First let me express many thanks to the authors of these two wonderful
pieces of software, for scientific writing paling even commercial
packages from the winworld (word, endnote).
I reported recently on a difficulty using the JabRefs push mechanism
(MacOSX-10.3.5, Lyx-1.3.4, JabRef 1.5) which i
using Lyx 1.3.4 on MacOSX 10.3.5 I want to change the bibliography
style from one journal format to another. However, I see only two
citation styles under Layout->Document->Bibliography->(use natbib
checked), namely "Numerical" and "Author-year". I have many .bst files
in /usr/share/texmf/b
Lyx 1.3.3 on Mac-OSX 10.3 produced this piece of tex code where table
field contents have been asked to align TOP VERTICAL, however,
after running pdflatex on this code the left three text columns align
below the picture.
How I make align the first three column contents "top vertical" ?