On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 04:20:48PM +1000, Laurie Savage wrote:
> I have read chapter 6 for the fourth time and I think I've got it licked.
Weird. I could have sworn that exam.cls is part of any standard LaTeX
distro. It has certainly been part of teTeX for at least two years.
In any case, what
I have read chapter 6 for the fourth time and I think I've got it licked.
Thanks Herbert
Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia
Herbert Voss wrote:
> you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the
> first lines.
> than run reconfigure
> Herbert
I've tried that with noluck. Here are the first few lines of exam.layout
for your comment.
Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High S
Laurie Savage wrote:
> I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
> run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
> this class in the documents>layout>class field.
> There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?
I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
this class in the documents>layout>class field.
There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?
Laurie Savage
Science Dept. Or