Excluding citation from LOF

2001-12-17 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi, another question! :) I have some figures with captions with citations. I naturally don't want that the citations show up in the List of Figures. I found out that the correct Latex way would be to put something like: \caption[Spielfeld]{Spielfeld \cite[S. 17]{robosoccer} in ERT, but where do

centering hangcaption

2001-12-17 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! How do I center a hanging caption? \begin{center} \hangcaption{Auswertung des Beschleunigungssensors \protect \\ ohne die ersten beiden Messwerte} \end{center} doesn't work, the caption is aligned left. The table above is centered. thanks marksu

Re: Centering math equations

2001-12-16 Thread Markus Mohr
> http://www.lyx.org/help/mathstuff/equations/equations.html > > alt-m-m for inlinemode > alt-m-c for displaymode (own paragraph and by default centered) That would be alt-m-d... (I got that from your page ;) And I might add: _now_ I know after spending half the centering formulas by hand... :)

Re: Including scatter plots in LyX

2001-12-16 Thread Markus Mohr
> I just downloaded xgfe and tried to install from source (the rpm links > weren't working) and rec'd an error. Did you install this to a Linux box? > Did you have any problems? Yes. No (with Debian). :) Which error did you receive? xgfe needs libqt1. ciao marksu

Problem with undefined control sequence

2001-12-16 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! I have a problem with creating a dvi-file. I've extracted the smallest piece of text that produces the error. I'm sorry, but I can't see my error. No manual additions were done. This is an excerpt from the logfile: ! Undefined control sequence. l.23 \centering \( v_{G}=\s

Re: Including scatter plots in LyX

2001-12-15 Thread Markus Mohr
> Instead of me blindly trying out a bunch of packages, I thought I would > see what other LyX users are using. I want to include a series of graphs > in my thesis. I have tables of data for some of the data, and for others > I have the function. What is the recommended tool? In the bad old days

Re: figure rendering

2001-11-03 Thread Markus Mohr
Nelson Hogg wrote: > > I can see that others have had problems with figure rendering in lyx but > I can't find the solution. Maybe one of you experts can point me there. > Before upgrading to mandrake 8.1 figures were rendered properly in the > lyx window. Now it just says "rendering" and the box

Re: Cannot load lyx

2001-10-03 Thread Markus Mohr
> root@minduin:/home/rod > ldd /usr/X11R6/bin/lyx > libforms.so.0.89 => not found > libXpm.so.4 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 (0x4002) [..] > how can I do to add this lib to my path, it is installed at > /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.so.0.89 Since it finds libXpm which is in the sam

Re: Cannot load lyx

2001-10-03 Thread Markus Mohr
> lyx: error while loading shared libraries: libforms.so.0.89: cannot load > shared object file: No such file or directory > > but xforms-0.89-302 are already installed on my computer Do an 'ldd /lyx' to see which libraries are found and which not. You probably lack a library path. ciao marksu

Table caption II

2001-09-30 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Heres the next question: :) I have a rather longish table description and it looks like: Table: texttexttexttexttexttext texttexttexttexttext but I would like to have: Table: texttexttexttexttexttext texttexttexttexttext How do I achieve that? thanks for the help marksu

Table caption

2001-09-28 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! I'm using 1.1.6fix3 with Debian/unstable. I try to have a table in a table float with the caption below the table. When I enter the table directly behind the 'Table:' text, I get: (Float) Table: instead of: (Float) Table: Compiling that leads to two error

Re: figures not rendering, Debian - solution

2001-09-14 Thread Markus Mohr
> > 1) replace package 'gs-aladdin' (6.50-5) with 'gs' (5.50-8) > > this is because of a ghostscript bug, fixed in more recent versions. Yup, I know, but there is currently no newer package than that in Debian/unstable. > > 2) type 'xhost +' or just 'xhost +' (just '+' opens your > > display to

figures not rendering, Debian - solution

2001-09-13 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Since this question pops up rather often, heres the solution for Lyx 1.1.6fix3 for Debian (and probably other distros, too): 1) replace package 'gs-aladdin' (6.50-5) with 'gs' (5.50-8) 2) type 'xhost +' or just 'xhost +' (just '+' opens your display to everyone!) If gs-aladdin gets updated,

displaying figures

2001-08-31 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Sorry, I know this has been asked before, but I can't find it in the archives. I'm using 1.1.6fix3 on Debian/unstable and the problem is, that figures don't show with lyx. The dvis are ok. Under the figure theres just the text "[rendering...]". Lyx starts a gs process (from ps ax): gs -sDEV

