Try using the boldmath package. Just write \usepackage{bm} in your preamble,
and then, inside your math environment, write \bm{\pi} and you'll get the bold
pi character.
-Original Message-
From: Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 8/10/2006 12:13 PM
To: LyX User
Gisbert, Fernando wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem related with the pdf index generation with the beamer
> class. I write a simple lyx document, and when I view it with pdflatex,
> the resulting pdf leaves the left-side navigation panel empty, even using
> section and subsection environ
Title: problem with lyx-1.4.0 and beamer
Hi, I have a problem related with the pdf index generation with the beamer class. I write a simple lyx document, and when I view it with pdflatex, the resulting pdf leaves the left-side navigation panel empty, even using section and subsection environm
Is there any way of generating a nomenclature inside lyx? I have not seen any
place where I can specify the makeindex options. I must export the lyx document
to latex and then perform a makeindex, but the problem is then that I have many
figures that are not *.ps or *.eps, and are not properly h
Thanks, breaklinks option worked well.
-Original Message-
From: Johan Ingvast [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 2/24/2006 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with hyperref and long names
Gisbert, Fernando wrote:
> Possibly this is not a lyx question
Possibly this is not a lyx question but a latex one, but anyway, any answer
will be greatly appreciated. I am trying to use hyperref to navigate my pfd
document, but when I write long title names, hyperref is not able to break the
line, and it gets out of the page. Is there any option in hyperre
Subject: Re: accented words in lyx 1.3.6 and suse 9.3
On Monday 07 November 2005 10:39, Gisbert, Fernando wrote:
> I'm sure this topic has been commented before, but i can't find a
> satisfactory answer in the mail archive. sorry. My problem is that lyx
> cannot manage accented w
I'm sure this topic has been commented before, but i can't find a satisfactory
answer in the mail archive. sorry. My problem is that lyx cannot manage
accented words (i'm writing a document in spanish, currently) under suse 9.3. I
had no problem under suse 9.1.
thanks in advance for any answer.