On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 08:26:13PM +0100, Carlo F. wrote:
> I'm quite new to BibteX file and Style files. Using Bibview I can
> produce bib-file and import them in Lyx. My problem is that I would

You can try using a more recent tool like gbib or pybliographic.

> 1) How can I properly install packages downloaded from CTAN? Or at
> least, Where can I found really effective explanations about it
> (possibly, short/quick but detailed and mostly accurate)? I have not


> root privileges. I would like to put all my LyX and TeX, LaTeX, BibTeX
> personal stuff on my home directory. I have to create something similar
> to the TDS in texmf in my home? And then which program I have to run for

Put the files in ~/texmf/

> let TeteX know my personal stuff? The style I need is Harvard style with
> Authors names and year as tags in the main text and without brackets.
> e.g. ' Yu and Raju (2002)'and not '[Yu and Raju (2002)]'. I would like
> to use a style, if anyone exsists, avoiding insertion of tex code in
> LyX.

Use natbib. In lyx 1.1.6, you need to add
to the preamble, and then select the plainnat bib style in the Bibtex inset

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