Re: Info for used branches in slide

2013-06-09 Thread Uwe Ade
Hello,on my way  I reached  partial success:I put \usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos}\useoutertheme{infolines}\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}\newcommand\FrameText[1]{% \begin{textblock*}{\paperwidth}(0pt,\textheight)\raggedleft #1\hspace{.10em} \end{textblock*}} in the preamble and

Info for used branches in slide

2013-06-06 Thread Uwe Ade
Hello I uses beamer for a presentation with to differnent branches. One Branche is the presentation which the Students gets as handouts. It´s the smaller one. The second is my tutor version which more infos. its the bigger one. So the question: Is it possible to put an information in the foo