Re: lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-29 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> I think that if you put, in Lyx 1.3.6 or 1.3.7, a List >> of Figures at the end of any file you get an error >> when you try to convert with lyx2lyx. > >I have found the problem, see >id=2245">>id=2245 > >Georg If you put List of Figures one or two li

Re: lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-27 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I forgot say that: 1) I deleted List of Figures in the file 2) Used lyx2lyx for convert 3) open succesfully with lyx 1.4.0 pre3 4) add List of Figures at the end of file 5) save, edit, view, etc. the text, 6) all work OK 7) lyx 1.4 is nice Regards Marcelo

Re: lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-27 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, Atached to this mail are two messages of error. First occurs with List of Figures at the end of file. Second with List of Figures not at the end of file. I think that if you put, in Lyx 1.3.6 or 1.3.7, a List of Figures at the end of any file you get an error when you try to conver

Re: lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-26 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> Hello, I make an upgrade from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 and this work >> ok. No problem. Then make an upgrade to 1.4.0 pre3 and found >> a problem. This new version open correctly several files from >> 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 but my main work, a long book, is not open. >> Appears an error mesage like: "lyx2l

comments and lyx note

2006-01-25 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I can see comments optinos in lyx 1.4. Which is the diference between comments and lyx note? Thanks Marcelo - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo Abrí tu cuenta aquí

Re: lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-25 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Marcelo> Hello, I make an upgrade from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 and this work Marcelo> ok. No problem. Then make an upgrade to 1.4.0 pre3 and found Marcelo> a problem. This new version open correctly several files from Marcelo> 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 but my main work, a long book, is not open. Marcelo> Appears an e

lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-24 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I make an upgrade from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 and this work ok. No problem. Then make an upgrade to 1.4.0 pre3 and found a problem. This new version open correctly several files from 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 but my main work, a long book, is not open. Appears an error mesage like: "lyx2lyx can´t

Re: my almost finished paper - missing issues ...

2006-01-22 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> > 4) i need to make the footnotes span two columns. >> If you use multicol package for get two columns instead two >>columns options >> from menu you get footnotes that span in two columns >good idea, but i think that conflicts with figures spanning two >columns. With multicol package you

Re: my almost finished paper - missing issues ...

2006-01-22 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> > 4) i need to make the footnotes span two columns. >> If you use multicol package for get two columns instead two columns >>options >> from menu you get footnotes that span in two columns >good idea, but i think that conflicts with figures spanning two >columns. With multicol packag

Re: my almost finished paper - missing issues ...

2006-01-22 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
> 4) i need to make the footnotes span two columns. I you use multicol package for get two columns instead two columns options from menu you get footnotes that span in two columns Marcelo - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yaho

Re: Redefine chapter/section and subsection appearance

2005-12-22 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>This is more latex, but probably someone has an answer quickly. I >want chapter, section and subsections to appear like this (view with > a monospace font): > >1. Chapter >Her starts the text >More text. >. >. > > >1.1 Section >Some section text > >etc. titlesec package come with standard

Re: spacing before and after enumerate and other list environments

2005-12-22 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>could anybody, please, point me to a resource with >information how to set the spacing *before* and *after* list >environments? The only references I found on the mailing >list and on the Internet discuss the >spacing between the items of a list. > >I was trying to change the distance b

Re: little problem with frontmater and index entry

2005-12-18 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> In koma-script book, I have frontmater, (abstract, prologue, etc.) >> Names in this part not appears in alphabetical index. >> How I can solve this? >> >Where did you place the abstract? I only see this in koma-script >_article_ (which is where I would expect it) and there "Pfeiffer, >Kevi

little problem with frontmater and index entry

2005-12-18 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, In koma-script book, I have frontmater, (abstract, prologue, etc.) Names in this part not appears in alphabetical index. How I can solve this? Thanks Marcelo - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo we

Re: selection of font in footnote in koma-script

2005-12-18 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> \setkomafont{footnote}{\sffamily} >> > This works for me. Can you send a minimal example file? > >Jürgen While I was making a minimal example file I found the origin of problem, this is: \usepackage[flushmargin]{footmisc} I put that in preamble for get an apropiate format of foot

Re: I lost a very useful feature (more)

2005-12-17 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>>Why do you want to have Section*? >>For the numbering? >> >>JMarc >For aesthetic and legibility. My book is on history and >is plenty of dates, numbers, and is very long. >I try to reduce hard impact in readers. >Because my book have a cronological structural, numbers >of section no add usef

