On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Dekel Tsur wrote:
*>On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 10:04:41PM +0200, Peter L. Peres wrote:
*>> Inserting (including) the code posted by Dekel made absolutely no
*>> difference with the table borders. I have to read the exported latex file
*>> and see what I can do.
*>It does
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Dekel Tsur wrote:
*>On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 10:04:41PM +0200, Peter L. Peres wrote:
*>> Inserting (including) the code posted by Dekel made absolutely no
*>> difference with the table borders. I have to read the exported latex file
*>> and see what I can do.
*>It does w
On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 10:04:41PM +0200, Peter L. Peres wrote:
> Inserting (including) the code posted by Dekel made absolutely no
> difference with the table borders. I have to read the exported latex file
> and see what I can do.
It does work. Try increasing the value.
Last message for today:
Inserting (including) the code posted by Dekel made absolutely no
difference with the table borders. I have to read the exported latex file
and see what I can do.
thanks all,
New bug: gv 3.5.8 refuses to show magnified parts of a ps file. It crashes
gs (but gv does not crash). Is there a fix ? gv 1.5 something shows mag as
it should.
Ok, I made some progress:
Changing the font family to pslatex for the whole document made the ugly
number problem go away, it looks nice now. I still need to fix the table
vertical lines.
The missing table vertical lines appear and disappear with the
magnification in pdf. I think that I need to
On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:55:00PM +0200, Peter L. Peres wrote:
> My problem seems to be that I need to upgrade my whole system. According
> to:
> http://dionysos.mpch-mainz.mpg.de/~joeckel/pdflatex/
> (which gives excellent instruction), I need gs &friends 6.1 or above, I
> have 5.1. I wi
My problem seems to be that I need to upgrade my whole system. According
(which gives excellent instruction), I need gs &friends 6.1 or above, I
have 5.1. I will upgrade this now. Please disregard the other posts
meanwhile. Anyway if anyon