It returned an error message about expecting something-- neither Lyx nor Latex had any problem with the file.

On 08/03/2012 08:57 PM, Jerry wrote:
How did it fail?

I'm currently working with the pandoc OS X packager on a problem with the 


On Aug 3, 2012, at 10:26 AM, UD wrote:

I tried it a couple of times (lyx --> anything or Latex --> anything.  It 
failed with files that presented no problems
to either Lyx or Texworks.
This was under Lubuntu 12.04, using the version that was in the repositories.


On 08/02/2012 04:01 AM, Jerry wrote:
Has anyone used LyX -> LaTeX -> ODT
or              LyX -> LaTeX -> docx


pandoc ?

This is an easy-to-use (it says) command line tool. This in particular caught 
my attention:

"LaTeX math is rendered in docx using native Word equation objects."

Is this (pandoc) too good to be true?


Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jules and Doris Stein /Research to Prevent Blindness/ Professor
*Director*, The laboratory of Visual & Computational Neuroscience
*Director*, Center for Excellence in Computational & Systems Neuroscience
/Friedman Brain Institute/
Departments of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Structural & Chemical Biology,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place,
NY, NY, 10029

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