Re: I lost a very useful feature

2005-12-17 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>>Why do you want to have Section*? >>For the numbering? >> >>JMarc For aesthetic and legibility. My book is on history and is plenty of dates, numbers, and is very long. I try to reduce hard impact in readers. Because my book have a cronological structural, numbers of section no a

I lost a very useful feature

2005-12-16 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I writing a book with Koma-script style. I have more of one-hundred sections in several chapters. I decided to have section*, no section. I make all changes and I lost title of sections* in Navigate Menu, a very useful feature while the author is writing. How I can get section

selection of font in footnote in koma-script

2005-12-16 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I writing a book in Koma-script style. I want to set sans serif font family for all footnotes. In accordance with scrguien.pdf I put in preamble \setkomafont{footnote}{\sffamily} but this no work. I can not see any change. How I get it? Thanks. Marcelo

Re: problems with page style empty

2005-12-03 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> I want that pages with title of part and >> first page of each chapter appears >> without page number. >(I assume from your previous email that you are using a koma-script >class.) Yes. >Add the following commands to your preamble: > >\renewcommand*{\partpagestyle}{empty} >\renewco

problems with page style empty

2005-12-03 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi, I want that pages with title of part and first page of each chapter appears without page number. I put an ERT with \thispagestyle{empty} on each of this pages. Ths work OK but now appears garbage in TOC. " p" characters and word "plain" appears in several times in TOC. Thi

I can not get balance columns

2005-12-03 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi, I am writing a book with koma-script with two columns. I want get balance columns at the end of each chapter. I search in Google for it. I put in preamble \usepackage{balance} and, with ERT, \balance and \nobalance in accordance with manual of this package. I can´t get

I can not get balance columns

2005-11-23 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi, I am writing a book with koma-script with two columns. I want get balance columns at the end of each chapter. I search in Google for it. I put in preamble \usepackage{balance} and, with ERT, \balance and \nobalance in accordance with manual of package. I can´t get that it

I can´t get balance columns

2005-11-23 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi, I am writing a book with koma-script with two columns. I want get balance columns at the end of each chapter. I search in Google for it. I put in preamble \usepackage{balance} and, with ERT, \balance and \nobalance in accordance with manual of package. I can´t get that it work

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-23 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:> >On a linux system, you typically get all the free documentation with >your latex installation. On a debian linux system, see the file >/usr/share/doc/texmf/latex/tex-refs/makeindex-special-effects.html >On other systems, search for this file on the

Re: Index Tips & Tricks in LyX.

2005-11-23 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> a) I have in my book: Otto von Bismark-Schonhausen >> I put the cursor at the end of this name, click on >> Insert > Index Entry and get a dialog box with the >> word Schonhausen, then I must add the rest of name >> without any misspelling each time that this name >> appears. > > I found tha

Re: A Tool for Building Indexs of Sociology/History/etc/ Texts.

2005-11-23 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
> This isn't integrated in LyX, but is this what you want? > > > > This generates a comprehensive list of occurrences of each of the > names you specify, which is probably what you want for sociology. > (For science, I think it is more normal to on

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-22 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Thanks for help me, Helge! >>> I think that Lyx is very good for mathematics >>> but for history, sociology, etc. advantage is >>> reduced for difficult to learn and poor tool >>> for index entry. > >> 1) Difficult for index entry without assist. >> Examples: > >> a) I have i

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-21 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> I think that Lyx is very good for mathematics >> but for history, sociology, etc. advantage is >> reduced for difficult to learn and poor tool >> for index entry. > Lyx has multi-level index entries. The question > becomes - what is the problem? We who don't do > history/sociology

Re: align left and hyphenation - Solved!

