I assume it was just a temporary problem (KDE) that was fixed by debian
testing quickly. xdg-open works again.
Am 04.12.24 um 01:56 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
Glad to hear it. We have had very mixed results with xdg-open.
lyx-users mailing list
Am 03.12.24 um 18:08 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
On 12/2/24 3:26 PM, Eckhard Höffner wrote:
Am 02.12.24 um 21:13 schrieb Paul Rubin:
On 12/2/24 11:35, Eckhard Höffner wrote:
I don't have problems with the pdf file located in /tmp. It is just
the button with the two eyes (Ctrl + R
Am 02.12.24 um 21:13 schrieb Paul Rubin:
On 12/2/24 11:35, Eckhard Höffner wrote:
I don't have problems with the pdf file located in /tmp. It is just
the button with the two eyes (Ctrl + R). It used to open the pdf file
in /tmp in okular (in my case). This does currently not work. I
I don't have problems with the pdf file located in /tmp. It is just the
button with the two eyes (Ctrl + R). It used to open the pdf file in
/tmp in okular (in my case). This does currently not work. I assume
this is related to changes to KDE (debian testing). Maybe it'll be fixed
within the n
I'm having the following problem, but it may also be related to KDE.
Normally LyX saves the files for preview in a directory under
/tmp/lyx-xxx. Until recently, when I want to view the PDF, the PDF
viewer would open with the document. Now the PDF viewer won't open. It's
not a serious problem, j
into a
correct pdf.
So perhaps it is useful to check whether the font that is actually used,
contains the required symbols.
Eckhard Höffner
Volkartstr. 64
80636 München
089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
>color and tried to change things there no matter what I do
it also stays the same
Thank you in advance,
Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
Eckhard Höffner
Volkartstr. 64
80636 München
089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Am 09.06.24 um 5:03 AM schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
On 6/8/24 14:23, Saša Janiška wrote:
Recently, after using Linux more than 25 years, mostly rolling/unstable
distros/releases, I decided to settle on Debian stable (bookworm) and
now I'm often enjoy "All packages are up to date." :-)
Maybe you need enchant (default on debian), it uses different spell
Am 17.04.24 um 5:41 PM schrieb Christopher Menzel:
I have compiled LyX 2.4-RC4 under Kali Linux and it works great but I am
unable to spellcheck. Tools → Spellchecker is greyed out and LyX sees
no spellchecker engin
Here I can compile the OPs LyX-file mb.lyx using non-TeX fonts with
xelatex (converter LaTeX -> XeTeX: xelatex $$i), so perhaps xelatex is
not installed?
Eckhard Höffner
Volkartstr. 64
80636 München
089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Did you change the Version?
Am 29.03.24 um 3:25 PM schrieb Rich Shepard:
VERSION=${VERSION:-} # change as needed
Eckhard Höffner
Volkartstr. 64
80636 München
089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Am 16.02.24 um 19:33 schrieb Berman, Leonard via lyx-users:
My bibliography is printing in some GIGANTIC font. Everything else
looks great. Any thoughts?
I use
lyx-users mai
sing. Again I have not changed any font settings from defaults.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Oh, this is lyx-2.4.0beta5.
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
x settings.
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Am 12.01.24 um 03:43 schrieb Andreas Hild:
I'm struggling to reattach panes, such as Outline, Code Preview, Messages.
I can easily detach them from the main UI, but I'm unable to put them
back in their original place.
I running the following version in Wayland:
LyX Version 2.3.7
Qt Ver
TeX installation.
Helpful hints appreciated, thanks!
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Well, if does not run with LXQT, there are some other problems. Create a
new user with no configuration and try it. If it works, you have to look in
your home directory, probable .confid or .local.
Eckhard Höffner
von meinem Mobilfunkgerät gesendet
Folsk Pratima schrieb am Sa., 4. Nov. 2023, 15
You can install several window manager and choose which one you want to
use. So you may add LXQT minimal and then try it again with fluxbox. If it
does not work, you can use LXQT, which should run without any problems.
Peter schrieb am Mi., 1. Nov. 2023, 12:08:
> Its Fluxbox!
> I couldn't bri
I have no problems on debian, but I'm using kde. Starting from the
terminal gives no output.
It appears that lyx does not connect to the windowmanager fluxbox.
Am 31.10.23 um 10:31 schrieb Peter:
Hi, I have just upgraded to Debian 12 and find Lyx will not load. In addition,
trying to load i
There are methods, to install both (use your home or /usr/local). The
system will prefer your home or /usr/local installation. However, on
debian, you can install texlive-full and you will get everything,
including all the language, fonts, format and other files you'll never
In genera
oduce some helpful comments.
