Re: xforms 1.0.2

2003-11-21 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Owen Lucas napisa?: I downloaded it and installed it but I dont know if its 1.0.2 as it provided /usr/X11R6/lib/libforms.a /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/libformsGL.a /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib

Re: xforms 1.0.2

2003-11-19 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Owen Lucas napisa?: does anyone know where I can get xforms 1.0.2 from. The lyx 1.3.2 announcement said from but this points to another site that only has xforms 0.89 . I have found RPM's for suse and spark but not RH9. Someone was saying that the sourc

Re: Installing LyX on Slackware 9.1

2003-11-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Rich Shepard napisa?: On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Marcin Bukat wrote: If You are interested You can look at: (binary packages for slackware current) (SlackBuild for lyx and xforms) It works for me. Is this

Re: Installing LyX on Slackware 9.1

2003-10-31 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Paul Jahshan napisa?: Hi all, I was trying to install LyX 1.3.3 on Slackware 9.1 but I either got error messages about missing class files not in the right place or getting a below-average GUI. I know it should work because I did the same install on the same machine a few weeks ago

qt & lyx & locale pl_PL

2003-10-08 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! In README in latex-xft-fonts one can see: "If you're using a locale such as LANG=ru_RU, and some others, these fonts will not load in Qt. This is a Qt bug that Troll Tech refuse to fix." So: 1. Is there a chance to solve this issue from lyx side (for example by direct using of freetype as w

Re: absolute path and graphics file

2003-07-03 Thread Marcin Bukat
Marcin> in 'parent directory' path is absolute. The algorithm used currently is: * compute the included file path relative to the document path * if this relative path starts with ../, use an absolute path instead. The idea is that paths that are upper than the document are not likely to be moved

Re: absolute path and graphics file

2003-07-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Jean-Marc Lasgouttes napisa?: "Marcin" == Marcin Bukat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Marcin> Hmm. I see the same bug in xforms version. If included file is Marcin> in 'parent directory' path is absolute. The algorithm used currently is: * compute the in

Re: absolute path and graphics file

2003-07-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Jean-Marc Lasgouttes napisa?: "Guanglei" == Guanglei Cui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Guanglei> Thanks, but can this be automatic? Can this be done through Guanglei> working directory setting? What you are seeing is a bug in the qt frontend of LyX 1.3.2. It will be fixed in 1.3.3. JMar

Re: archive with all included files in document

2003-06-27 Thread Marcin Bukat
Marcin> Hello! There was a request of such functionality. I did a smal Marcin> bash script which can do that 'cause I found it usefull. If Marcin> someone interested please test. Nice script :) Just a question: does it support include files (recursively, I guess)? My cursory reading of the code ma

archive with all included files in document

2003-06-27 Thread Marcin Bukat
n tar archive or compress it with bz2 or gz # # Author: Marcin Bukat # email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] # Ths script is a FREE software # Use at Your own risk function usage #Prints usage instructions { echo "Usage: [OPTONS] [FULL PATH TO LYX FILE]" echo " OPTION

Re: apendix in article (koma-script) style

2003-06-27 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Juergen Spitzmueller napisa?: Juergen Spitzmueller wrote: You are obviously doing something wrong. koma-article does not insert a pagebreak before and between appendices. except you have a multipart document and \include the appendices (\include inserts a \clearpage). Use \input in

apendix in article (koma-script) style

2003-06-26 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! How can I suppres inserting empty page before and between appendixes? Regards wo

Re: compilation problems lyx-1.3.2 and xforms-CVS

2003-06-24 Thread Marcin Bukat
I guess that the patch mentioned here will help you: Please confirm. I think it will appear in 1.3.3. JMarc Mentioned patch doesn't help. I've got the same error. Regards wo It won't. You'd have to run to regenerate the

xforms CVS

2003-06-24 Thread Marcin Bukat
Can someone remain me addres of xforms-CVS. There was post about this in this mailing list, but I can't find it in archives. Thanks in advance wo

Apendix numbering and bibliography formating

2003-06-17 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! I have two small problems 1.if I do Layout->insert apendix new aded apendix is numbered 'A Apendix'. I would like to achive 'Apendix A'. How can I do that? 2.if I add bibliography with bibTeX all titles are formated to have capitalic at the begining and rest lowercase. I tried tons of .bs

Re: glossary of terms?

