Am Mittwoch, 13. April 2005 23:47 schrieb Marcelo Acuÿf1a:
> For first question I put in preamble:
> \interfootnotelinepenalty=1
> but the output no look fine, this force that footnote
> fit in one page, but in most cases previous page have
> very huge spaces between paragraph.
Axel, thanks for your help.
For second question I put in preamble:
and I get:
1Text of note, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, ...
blah, ...
This is OK for me. Thanks!
For first question I put in preamb
Am Montag, 11. April 2005 18:53 schrieb Marcelo Acuÿf1a:
> 1) When a footnote not fit in the initial page
> then carry on in the next page.
> I need that Lyx put a mark or symbol at the
> end of first page that indicate this to the reader.
Do you really want the footnotes to ap
I writing a book with koma-script style (scrbook).
I have long footnotes and two questions.
1) When a footnote not fit in the initial page
then carry on in the next page.
I need that Lyx put a mark or symbol at the
end of first page that indicate this to the reader.
How I can get it