On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 08:26:13PM +0100, Carlo F. wrote:
> I'm quite new to BibteX file and Style files. Using Bibview I can
> produce bib-file and import them in Lyx. My problem is that I would
You can try using a more recent tool like gbib or pybliographic.
> 1) How can I properly install pac
Hello everybody.
I'm using LyX LyX 1.1.6 fix 4 in Gnu/Linux, Debian distr.( I know, is
not the last one, but I'm not one of the network administrators).
I'm quite new to BibteX file and Style files. Using Bibview I can
produce bib-file and import them in Lyx. My problem is that I would
like/I need