2003-06-15 Thread Marcin Bukat
Is there planned support for a glossary of terms feature like MS Word has? So, you'd select a word, and click on "glossary item", and then (in a popup window), enter a description of the word. In the back of your document, a glossary would build itself... This would be extremely useful to me, and i

Re: bibtex formating help

2003-06-14 Thread Marcin Bukat
author = {M. B. Aramnd, J. M. Chabagno, M. Duclot, P. in Vashista, J. N. Mundy, G. K. Shenoy}, multiple authors have to be separated by "and" author = {M. B. Aramnd and J. M. Chabagno and M. Duclot and P. in Vashista and J. N. Mundy and G. K. Shenoy}, regards, Juergen. Ok. works much better bu

bibtex formating help

2003-06-14 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! I have problem with bibtex references. Example: entry in .bib file @article{mozliwe_zastosowania_polimerowych_elektrolitow_2, author = {M. B. Aramnd, J. M. Chabagno, M. Duclot, P. in Vashista, J. N. Mundy, G. K. Shenoy}, title = {Fast Ion Transport in Solids}, journa

Re: caption formating

2003-06-13 Thread Marcin Bukat
\usepackage[hang]{caption} Regards, Juergen. Thanks - works great. Regards wo

caption formating

2003-06-13 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! I wonder howto obtain specyfic captions of figures/tables formating. Short exampe: 1. Currently: +-+ | | | | +-+ fig 1. aaa aaa 2. I would like +-+ | | | | +-+ fig 1. Could an

Re: problem about math formula display

2003-06-11 Thread Marcin Bukat
yea, last mail, I said, 1.3.2-xforms version can render correctly just now, i uninstall my xforms version and reinstall qt version with ttf rpm. still cannot render correctly. the problem is that I am using a remote xserver on win2k. any requirements to the xserver? What encoding are You using? T

Re: figure caption font

2003-06-06 Thread Marcin Bukat
\makeatletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]@makecaption [EMAIL PROTECTED]@makecaption} \makeatother This one works for me :-) (FIG 8. Diagramme bla bla bla) Thats what I've got after added this to preamble (I mean whole caption is italic including digits) Regards wo

Re: changing the figure legend font size

2003-06-06 Thread Marcin Bukat
Add something like this to your preamble. This particular one will give you italic captions. If you were to replace \itshape with \small\bfseries you'll get... guess what? Angus %% Set the captions to be italic \newcommand\myCaption[1]{\itshape\refstepcounter{figure}% \begin{center}\figuren

small bug in interface translation?

2003-06-06 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hi! In english version (LANG=en, LC_ALL=en) when I insert float->figure caption in this float begins with 'Figure:'. If I do the same with ma national settings (LANG=pl_PL, LC_ALL=pl_PL) insted of polish translation of 'Figure' I can see only '%1'. This applie only to the 'editor' - dvi, gs, p

Re: Cross reference

2003-06-06 Thread Marcin Bukat
Exactly the same way. Insert a label in the caption of the figure/table and insert a reference to that label when you need it. Andre' Oh in caption... that was the missing information :-). Works great (as usual). Regards wo

Cross reference

2003-06-05 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello All! I do like feature of lyx (latex it is to say) that I can mark some section/subsection/subsubsection (adding label) and then, when I want point reader thet problem was previously disscused, insert 'cross reference', which will be automaticaly updated. Is there a way to do the same wit

Re: multirows in tables

2003-06-04 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik K S Sreeram napisa?: There is a LaTeX package called 'multirow'. Does exactly what you need. You'll have to use ERT raw latex to do the table in LyX. If you dont already have the package then check CTAN Regards On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 00:24, Uwe Stöhr wrote: Hello everybody, I'll write

Re: line spaceing problem

2003-04-05 Thread Marcin Bukat
Marcin Bukat schrieb: I tryed setting single spaceing and then adding \linespread {1.6} in latex preamble, but this affects also footnotes (look ugly with double spaceing). I compared documments with single and double lyx spceing - the only one difference is \spaceing directive. any hints

line spaceing problem

2003-04-02 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! I felt in such problem: document is article class page style is fancy font size is set to 12pt paper is A4 with 'users' margins TOP 2cm BOTTOM 1cm LEFT and RIGHT both 2cm one column, single side printing Now if I set single line spaceing everything is correct but if I try to set somethin e

Re: non standard page layout

2003-04-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Still if you have not found a package, you may gon on and hack the whole \footnote command, may be understandable... Im afraid don't know (la)tex enough to hack this command :< Is it possible to put footnotes in footer? (Normaly footnotes are appended to the body.) This will probably solve the p

Re: non standard page layout

2003-04-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 15:17:17 +0200 From: Marcin Bukat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: non standard page layout Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 13:09:14 +0200 From: Marcin Bukat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: non standard page layout Hello! Could

Re: non standard page layout

2003-04-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 13:09:14 +0200 From: Marcin Bukat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: non standard page layout Hello! Could anyone point me how to get such page layout? --- |

non standard page layout

2003-04-01 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! Could anyone point me how to get such page layout? --- | HEADER | |**| | | | | | BODY

Re: Advantages of qt over xforms?

2003-03-28 Thread Marcin Bukat
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 10:09:32PM +0100, Marcin Bukat wrote: It have to be even more tricky: I tryed runing lyx (qt version) like this LANG=us LC_ALL=POSIX lyx or LANG=us LC_ALL=us and lyx stil doesn't load math fonts correctly. ^^^ or to be more precise it loads font

Re: Advantages of qt over xforms?