Re: list of important symbols

2001-08-27 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Andre asked me to explain that a bit. Sorry, I was a bit short here! > Is there a clever way to produce a list of important symbols or are > tables the solution (where sorting would be clumsy)? You often see in a thesis right after the TOC a list of variables, constants, vectors, abbreviatio

list of important symbols

2001-08-27 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Is there a clever way to produce a list of important symbols or are tables the solution (where sorting would be clumsy)? thanks, marksu

Re: Announcing LyX 1.1.6fix3

2001-07-25 Thread Markus Mohr
debs, debs, where are the debs? ;) marksu

linebreak in tabular

2001-07-01 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Probably stupid question: I'm using 1.1.6fix2 with Debian and I am trying to make a linebreak in a table. CF or ctrl-CR don't work. I know from the past and from comments on this list, that there must be a knob for 'allow linebreaks', but where is it? Its not in Layout->Tabular and not in Edi

Re: floatflt problem

2001-06-28 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! > insert some ctrl-enter behind last bla or in tex red > \vspace{2cm} Well, thanks, I thought of that, but it looked to 'wordish' to be the right thing. :) Especialy that the text is written over the figure doesn't look right. Is there a special reason for this behaviour? thanks marksu

floatflt problem

2001-06-27 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! I have an eps as floatflt . The figure is higher than the text beside it. Problem is that after the text ends a new subsubsection begins. The title of the section is set to the right of the figure and the text is right over the figure. Instead of: blablablabla bla || bla || b

Re: LyX on a CD

2001-06-12 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! Just to give another example of excellent Unix installation procedures: take a look at Debian. Installing lyx is this line (as root): 'apt-get install lyx'. Thats it. apt resolves all dependencies, loads all needed packages from the configured source (cd, nfs, ftp, http) and installs them. It

Re: deb ??

2001-05-23 Thread Markus Mohr
> Is anyone interested in packaging 1.1.6 for Debian ?? It will be great. There is a maintainer for lyx and he promised to pack 1.1.6 as soon as fix2 would come out. He found fix1 too buggy (which, methinks, is correct according to the comments here on the list) ciao marksu

Re: image preview in document

2001-05-04 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! > If you search the mail archives this topic came up in the last week or > two for the case of using debian systems. Try using keywords like > "debian", "inline view" and "image" at: I have the same problem here and even with help from Allan I can't find the relevant posting. Could someone

Lyx: Header in Bibliography

1999-08-13 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! I'm using fancyhdr to format the headings. Now I want to get rid of those in the bibliography. Problem is, where to put the \lhead{}? If I put it before the bib, the last text-page has no headers, too. If its inside the bib, the latex codes splits the bib in two and behind only the last page

Re: Whats this error?boundary="------------AEC262247AF77D80FB6FA54E"

1999-07-25 Thread Markus Mohr
> You are quite a bit right ... > URL's are not possible, when the footnote belongs to a section > and not the standard-format. Hey thanks, thats it! Just to be curious: why is this so? ciao marksu

Re: Whats this error?boundary="------------AEC262247AF77D80FB6FA54E"

1999-07-25 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! > It's not possible to put an URL in a footnote. You have to choose > the real textmode, like http:// ... Sorry, no, its possible. There are other footnotes with urls before this. I can compile those without problems. This is, what confuses me: there are no differences between those. Is this

Whats this error?

1999-07-24 Thread Markus Mohr
Hi! This is a small part of a document, that was only created with Lyx. I get this strange error I can't fix. It says: ! Undefined control sequence. \Url Error ->\url used in a movong argument. l.50 }} I've attached the important part. You'll probably get 51 errors - 50 of them because I sni