On 06/11/16 17:28, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
On Nov 6, 2016, at 11:50 AM, Ken Cunningham <ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com> 

While MacPorts itself could certainly benefit from better PR, I do not
see why we should do free advertising for upstream developers.
but you see - macports exists to allow people to more easily install the 
products of these upstream developers.

otherwise macports has no use.
Taking on a labor-intensive editorial role does not make MacPorts better at 
installing open-source software.

If you want people to buy gas, you sell them cars. (Or electricity -> electric 
cars, if you're feeling green this season).
A tortuous analogy. I don't see Exxon-Mobil or BP selling cars anywhere.

True, AIUI they've tended to oppose non-petrol cars rather than advertise for petrol cars https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car%3F#Oil_companies IMO, the order of consumption is the wrong way around-- the software is more like the fuel (the driving power), the package manager the car (the vehicle that gets you where you want to go). But fuel costs money, and you don't want to remind people of that when selling a car. Whereas FLOSS doesn't explicitly cost money-- to install and run, at least.

The software is also like the journey and destination-- the sweeping vistas you can purportedly zoom along through-- and car manufacturers certainly try to associate those with their products.


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