
I'm using the fancy pagestyle to include headers in my document. When I 
change the textwidth to 6in, and use a right-header (\rhead{}), the header 
doesn't seem to get right aligned with the new textwidth and it still right 
aligns itself with the old textwidth. My Latex preamble has the following:

\textwidth 6in
\textheight 9in
\oddsidemargin 0.1in
\evensidemargin 0.1in

and I select the "fancy" option for pagestyle from Layout->Document. In 
addition, on the first page, I say:


so that the first page which has the title will also have a header. My 
output looks something like:

        A long title which takes up two lines on the first
                        page like this

Any idea what's causing this?


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