AW: Lyx 1.5.1 footnotes do not work - change to utf8

2007-11-03 Thread Raphael Steinbach
Heck Cc: Raphael Steinbach; Betreff: Re: Lyx 1.5.1 footnotes do not work - change to utf8 Richard Heck schrieb: > Encoding issues are still being worked out a bit. The move to unicode > was a major change. So it may be that changing the settings triggered > s

Lyx 1.5.1 footnotes do not work - change to utf8

2007-10-31 Thread Raphael Steinbach
After changing some document settings, the document will not convert into pdf, it tells me to change to utf8, because some characters would not be displayed correctly, however this also happens if i just insert one empty footnote(same with margin note etc.), without footnotes everything is fine. I