Re: several questions from a lyx-newbie. bear with me, pls ;)

2009-03-12 Thread rgheck
Maurice Viehweger wrote: first problem: my citation looks awful. at the moment the style is "plain", but i want it to have more apa-like. i know theres also a predefined style with that name, but it doesn't work properly (at least it seems so). my preamble says: \usepackage{natbib} \bibpunc

several questions from a lyx-newbie. bear with me, pls ;)

2009-03-12 Thread Maurice Viehweger
hey guys, i'm writing a term paper at the moment and it's almost finished. but there are several things bugging me still. i'm trying to give you as much information about my setup beforehand, but let me know, if theres something else you need to know. i'm using lyx 1.6.1 and bibdesk 1.3.20.