Re: Bibunits with a master document

2005-09-09 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, The wiki bibunits example page has a problem with the links , after some fiddling I managed to download the files from I don't seem to be able to get the exampl

making superscript reference non-superscript temporarily.

2005-06-15 Thread jorgen johansson
Dear lyxers, I writing a paper for a conference that uses superscripted references. (I got some help on how to solve that problem some time ago on this list). in preamble put: \usepackage[nosort]{overcite} [EMAIL PROTECTED](\textnormal{#1})}$ Now, sometimes I would like to refer to some resul

Re: caption for long table

2004-12-08 Thread jorgen johansson
Herbert Voss wrote: some time ago, I posted a lyx example. Search in the archive. But it is extremely tricky, because it is a bug that LyX has a longtable button, but no possibility to insert a caption. Thanks. Leo Guertler has kindly sent me an example lyx-file in a private mail. Thank you for you

caption for long table

2004-12-08 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I have been trying to figure out how to add caption to a long table (spanning several pages) within lyx. Herbert's tips and tricks has an example in latex. Is it possible to do it with lyx and possibly some ERT? ( I am using 1.3.3 for win32) Thanks jorgen

Re: Subcripción

2004-05-12 Thread jorgen johansson
Juan Fresneda Montano wrote: Deseo suscribirme a la lista de usuarios de Lyx Saludos Juan Yo leo los mensajes en con por ejemplo el "newsreader" de mozilla ( saludos jorgen

Re: Lyx Win32 setup notes - some annotations

2004-03-15 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, Uwe Stöhr wrote: Ruurd made a great job with LyXWin. The only problem is the Sed. I'll mail him and hopefully he will provide LyXWin 1.3.4 with the actual Sed version. I agree that the LyXWin is great. What is the actual problem with SED. I have not installed a new version of SED AFAIK.

Re: Ruurd's win32 Lyx Port - View dvi??

2004-03-11 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I am using Ruurd's win32 Lyx1.3.3 on WinXP. Recently I played around with the converter section under Preferences, and now I cannot view my document in DVI (which should have the option under View/DVI together with other viewers). I have tried many things, re-install lyX, even re-install Mi

graphic and text before Title and author in article.cls (epigraph? fancyheader?)

2004-03-01 Thread jorgen johansson
Dear Lyx-users/gurus, (I'm getting slightly desperate.) I have deadline for Wednesday night and cant get a conference paper to look like it should. Attached a .zip file with: 2 screenshots 1 lyx-file 1 logo figure 1 bb file for logo. The 13wcee2.lyx is my lyx file. The logo (13wceeLogo2.jpg) sho

Re: prevent image conversion .lyx -> .html by l2h

2004-02-23 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello again, I narrowed down the problem: Your file works fine for me as well. The problem lies within the path to the image and if file extension is specified in the latex file. I have broken it down to 9 cases. see below for details Conclusion: Image conversion works fine from within LyX an

Re: prevent image conversion .lyx -> .html by l2h

2004-02-23 Thread jorgen johansson
Herbert, Could you send me an example file and the latex2html command you used to get it to work? Time for me to go to bed. I will try tomorrow. Thanks Herbert Voss wrote: jorgen johansson wrote: I suppose that LyX runs latex instead of pdflatex and then latex2html takes the converted jpg-eps

Re: prevent image conversion .lyx -> .html by l2h

2004-02-23 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I suppose that LyX runs latex instead of pdflatex and then latex2html takes the converted jpg-eps and converts it again to jpg. Try to run _first_ pdflatex from inside LyX and then latex2html. No difference I am afraid, l2h keeps on converting the figures to eps through dvips etc... I will

Re: prevent image conversion .lyx -> .html by l2h

2004-02-23 Thread jorgen johansson
27;t need to deal with bounding boxes). Maybe I am asking to much... If any of the above questions are more relevant for the L2H mailing list I would gladly post them there as well. Thanks for the help jorgen Herbert Voss wrote: jorgen johansson wrote: I had seen the patch when I was su

Re: prevent image conversion .lyx -> .html by l2h

2004-02-22 Thread jorgen johansson
ram for windows at jorgen Herbert Voss wrote: Herbert Voss wrote: jorgen johansson wrote: I have got latex2html 2002-2-1 (1.71) up and running together with lyx 1.3.3 (native qt version under windows XP). I have some photos in .jpg format that I&#

prevent image conversion .lyx -> .html by l2h

2004-02-20 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I have got latex2html 2002-2-1 (1.71) up and running together with lyx 1.3.3 (native qt version under windows XP). I have some photos in .jpg format that I'd rather keep in that format for the html version of my document. But l2h converts it to .gif or .png (depending on the settings l

