
on my way  I reached  partial success:

I put 

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\raggedleft #1\hspace{.10em}
in the preamble and with the ERT-TAG


in the Beamer-Hedline, the word "Folie" appears on every slide on the left down corner.  So i´d like zu change the color of this word, but i found no working solution. 

To get color work i put 


in preamble 


\colorbox{red}{\FrameText{folie}}  (%Favorite solution)



works. I got an Error while compiling the document

Theres on small example-file

Attachment: example.lyx
Description: Binary data

I think i made a very simply fault, but I´am not able to see it. 

Any ideas?


Am 06.06.2013 um 19:38 schrieb Uwe Ade <uwe....@gmx.de>:


I uses beamer for a presentation with to differnent branches.

One Branche is the presentation which the Students gets as handouts. It´s the smaller one.

The second is my tutor version which more infos. its the bigger one.

So the question: Is it possible to put an information in the footnote to whicht branch the shown slide belong (teacherslide or studentslide) ? If this idea doesn´t work are there other opportunities to show to which branche the slide belong, as water mark or something else?



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