2003-03-28 Thread Marcin Bukat
On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:10:11PM +0100, Marcin Bukat wrote: if LC_ALL=pl_PL menu is in Polish, but in math editor some charakters are missdisplayed (mainly greeks). I cannot reproduce anything like this. 2. qt forntend lyx, gcc, qt as above if LC_ALL=pl_PL, and LANG=pl menu is in Polish

Re: Advantages of qt over xforms?

2003-03-27 Thread Marcin Bukat
2. qt forntend lyx, gcc, qt as above if LC_ALL=pl_PL, and LANG=pl menu is in Polish, but in math editor I have LateX command instead of symbols (Gamma, Delta...) This is "as designed". Qt will *not* let us set a font that is of the wrong locale, no matter what we do. And it thinks the symbol fo

Re: Advantages of qt over xforms?

2003-03-26 Thread Marcin Bukat
On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 10:53:04PM +0100, Marcin Bukat wrote: I compiled lyx-1.3.1 with qt frontend and fall in problem with fonts in math editor (some fonts seems to be replaced by latin-2 specyfic chars). This is very vague. I wrote about this on this forum. I tryed varius fonts without

Re: Advantages of qt over xforms?

2003-03-25 Thread Marcin Bukat
On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 05:08:50PM +0100, Davor Cengija wrote: I successfully compiled v1.3 with qt but had some problems displaying latin-2 characters on the screen and I really really don't feel like You have to use the right fonts, and use a latin2 LANG. john Hmm what do You mean 'right

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-19 Thread Marcin Bukat
On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 08:59:42PM +0100, Marcin Bukat wrote: Now things are working as they should. You have to install the right set of fonts, now, to get the symbols to appear. john Ok thats something new. What do You mean by

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-19 Thread Marcin Bukat
Version 1.3.1 will make some difference wrt Qt and fonts, but I do not know whether it will fix your particular problem. Yes it makes some difference :P just see: wo

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-18 Thread Marcin Bukat
I found another strange but related to topic bahavior: If I change screen font to some ttf (cp1250 encoding) text is rendered correctly, almost all greeks symbols are ok, but other math symbols are displayed as a lyx commands (or rather latex commands). It looks like ttf family font is used to r

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-18 Thread Marcin Bukat
I see. Some latin2-chars made it. Sorry can't help. I have no problems with lyx1.3.1cvs. Maybe the use of instant preview can make life little easier. Ok now situation is clear. So: 1. I assume lyx is not 100% latin2 clear - this should be in docs 2. What about missing fonts in /share/lyx/xfonts? I

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-18 Thread Marcin Bukat
I am unable to see the "meaningless chars". There are only perfectly displayed "math-space" chars. The displayed spaces in lyx_screenshot.png are intended. Ok I marked explicite chars which are missdisplayed. Please take a look once more... wo

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-18 Thread Marcin Bukat
Well I made some sniffing around the problem and found that in /usr/share/lyx/xfonts is a lack of declared fonts. (lyx was configured with prefix=/usr so everything should be ok). Declared fonts are in /lib/xfonts. I moved this fonts: cmex10.pfb cmr10.pfb eufm10.pfb msbm10.pfb cmmi10.pfb cm

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-17 Thread Marcin Bukat
Do you use xfs ? Do you have an _uncommented_ line Load"type1" in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ? bash-2.05# cat /etc/X11/XF86Config|grep type Load"type1" Load"freetyp" (slackware don't use XF86Config-4) what do You mean by xfs? wo

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-17 Thread Marcin Bukat
Uz.ytkownik Dekel Tsur napisa?: On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 06:37:38PM +0100, Marcin Bukat wrote: Normal text is displayed correctly, but greeks symbols in math are substitutet with garbage. After conversion to pdf let say everything is ok. This makes realy hard math editing :-( Read the INSTALL

Re: screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-17 Thread Marcin Bukat
btw: lynx-1.3.0-qt gt-3.1.1 I usually use only the console-mode version of lynx. In version 2.8.4rel.1 btw.. Of course I made a mistake lyx-1.3.0 compiled with QT is my problem :> Generaly if I create new file, enter math mode and type '\sigma' for example I can see meaningless character (I call

screen fonts in math problem

2003-03-17 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! I have such problem: Normal text is displayed correctly, but greeks symbols in math are substitutet with garbage. After conversion to pdf let say everything is ok. This makes realy hard math editing :-( I tryed to run lyx -dbg mathed and found somethig like this: creating inset with name:

polish keyboard

2003-03-12 Thread Marcin Bukat
Sorry for my insisting and double posting, but I realy can't get it working. I searched archives and found nothing usefull (actualy I found one post with exacly the same question but without answer). I tryed seting my X keyboard layout to us (setxkbmap us) and than setting polish.kmap in lyx (lyx

polish keyboard & lyx-1.3.0-qt

2003-03-11 Thread Marcin Bukat
Hello! I can't get working polish keyboard in lyx. In oters applications it works ok. I dig up archives and found nothing usefull. any feedback wold be nice wo