Marcelo> Hello, I make an upgrade from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 and this work
Marcelo> ok. No problem. Then make an upgrade to 1.4.0 pre3 and found
Marcelo> a problem. This new version open correctly several files from
Marcelo> 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 but my main work, a long book, is not open.
Marcelo> Appears an error mesage like: "lyx2lyx can´t convert this
Marcelo> file". How I can solved this? 

>We need to see the complete error message.
  A box with:
  < file name > is from an earlier version of lyx, but the
  lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.
  an a button <Aceptar>
  this problem appears only with my main work, 1.1 MB,
  but not with several minor files.
  I try add % in most preamble but error remains.
  Then I try add several lines to my file like:
  \ < I don´t remember> 245
  that I can see in files that 1.4 open succesfull but I get
  error message like: unexpect end of file.
  I have suse 9.3 and compile lyx with
  suffix option and qt frontend
Thanks. Marcelo

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