On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:27:49 + Stefan Zorn
shared this with is all on the Lyx users
>>> Additionally I have a small question which I could not find in the
>>> forum: Occasionally (4 lines in 100 pages) a line overwrites the
>>> right margin. It seems that, this are lines with very long
Hi all,
>> Additionally I have a small question which I could not find in the
>> forum: Occasionally (4 lines in 100 pages) a line overwrites the right
>> margin. It seems that, this are lines with very long words. How can I
>> manual force a line break in this case?
>Use Insert>Formatting>Hyphen
On 07/25/2010 01:29 PM, Stefan Zorn wrote:
Additionally I have a small question which I could not find in the
forum: Occasionally (4 lines in 100 pages) a line overwrites the right
margin. It seems that, this are lines with very long words. How can I
manual force a line break in this case?
Hi all,
I have a problem wih the fancyhdr package. I use lyx version 1.6.5.
In order to add the title of the chapter in the top line and the
pagenumber at the bottom of the page (both for even numbered pages in
the right corner and for odd numbered pages in the left corner), I
used the header:
What kind of document are you using? If you use a twosided document tex
will indent certain pages (the even ones?) and your margin will seem
sit too far on the left. Changing the document to a one-sided one might
do the trick.
I'm using a one-sided format.. the problem was with the
do not use these commands, use layout->document->paper->use
and enter here the lengths
That did it.. thanks Herbert..
On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Nirmal Govind wrote:
> >
> > I'm using the fancy pagestyle to include headers in my document. When I
> > change the textwidth to 6in, and use a right-header (\rhead{}), the
> > header doesn't seem to get right aligned with the new textwidth and i
Nirmal Govind wrote:
> I'm using the fancy pagestyle to include headers in my document. When I
> change the textwidth to 6in, and use a right-header (\rhead{}), the
> header doesn't seem to get right aligned with the new textwidth and it
> still right aligns itself with the old textwidth. M
I'm using the fancy pagestyle to include headers in my document. When I
change the textwidth to 6in, and use a right-header (\rhead{}), the header
doesn't seem to get right aligned with the new textwidth and it still right
aligns itself with the old textwidth. My Latex preamble has the fol