Andre asked me to explain that a bit. Sorry, I was a bit short here!
> Is there a clever way to produce a list of important symbols or are
> tables the solution (where sorting would be clumsy)?
You often see in a thesis right after the TOC a list of variables,
constants, vectors, abbreviations... used and explained, like:
Mb Bremsmoment
FFN Feedforward-Netz
I thought about using tables to do that (which would probably work), but
then, as it happens when you write, you use new variables or
abbreviations. It would be clever to insert those at the same time as
you write so you won't forget that later. The problem is to sort those
into the table which is a bit clumsy.
So, since the normal TOC or an index are nearly that what I need, I
wanted to ask, if there is a nice way to do it automagically or if I
will have to do that by hand.