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-13 Thread jorgen johansson
ones installed under cygwin by setting some type of varible e.g. LIBARARY_PATH or similar? thanks for nice program jorgen Niklas Huldén wrote: Jorgen Johansson wrote: Hello again, I am not sure what was going on, but I noticed in the about box that qt lyx was not using the shared library under it

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-12 Thread Jorgen Johansson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jorgen johansson Sent: 10 September 2003 19:37 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: image conversion tools Hello, I wonder if imagemagick has to be installed as a part of cygwin or can I use the native windows imagemagick when I want use the native qt lyx 1.3.2 on

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
forgot: If execute the line which gives me the error in the lyx debug sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps ppm:C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816.ppm in a command window the figure is converted correctly. Strange? jorgen

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello Ben, I am not sure if I can help you with this. I tested with and witout specifying a converter. Below are 2 snippets. In either case I don't get any message about ghostscript being called as you get..? (Does this depend on the debug setting? I start lyx with -dbg graphics) When I spec

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid usi

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
and start learning from that is one way get started. I'd thought I send in my observations on using the qt version because it would be useful for other users and possibly for someone who can patch. I'd be glad to help in some testing, when time allows. jorgen Angus Leeming wrote: jo

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-10 Thread jorgen johansson
schel) and Ruurd's qt 1.3.2 installed on the same system? Thanks for a nice piece of software. I wil be slowly moving over to the qt version. Hopefully I will complete my Ph.D. thesis on it. /jorgen jorgen johansson wrote: Hello, I wonder if imagemagick has to be installed as a part of cygwi

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-10 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I wonder if imagemagick has to be installed as a part of cygwin or can I use the native windows imagemagick when I want use the native qt lyx 1.3.2 on windows XP? I tried installing a couple of months ago and couldn't get it to work (the image conversion) I debugged and was also in cont

matlab postscript fig bounding box path oddity

2003-09-10 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello, I have created a postscript (eps) figure with matlab that contains and RGB image and a few lines (plotted with matlab). I have some problem with the bounding box and the lyx view. The bounding box clip is applied only in Lyx if I give the full path to the .eps file (/f/chapters/figures/

Re: grammar checker and lyx?

2003-07-24 Thread Jorgen Johansson
ay my original question was: Is there a grammar checker that can be used with Lyx/Cygwin? jorgen > -Original Message- > From: Robin Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, 24 July, 2003 21:20 > To: Jorgen Johansson > Subject: Re: grammar checker and lyx? > >

grammar checker and lyx?

2003-07-24 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, Not being a native english speaker I often make simple grammatical misstakes when writing english. What options do I have for checking grammar in a lyx or text file? AFAIK Ispell and aspell cannot check grammar, right? Any suggestions for free grammar checker? jorgen

copy text to lyx table under cygwin--- old news?

2003-07-18 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, Just wanted to let you know, in case you are running lyx under cygwin as I am, and haven't updated cygwin lately. The utility "xwinclip" (xwinclip-test08.exe) now allows for copy and paste from windows application to Lyx e.g. copying of spreadsheet data to a lyx table... jorgen


2003-07-09 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, I created an .eps figure with adobe illustrator and I have problem with the final .pdf (pdflatex) document where the figure is rotated 90 degrees. I solved the problem by rotating it 90 degrees in the opposite direction. I wonder if this is bug somewhere. I read on the website http://w

Re: Win32 qt LyX 1.3.2; jpg eps error converting to loadable format

2003-07-07 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Wes Meltzer wrote: You probably need to make sure your LyX is compiled with JPEG support. I used to have that problem all the time, aeons ago, when I was a Linux/KDE 1.1 user (and when I used KLyX, RIP). It seems your right I ran "lyx -dbg graphics" and there was no info regarding jpg so it is p

Win32 qt LyX 1.3.2; jpg eps error converting to loadable format

2003-07-06 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, I installed the Win32 qt LyX 1.3.2 and it is fast (compared to the cygwin version 1.3.0). I have a problem with on-screen images. png files are displayed, but jpg and eps are not shown. I get the following error message displayed instead of the images "error converting to loadable format".

what classes support the environment keyword?

