While trying to make my file shorter: All of a sudden the conversion to pdf
worked, with footnotes that were still left in there. It was like there was
a critical length (maybe one page of output) and then it would work to
create a pdf, regardless of footnotes. However in the larger document it was
sufficient to delete the footnotes to create an 8 page output. So somehow
footnotes work, but they do not and pdf creation works, but it does not...
Strangely enough one time it worked with the footnotes and the whole text,
but after adding a paragraph or so it would not anymore and did not work
since. I am running it on windows xp, but that should not be the Problem ;)
Maybe you have an idea and thank you for your help.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Auftrag von Uwe Stöhr
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. November 2007 00:18
An: Richard Heck
Cc: Raphael Steinbach; lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Betreff: Re: Lyx 1.5.1 footnotes do not work - change to utf8

Richard Heck schrieb:

> Encoding issues are still being worked out a bit. The move to unicode 
> was a major change. So it may be that changing the settings triggered 
> some other change somewhere. Perhaps Uwe will have some idea, as he's 
> pretty experienced with that.

I need a SHORT LyX example file to reproduce the problem. Could you send me
one please?

regards Uwe

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