Back when it still worked, Porticus was my favorite GUI for MacPorts; but that
was long ago, and it wasn't updated to work after a particular MacPorts update.
> On Nov 7, 2016, at 05:01, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Nov 7, 2016, at 00:59, [ftp83plus] wrote:
>> Newbie here: how it is d
> On Nov 7, 2016, at 7:07 PM, Dave Horsfall wrote:
> (Apologies for possible duplicate)
> Doing my regular "port -u uninstall", I never saw this one before:
>---> Cleaning p5.22-datetime
>---> Unable to uninstall p5.22-specio @0.280.0_0, the following ports
> depend on it:
On 06/11/16 17:28, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
On Nov 6, 2016, at 11:50 AM, Ken Cunningham
While MacPorts itself could certainly benefit from better PR, I do not
see why we should do free advertising for upstream developers.
but you see - macports exists to allow people to more easily
> Taking on a labor-intensive editorial role does not make MacPorts better at
> installing open-source software.
Although that statement in and of itself is true, I didn’t that as the topic of
this email line, nor the standard by which all is to be judged.
However - indeed - message recei
> On Nov 7, 2016, at 8:45 PM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> Anyone get the avahi daemon running, esp. on El Capitan or later? I was
> hoping to use it to proxy some stuff (i.e. register mDNS addresses for VPN
> clients, so that their usual whatever.local hostname would be available when
> co
Am 08.11.2016 um 06:57 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:
Also, who decides what is stable?
Stable, as I see it, means every port in every available variant builds
out of the box and does not have major incompatibilities with other ports.
Who decides when to update it?
Apple. A new stable version shoul
On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 08:26:21PM +0100, Bachsau wrote:
> Stable, as I see it, means every port in every available variant
> builds out of the box
That alone is not testable. For example, the nginx port has 32 variants.
For each variant, you can either enable it, or not, so for each variant
you h