2003-07-04 Thread Jorgen Johansson
I am looking for a articl class which has the keyword environment. Can point me in the right direction. ( I got an error trying use \begin{keywords} in the regular article class) thanks jorgen

Re: : after author in bibliography

2003-07-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Christian Ridderström wrote: This solution might be overkill, but you can use 'makebst' to get a "custom" bibtex-style. It's not fully custom, but you do have loads of options. I've only played with it once, but it was relatively easy to use... Great. I ran "latex makebst" (for MikTex) and go

Re: : after author in bibliography

2003-07-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, (B (BMatej Cepl wrote: (B> Are you sure that there should be *both* period and colon? What about (B> function? (B (BYour are right there should only be a colon. The period is for the (Binitialized first name and then a colon to separate the author and title (Bfields. I

: after author in bibliography

2003-07-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, I am trying to comply with the following bibliography style. 1) Author.: Title, J. Mech. Phys. Solids., Vol. 13, pp. 213-222, 1965. I have managed to get the "1) infront by changin the biblabel following some instructions on Herbert Voss tricks page. Then I tried to hack the "unsrt.bst"

Re: subsection no. in parenthesis; no section number

2003-07-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Thank you. That did the trick. The problem with being a latex beginner is to find the simple solutions. I was looking at several expamples, but they start redefining TeX commands which seem to be overdoing it a little bit. jorgen Juergen Spitzmueller wrote: Jorgen Johansson wrote: I am

subsection no. in parenthesis; no section number

2003-07-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello I am trying to find the proper commands on how to comply with the "interesting" format below when using latex/lyx writing an article. Sectionnumber. Section title (subsectionnumber with sectionumber and dot removed) subsection title E.g. it could look like this 1. Introduction blablatext

Re: author footnote problem

2003-04-04 Thread Jorgen Johansson
I solved the problme my self with some ERT (evil red text). See attached lyx file. /jorgen Jorgen Johansson wrote: Hello, I am trying to get arabic numbers in a footnote with authors info. The subscripts number over the names show correctly in arabic but in the actual footnote the number are

Re: parenthesis around cross referenced equation.

2003-04-04 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Dekel Tsur wrote: On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 08:53:58PM +0900, Jorgen Johansson wrote: Is there a way of automatically getting parenthesis around cross referenced equation number? I.e. not typing the left and right parenthesis around the cross reference. Use a label beginning with eq: for the

author footnote problem

2003-04-04 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Title Test \layout Author Jorgen JOHANSSON \begin_inset Foot collapsed true \layout Standard Research Associate, Ph.D. Cand. \end_inset \SpecialChar ~ and Kazuo KONAGAI \begin_inset Foot collapsed true \layout Standard Professor \end_inset \the_end

parenthesis around cross referenced equation.

2003-04-03 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, Is there a way of automatically getting parenthesis around cross referenced equation number? I.e. not typing the left and right parenthesis around the cross reference. I am using lyx 1.3.0 under Cygwin. Thanks for a great piece of software. /jorgen

Re: inline conversion between math and text

2002-10-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Disregard message. I had not seen the menu options remove and add line. sorry to bother. jorgen Jorgen Johansson wrote: > Hello, > I saw in the math document by Mr. Voss that it is possible to convert > from plain text to math by marking the text (containing the apropriate > la

inline conversion between math and text

2002-10-02 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, I saw in the math document by Mr. Voss that it is possible to convert from plain text to math by marking the text (containing the apropriate latex commands) and pressing ctrl-m. This was very usefull for me when using the split environment. Some times I would like to remove or add lines

underscore bug fix? simple script?

2002-10-01 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Hello, I have like some other lyx user used underscore in my equation labels. So far I have only opened the 2 latest chapters with lyx 1.2.1 (win32) so only some 50 equations are affected. I wonder if someone has created simple shell or other script that could go through all equations lables in

flowcharts in lyx and latex2html.

2002-07-28 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Dear LyX users, I am somewhat new to latex and lyx. I have set up lyx and latex2html and it seems to work fine. I want to produce a flowchart (of an FEM code that I have written) which can be included in my lyx files and translated to html as well with latex2html. I have read about eepic,xypi

scaling color image turns white

2002-07-18 Thread Jorgen Johansson
I use Lyx with Cygwin/win2K. I have some color images .eps (level 2) in a lyx document. When I set scale to e.g. 50 % and display in color in the lyx view tab in the graphics dialog box the image is scaled but turns white. If set the scale to 50% and display in grayscale the image is scaled an

Re: help - layouts not found

2002-07-16 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote: >>>>>>"Jorgen" == Jorgen Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >>>>> > > Jorgen> I have a similar problem. I am running Lyx 1.2.0a under cygwin > Jorgen> on win2k. I recently did a new installation of 1.

Re: help - layouts not found

2002-07-16 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Herbert Voss wrote: > Ery Djunaedy wrote: > >> Hi, >> I just installed Lyx 1.2. But apparently I could not see many document >> class. These are the classes available in "document layout" window: >> - article (6 of them) >> - book (2 of them) >> - letter (2 of them) >> - report >> - seminar >> -

Re: help - layouts not found

2002-07-16 Thread Jorgen Johansson
Ery Djunaedy wrote: > Hi, > I just installed Lyx 1.2. But apparently I could not see many document > class. These are the classes available in "document layout" window: > - article (6 of them) > - book (2 of them) > - letter (2 of them) > - report > - seminar > - slide > > I could not open my old