after running pdflatex on this code the left three text columns align below the picture.
How I make align the first three column contents "top vertical" ?
Kind regards Uwe
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. %% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline \providecommand{\tabularnewline}{\\}
\begin{longtable}{|>{\raggedright}p{2cm}|>{\raggedright}p{1.5cm}|>{\ragg edright}p{1.5cm}|>{\raggedright}p{2cm}|>{\raggedright}p{6.2cm}|}
Chip type&
sample tissue& probe localization, chip size {[}probes{]}& Background range (black:lowest, yellow: highest)& Background image\tabularnewline \hline
Hu35KSubB& Human, macro-phages& probes adjacent, 532x532& 1246-2138& \rule{5.5cm}{5.5cm} \tabularnewline \hline
RG\_U34A& Rat,
hypothala-mus& probes distributed, 532x532& 333-426& \rule{5.5cm}{5.5cm} \tabularnewline \hline
HG-U133A& Human,
macro-phages& probes distributed, 710x710& 91-150& \tabularnewline \hline \end{longtable}
\caption{Background calculated for each probe as the average of lowest 3\%
signals of a 30x30 surroundig square and visualized as colour scale.
Colours range from black (lowest background) to yellow (highest background).
Note that colour scales differ for different chip types (column four).
White spots indicate areas without probes or probes without annotation.\label{table:Background-images}}