page numbers

2000-03-22 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Is there an easy way to set the page numbering to 1 of 3, 2 of 3 rather than just 1, 2, 3. Thanks Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Two column

2000-03-19 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
ewrtrr tretretrtr tretrtrtrt trtrtrtrtt trtrtrtrtt 2. How I would like it: qweqweret werewrerrr ererererr ererererer dgffdfdff fdfdfdfdfd Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Page numbers

2000-03-10 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I am using the IEEE document class. 1. How can I remove the page numbers? 2. How can I make a section brake? Kind regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Installing IEEEtran packages

2000-02-17 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
nch the Options->Reconfigure command 6. Restart Lyx This will do it. Since I am not very good in upgrading my system, I found this not to difficult. The effort was worth it! Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-02-17 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
be viewed using gv. I would appreciate some help on this one. Kind regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED] users.tex

lyx sample file

2000-02-17 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Regarding the IEEEtran problem I have. Here is the file generated by Export->LaTeX. The error is: Missing \begin{document} Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED] users.tex


2000-02-17 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Thanks for the help regarding the IEEEtran class. Everything works fine. However when I 'View Postscript' I get the following error: ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. Misses I something? Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Latex packages

2000-02-17 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I am inexpierenced with installing stuff on linux. I would like to install the IEEEtran.cls document class and use it in Lyx. However, I do not know where to get the "package" they talk of in chapter 6 of custumisation. What is the name of the package I must get? Jacques Germ


2000-02-16 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I cannot log in on for some reason. I am looking for the cusumisation.lyx file to take a look at chapter 6 so see how to use IEEEtran.cls with lyx. Is there maybe a ftp site where I can get it. Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IEEE class

2000-02-15 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I have the IEEEtran.cls file and would like to use it in lyx. I certainly must do something before I reconfigure lyx to see this. The problem is that I do not know what that procedure is. I would appreciate some advice:) Kind regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-12-18 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
n the center on a next page. How can I do that in Lyx. I would also like to add a page for declaration en one for the synopsis. Kind regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-12-08 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
I solved my problem. In the key of each of the entries I wrote Kamper (1999). Lyx does not seem to like the space. I changed all the entries to Kamper(1999) without the space which seem to solved the problem. Jacques Germishuizen


1999-12-08 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I have 25 entries in my biliography, but when I look in the .tex file their are only 5. Thus in the printed document where I put a citation reference it appears like [?]. Is there a possible way to fix this problem? Or is it maybe that my entry mis some operator. Kind regards Jacques


1999-12-08 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I would like to know if it is possible to print 4 pages on one single page A4. The reason is that I would first like to check that the document is fine before I print the final version. Is there a latex command for doing that? Kind regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL

Lyx 2 PDF

1999-11-30 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Is there software available for converting Lyx 2 PDF? Regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-11-25 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
so that it is easy to use it when using it. Kind regards Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-11-12 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Where can get IEEEtran please. Your sincerely Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Table position

1999-11-01 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Lyx automatically puts the table in the center of a document. How can I change it to be on the left side of the page? Your sincerely Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-10-18 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello How can I add the List of Tables, List of Figures and Bibliography into my table of contents? Your sincerely. Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-10-18 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello In my document the last part is the 'Bibliography' and this is also the chapter heading. However I would like it to be 'References'. How can I change this? Your sincerely Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-10-18 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
page_number Is there somthing that I am doing wrong? Or missed I some instructions? Your sincerely Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subfigure caption

1999-10-11 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello How can I make a subscript when using a subfigure caption? Your sincerely. Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Figure caption

1999-10-08 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I have a figure with two subplots and would like to use the figure caption for the title and not to describe each subplot. Is there a way to do this? Your sincerely Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Citation and equation

1999-09-29 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
the rest of the enry? 2. Using a multiline equation all the lines are numberd. How can I change it that only the first line is numbered? Your sincerely Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Figures

1999-09-17 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Inside the figure float, put a 4x4 table. Put your figures in the top two cells and write the title of the figures in the two bottom cells. Hopes this will help you! Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Oscar Brihuega-Moreno wrote: > Hello!, >

Web site

1999-08-31 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello Is there a web site where I can get lyx information. For example more layouts and styles or packages that can bu used in lyx? Thank you! Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-08-03 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
package that I can use? Thanks Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-06-10 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
e setting that I am missing? Thanks Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Document class

1999-05-25 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
rs. And I also want to get rid of all the blank pages between chapters. TIA Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Multicolumn figures

1999-05-06 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
ert a figure float in the table cell because Lyx does not allow it. I would like to do that so that the figure has a number for cross reference. I would appreciate help Thanks Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: underscore in math (fwd)

1999-04-29 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
want. It must be: st_sht. I've tried the following, and thank very much for the suggestions! 1. Type \_. 2. Mark the digits or parts of the formula which you want underlined and than choose from the math symbol-table the decoration symbols and here the last one. Jacques Germishuizen

Re: underscore in math (fwd)

1999-04-29 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
want. It must be: st_sht. I've tried the following, and thank very much for the suggestions! 1. Type \_. 2. Mark the digits or parts of the formula which you want underlined and than choose from the math symbol-table the decoration symbols and here the last one. Jacques Germishuizen

underscore in math

1999-04-27 Thread Jacques Germishuizen
Hello I want to type a underscore in the math editor, but when I press shift_underscore I get a subscript. How can I type a underscore in the math editor? Thanks Jacques Germishuizen E-pos: [EMAIL PROTECTED]