2005-11-17 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> How I can get align left and hyphention? > \usepackage{ragged2e} > > At the begin of the document > \RaggedRight > > HTH, > Jürgen Thanks! This work Ok. Marcelo - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor corr

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-17 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> Now, I am in problem with my publisher. >> He said, "Drop Lyx, take PageMaker!". >> >> > Bad advice. ;-) If you try - you will find that pagemaker can easily > do some things that is hard in lyx. But also the converse - lyx, and > sometimes a few latex commands, can do things you'd be hard

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-16 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> Hello, >> I want use align left in my book but when >> changed from align justified I lost >> hyphenation. >> This spent a lot of pages. >> How I can get align left and hyphention? >> > I don't know if this is even possible. It could be, but > as far as I know, hyphenation is turned on _be

Re: add weight to a font

2005-11-16 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> Hello, >> I selected pslatex font size 10. >> How I can add weight to this font? >> (more bolder) >> >> Thanks in advance. >pslatex comes as-is and cannot be subjected to uniform >customisation such >as "all uppercase" or "bold throughout" (unlike, for example, >(X)HTML/CSS). Tha

Re: change space between top line and text body

2005-11-16 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
>> I am using koma-script, scrbook, with scrpage2 package, >> How I can reduce space between top line and text body? >I am relatively sure that the koma-script documentation (scrguien.pdf) >explains it. Also the following pages might help you: >

add weight to a font

2005-11-15 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I selected pslatex font size 10. How I can add weight to this font? (more bolder) Thanks in advance. Marcelo Acuña - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo Abrí tu cuenta aquí

align left and hyphenation

2005-11-15 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I want use align left in my book but when changed from align justified I lost hyphenation. This spent a lot of pages. How I can get align left and hyphention? Thanks in advance. Marcelo Acuña - 1GB gratis, Antiviru

change space between top line and text body

2005-11-15 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I am using koma-script, scrbook, with scrpage2 package, How I can reduce space between top line and text body? Thanks in advance. Marcelo Acuña - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mu

about font

2005-11-14 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hello, I need to use font Garamond Condensed, How I can get and install that font? Thanks Marcelo Acuña - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo Abrí tu cuenta aquí

bug in landscape? SOLVED!

2005-11-12 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, I writing a book (Koma script) in portrait mode, I want experiment with landascape mode, all ok, but page of title, extra title and dedicated appears in portrait. Is a bug? Thanks Marcelo Acuña I solved this problem. I add in preamble \geometry{dvips} and pages of title, extra title, e

bug in landscape?

2005-11-09 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, I writing a book (Koma script) in portrait mode, I want experiment with landascape mode, all ok, but page of title, extra title and dedicated appears in portrait. Is a bug? Thanks Marcelo Acuña - 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Corre

Rv: problems with quotes and fancyhdr

2005-09-29 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, I have two problems with quotes. Too, I have problems with spellchekers from version 1.3.6 of Lyx. Please, see example. Thanks. Marcelo   #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see\lyxformat 221\textclass scrbook\begin_preamble\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\date{}

problems with quotes and fancyhdr

2005-09-26 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, I have two problems with quotes with fancyhdr packages. Please, see example. Thanks. Marcelo 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo Abrí tu cuenta aquí#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 221 \textclass s

Re: an asthetic question -Ok!

2005-08-31 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, Thanks, I can see that is a question of different countrys. Marcelo Acuña Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, Marcelo Acuÿf1a wrote: > Hi all, > I writing with Koma script book style. > In several books I can see that quotations > app

an asthetic question

2005-08-30 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, I writing with Koma script book style. In several books I can see that quotations appears: Smith said: "blah blah blah". in others appears: Smith said: "blah blah blah." Which is the correct? Thanks. Marcelo Acuña __ Correo Yahoo! Espac

problems with quotes and fancyhdr (bug?)

2005-08-11 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
Hi all, I have Lyx 1.3.6 (with 1.3.5 same problem) and Linux. I writing a book with koma script style, two columns, fancyhdr package. I make quotations by this way: I took paragraphs and put quotes at the begining of the paragraph and at the end of it. If I make this with several paragraph and t

Re: lyx in spanish?

2005-05-08 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
hola, Excuse me for my english. I have an equal problem and equal system. I resolved this problem. I compiled Lyx and accents and ñ no work. I installed Lyx 1.3.5 from rpm (for suse) and found that ñ work ok and accents appears in other key (in the key at right of key with character zero). Othe

accents no work

2005-01-21 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
I have Suse Linux 9.1 and selected Spanish keyboard. In all soft accents work fine. I compiled Lyx 1.3.5. I selected Edit > Preferences > Lang Opts > Language and selected Default Language = Spanish, I check keyboard map and then choose espanol.kmap, then click Apply button, but accents no work, ac

auto save

2005-01-20 Thread Marcelo Acuÿfffff1a
lyx have auto save? thanks __ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! ¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! -