The hostname for the MacPorts mirror in Shanghai, China has changed. If you had
configured macports.conf or sources.conf to use the mirror, please
change it to the new hostname:
(I've only been using digests up to this point, so this probably won't
end up in the right thread.)
Hi Dave,
I recently took up maintaining Tcl::pTk and its port in MacPorts
(p5-tcl-ptk, and related ones p5-tcl-tk and p5-tkx). Despite this, I do
not consider myself an expert on Perl nor Tk.
On Thu, 7 Mar 2019 at 16:08, Christopher Chavez wrote:
> To clarify, there is no `p5-tkk` port, it's probably a misspelling.
Sorry, yes, that was a typo. It was supposed to be tkx rather than tkk.
On Thu, 7 Mar 2019, Joshua Root wrote:
This license is nonfree because it doesn't allow distribution of
modified versions, and because "No reverse engineering, decompilation,
or disassembly of this Software is permitted." We can still have it in
MacPorts, but be very careful not to patch it in