I would like to thank all the help I got! I managed to install the
IEEEtran document class. In Lyx Layout->Document->class there now is
article (IEEEtran). This really makes life a lot easier to prepare papers
using Lyx. Here is what I did and I hope that this could help someone
1. First I got the IEEEtran.cls and IEEEbib.bst files from
2. As root I created the following directories in /usr/local/share and
the reason for this is that my Lyx is installed here:
texmf/tex/latex/IEEE -> here I put the IEEEtran.cls file
texmf/bibtex/bst/IEEE -> here I put the IEEEbib.bst file
3. Update the texmf.cnf file to include the directories in 2 in the tree.
On my computer the texmf.cnf file is in:
/usr/share/texmf/web2c -> texmf.cnf is here
4. Launch the texhash command
5. In Lyx launch the Options->Reconfigure command
6. Restart Lyx
This will do it. Since I am not very good in upgrading my system, I found
this not to difficult. The effort was worth it!
Jacques Germishuizen