I had tried to convert from a Lyx document (a Ph.D. thesis, ~140 pages)
to LibreOffice (File/Export/HTML). Much of it worked, but there were
many problems:
1. Equation numbers moved from right to left
2. Figures were totally distorted (size scaled up),
3. Some equations and algorithms were man
I have upgraded to texlive 2012 (from texlive 2009) on ubuntu 12.04, 32
I did it by adding a ppa for backport of texlive 2012, followed by sudo
apt-get install texlive and all seemed to go without a hitch.
However, when I tried to compile some Lyx files that have worked fine
with texlive 20
It is often desirable to leave comments in the margins of a document.
The various TODOnotes facilities work fine, but I have now found that
they do NOT work in the abstract environment. Is this a feature or a bug?
Ehud Kaplan,
It returned an error message about expecting something-- neither Lyx nor
Latex had any problem with the file.
On 08/03/2012 08:57 PM, Jerry wrote:
How did it fail?
I'm currently working with the pandoc OS X packager on a problem with the
On Aug 3, 2012, at 10:26 AM, UD
If I understand correctly, the Windows version will have features that
are not available in the Linux or Mac versions. I hope this is not
true-- those of us who have been living in the MS-free world hope
that /all/ the features will be available in all the versions.
On 06/03/2012 06:28 PM,
Perfect-- that did it. Thanks a lot, Paul.
Incidentally, where does one find out about all these wonders?
Do we have to do the unthinkable and read a manual?
Ehud Kaplan
On 05/10/2012 10:33 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
UD gmail.com> writes:
Is there a way to color (and make clickab
Should files created with Lyx 1.6 be readable by version 1.5X? It seems
they are not.