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
This is a question that cannot be answered as such. If you have a large
font, the page size will generally be larger too. The usual font size
for American science paperbacks is 9 x 6 inches and 11 pt.In general, up
to 65 letters (including spaces) are legible; but there can be 80. If
the line s
Herbert Voss:
Am 05.09.23 um 14:18 schrieb Eckhard Höffner:
In my opinion, it's the references, because if I delete all
references, the error doesn't appear. The log file is over 100 kb so
I won't send it here. But there is no error message in there, except
for the one about t
\begingroup \UseHookWithArguments
l.14 \subsection{Welfare\label{subsec:chapter1}}
Eckhard Höffner
lyx-users mailing list
There is a doc.
Am 13.06.23 um 18:14 schrieb Rich Shepard:
I'm starting to learn the memoir class for my book and want to add the
Classico san-serif type family in TeXLive2023. The URW Palatino family
is in
Maybe it is polyglossia. Look at the Tex file or do not use the preamble,
but the beginning of the document.
lyx-users mailing list
There is nothing wrong installing software not deriving from the
distribution in /opt. You just have to make some config. If it is part
of the distribution it's in general /usr/share, however exec are in
/usr/bin/, some parts are in /var, some in /etc. I would always prefer
the version of your
ould I
reinstall TexLive to another location? What's the default location?
On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 1:40 PM Eckhard Höffner
Maybe it's because they are in /opt. I don't assume I'm right, but if you look
a /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (or a subdirectory), /opt is not a usua
I am thoroughly confused, and don't even know where to begin checking.
Any help is appreciated!
Best regards,
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Can you post an example? I don't understand the Abbreviation is part of
the Nomenclature. Usually there are the index and the nomenclature. The
dialogs differ.
The nomanclature dialog offers a field for the sorting, while the index
dialog puts an \index{ ... } in the latex file.
Makeindex h
The German name of the modul is "Mehrere Spalten".
Maybe there is a misunderstanding. If you use multicol, you don't see
several columns in LyX, but only in the pdf.
Am 27.04.23 um 16:52 schrieb Herbert Voss:
Wolfgang, I have a default LyX version, nothing special:
lyx-users mailing list
multicol works fine for the purpose.
=> ls /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/multi* shows
different versions, but the default ist ok.
multicol is part of texlive-latex-base, so please install this package.
Am 27.04.23 um 06:51 schrieb Herbert Voss:
Am 26.04.23 um 18:03 schrie
This is not a LyX problem.
LyX produces a tex-file that is stored (on my system) under
/tmp/lyx_tempdir.random/ and than runs latex (pdflatex lualatex ...),
makeindex, biber/biblatex on the tex file (several times, to get the
idx, lot ... files).
You can open the tex file and search \printbi
Am 18.04.23 um 18:19 schrieb John White:
I don't see a "Apply to current session only" warning. However I can
write to the preferences file.
Strange. I have the German UI, however the translation shall be ok.
Tools>Preferences>look&feel>screen fonts
You can choose the fonts serif, sans & mo
It is similar same with Debian.
Am 18.04.23 um 04:35 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
I suspect it's the same on Debian
lyx-users mailing list
class) must be corrected and so on.
Am 01.04.23 um 20:46 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
What tools do you use to develop the font?
Eckhard Höffner
Volkartstr. 64
80636 München
089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
e thing I noticed is that for the page numbers, in
41 and 42 they appear to be centered vertically but for 43 it seems more like
top aligned. Not sure if that makes sense, but it seemed a little off to me.
Good work!
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
Hello all,
this is not really a central Lyx topic, but I hope I'll be forgiven.
I have started designing a font. As I have been working with Lyx for
over 20 years, and the font should primarily work well with LyX (XeTeX),
be usable without problems. Other uses don't interest me so much.
At th
I can reproduce the error.
I have TeX Live (https://tug.org/texlive) version 2022. But refstyle.cfg
and refstyle.sty haven't changed since 2010 (according to the files).
That's what Lyx produces, if refstyle is used:
Yes. That's part of the log file:
Package refstyle Info: \eqlabel created on input line 526.
Package refstyle Info: \eqref created on input line 526.
! Argument of \eqref has an extra }.
l.526 lsttxt = \RSlsttxt}
I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything.
For example,
ook at the refstyle.cfg. I
actually have a local copy of it but it never made problems so far...
Eckhard Höffner
Volkarstr. 64
D-80636 München
Tel.: 089 210 31 888
lyx-users mailing list
Accroding to the log, the error ist in refstyle.cfg
! Argument of \eqref has an extra }.
l.526 lsttxt = \RSlsttxt}
I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything.
Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \eqref was complete.
42 matches
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