On Thu, 7 Mar 2019, Joshua Root wrote:
This license is nonfree because it doesn't allow distribution of modified versions, and because "No reverse engineering, decompilation, or disassembly of this Software is permitted." We can still have it in MacPorts, but be very careful not to patch it in any way. The license option should be set to "Restrictive/Distributable".
Software licences are pretty much a necessary evil. I once sprung someone who re-posted something I wrote to Usenet, carefully deleting my name and adding his own.
Ever since then, all my stuff has a modified BSD licence, and it pretty much boils down to "Do what the hell you like with it, but don't pretend that you wrote it".
Oh, and I've always regarded the GNU licence as being both a virus (it compels to use it in your own stuff) and restrictive (you are forced to adopt certain conditions); for that reason, I avoid GNU software where possible.
-- Dave