I tried the layout2layout.py script, and it works well, now the pdf document contains the index. Thanks very much for your help.
-----Original Message----- From: news on behalf of Georg Baum Sent: Wed 4/5/2006 8:47 AM To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org Subject: Re: problem with lyx-1.4.0 and beamer Gisbert, Fernando wrote: > Hi, I have a problem related with the pdf index generation with the beamer > class. I write a simple lyx document, and when I view it with pdflatex, > the resulting pdf leaves the left-side navigation panel empty, even using > section and subsection environments in the lyx document. When I export the > file to latex to see what happen, I see two strange lines: > > \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1000} > \setcounter{tocdepth}{-1000} > > that in previous beamer documents had a value of 3 instead of -1000. I > don't know why these two numbers are set to -1000, and I also don't know > how to reset them to its original value. By setting them to a reasonable > value, let's say 3, for instance, the index appears again. Does anyone > know how to fix it? This is a problem in the layout conversion script that converts layout files from 1.3 format to 1.4 format. Please try the procedure I decsribed at http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.general/29518/focus=29518 and report whether it works. Georg