Ok, I made some progress:

Changing the font family to pslatex for the whole document made the ugly
number problem go away, it looks nice now. I still need to fix the table
vertical lines.

The missing table vertical lines appear and disappear with the
magnification in pdf. I think that I need to make them thicker. Why would
vertical rules be bad ? My tables represent the cells in a display and
keys on a keyboard. Maybe I will replace them with a PS drawing each.

Where would I put the commands you suggested for the thickness ? In the
preamble of lyx ? of exported latex ? Is there a way to edit this into a
lyx file directly ? I put them in a file which I include in the lyx file
for now. It does not do what I want it to do.

By looking with magnification at the table vertical and horizontal lines I
can see some are thicker and some are thinner. This only appears in pdf.
Is this some sort of fractional truncation error ? Maybe the table borders
are drawn twice ?

The Extended.lyx did not help but Customization.lyx did.



On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Dekel Tsur wrote:

*>On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:55:00PM +0200, Peter L. Peres wrote:
*>> My problem seems to be that I need to upgrade my whole system. According
*>> to:
*>> http://dionysos.mpch-mainz.mpg.de/~joeckel/pdflatex/
*>> (which gives excellent instruction), I need gs &friends 6.1 or above, I
*>> have 5.1. I will upgrade this now. Please disregard the other posts
*>If you use pdflatex, you don't need to upgrade gs.
*>Read Extended.lyx to know what happens with fonts (basically, you need to
*>select the ae fonts in the document dialog, or disable T1 font encoding
*>> meanwhile. Anyway if anyone knows what causes the vertical bars in a table
*>> to act strange in pdf, please say so. (they look good in dvi and ps).
*>This is perhaps due to your old pdflatex.
*>You can try increasing the width of the rules by adding
*>  \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{0.5pt}
*>to the preamble (default width is 0.4pt), or even better, remove the
*>vertical rules in your tables (it is a bad style to have vertical rules!).

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