hey guys,
i'm writing a term paper at the moment and it's almost finished. but
there are several things bugging me still. i'm trying to give you as
much information about my setup beforehand, but let me know, if theres
something else you need to know.
i'm using lyx 1.6.1 and bibdesk 1.3.20. my document class is "article
first problem:
my citation looks awful. at the moment the style is "plain", but i want
it to have more apa-like. i know theres also a predefined style with
that name, but it doesn't work properly (at least it seems so).
my preamble says:
\bibpunct[: ]{(}{)}{,}{}{ }{;}
because a friend told me i could switch on apa-citation with that
settings. in the lyx settings i left it with the "standard" option in
the references settings.
so, what does my output look like?
e.g.: at the moment in lyx while writing it says "cooney:2005zl". when i
click on that cite i can switch through several styles. i chose "cooney
(2005). but when i insert my citations via footnote it looks like "see
(1), p. 204". why is that thing numbered anyway? i just want it to look
like what i chose in the citation-settings above.
at the end of the document i attached my references of course and they
look like:
[4] Kevin Cooney. Alternative visions of japanese security: The role of
absolute and relative
gains in the making of japanese security policy. Asian Perspective,
29(3):127–154, 2005.
i don't want my citations numbered, i want them ordered by the last
names followed by the usual information - more apa-like ;)
so beyond that i have a second question about editing the text in
predefined elements, e.g. "references". i'm writing my term paper in
german and i would like to change "references" into
"literaturverzeichnis". is that possible? how?
in hope that you can help me i thank you in advance,