then in both sierra and high sierra the shortcut
If I build it in high sierra then the Return shortcut does n
> On 1 Jan 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
> I'm a novice using MacPorts but I have used it to successfully install Python
> on my MacBookPro since late 2014 and on many different Macs used by my
> students.
> I would use the command like: sudo port i
I’ve been using iTerm2 for a while but the 100th time I accidently middle-mouse
clicked the tab bar only to have the tab be-gone usually in vi I binned it.
Terminal is a pretty good replacement except it askes stupid questions every
time I suhtdown (everyday). Also irritating!
Google gnome-termin
so welcome. I dont need (or
>> even want) any fancy features like knitting christmas stockings (I jest, but
>> you get the picture)
> On 10 Feb 2018, at 3:15 am, dan d. wrote:
> What is the shutdown message in terminal? If it is the one requesting
> confirmation it can
> On 10 Feb 2018, at 5:32 am, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2018, at 00:46, James Linder wrote:
>> I’ve been using iTerm2 for a while but the 100th time I accidently
>> middle-mouse clicked the tab bar only to have the tab be-gone usually in vi
tab bar close the tab" in the Tabs
> section and turn it off.
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 10:21 PM, James Linder wrote:
> Hi
> it is somewhat rude to ask if you’d address this behaviour, but is it
> possible.
> Else I see GPL licence stuff. Mac is not my devolpme
> On 20 Feb 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>> This happens recurrently to me, usually after significant updates.
>> The last time was some months ago, so I forget exactly what I did, but it
>> involved the location of xauth and the ssh config on the ta
> On 25 Jul 2018, at 8:00 pm, macports-users-requ...@lists.macports.org wrote:
>> What exactly is your question ? The macPorts build of cotvnc is 64-bit and
>> no warnings are offered running it.
> Agreed. I use cotvnc all the time and I've seen no problems with it on High
> Sierra so f
Hi All
still in pursuit of passwd-less logins to High Sierra.
Here fire is a VM on haycorn with bridged network (VirtualBox)
[fire] /home/jam [1798]% cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l
haycorn is my high sierra machine
[fire] /home/jam [1804]% nmap --help
Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org )
> On 5 Sep 2018, at 4:45 am, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2018, at 4:39 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> It looks like he's showing us that nmap on his Linux machine found 11 hosts
>> while on his Mac it only found 6 hosts.
> maybe? and there a lots of reasons why that might be the case.
> On 5 Sep 2018, at 10:01 pm, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2018, at 9:46 PM, James Linder wrote:
>>> On 5 Sep 2018, at 4:45 am, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>>> On Sep 4, 2018, at 4:39 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> It looks like he's showin
Hi All
> What is the difference between what this server says in the logs,
> and what the previous server says in the logs?
In my growing frustration I was quite rude to Jan. Humble appologies.
I was able to do password-less login to another High Sierra machine exactly as
you would expect !!!
Hi All
just in case this is the issue, both machines being “up to date”, and it
affects others
This works (passwd-less login):
[pussycat] /Users/mary [501]% sshd --help
OpenSSH_7.5p1, LibreSSL 2.5.4
This does not (identical keys and config files)
[haycorn] /Users/jam [291]% sshd --help
Hi All
just in case this is the issue, both machines being “up to date”, and it
affects others
it is not an issue
no more noise I promise
This works (passwd-less login):
[pussycat] /Users/mary [501]% sshd --help
OpenSSH_7.5p1, LibreSS
> On Oct 8, 2024, at 17:11, Ryan Carsten Schmidt
> wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2024, at 01:10, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
>> port install -s -v gimp2 is is installing gimp-2.10.38-x86_64.dmg ???
>> Does GIMP only have x86-64 components for the gimp2-launcher?
> There is a comment in the gimp-laun
This query is way OT, but appeals to all the clever people here
To accomodate a customer I installed FortiClient VPN software
It installes locked apps
Google .. Google
I’m running sonoma on m3
as a unix greybeard I do not and have never allowed SIP to rule my world
No matter what I try I cannot
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